🚨After identification in the AI (COV ID 19), it is COV ID 21 (B. App) ending the Great Reset with the new Digital Currency backed on you Humans (you are the assets/energy), so 21(we already knew in COP21 & the building of the legal frame)could be B. App.. - thread-
The final solution (for the lethal virus to kill Homo Sapiens Sapien) started by the Nazis and developed at Davos (the place where the Nazis were created) within the WEF, Klaus Schwab... Because that currency will be backed on the trans-human/cyborg (no longer human).
The zombies in the movie... Yes, the B. App for Bitcoin was created by the banking Cartel. The company is called BitBlank Ltd and is registered in the Cayman Islands (ask Prince Charles) and their motto is "we solve all the complicated problems"
@Muziekschuur I wrote on the "Spanish" flu immediately when the first symptoms happened. The flu always happen within 6 months after electrific improvments or new waves. In the Spanish flu, which has nothing Spanish, they used masks after the peak contagion (Continued)
@Muziekschuur but when people went back outside, 50 million people died (immunodeficiency). Electrification/waves have created all the other influenzas..I wrote too on all of them, explaining the new techology which had been implanted (Continued)
@Muziekschuur But here, even if they followed the protocols of the Spanish Flu with masks, wanting people to die naturally because of immunodeficiency (in their eugenic programme), other symptoms were not the flu we knew, there was something more. (Continued)
And they go on with determination like mono task machines till the fulfillment of all the COPs in 2030 when Humankind will have been destroyed....
--> You no longer have access to the springs of water.
You no longer have first quality water, straight from the source. They substitute spring water for used water.
And they think you will greet their decision with pleasure, wheedling the masses and students with beer (the favorite beverage as indicated in the surveys)
🚨I want to see their faces. STOP that nonsense, those babies are already traumatized. How long are they going to endure that ? WAKE UP ! Day after day...& it becomes something accepted, a norm. NO ! REACT !
How can you accept that ? Pull yourself together !
Your ancestors are watching you and are frightened to see such denial. They fought to win their freedom, overcame all kinds of problems, diseases and you are here today, the living proof of their ability ...
to survive in the worst conditions.
How is it possible that the absurdity of this world doesn't jump out at you? A world in decadence that will disappear by the absurdity of a inverted world where reason is called foolishness and madness genius !
This company is specialized in the analysis of satellite (of any size) AI data for intelligence & military services., it is already implanted in Paris, Washington DC, London City
--->360 CAPITAL
--> DefInvest, the army fund (managed through BpiFrance)
IN-Q-Tel, the CIA fund is very interested....
Understand then & connect the dots with "Prison Earth" !
Neuralink (Elon Musk) made micron-sized devices to achieve his goal of Human machine interface. His volition is to merge Humans with machines. His micron-sized devices communicate together and are all gathered in the starlink satellites (the "trains" of satellites
🚨The ROTHSCHILDS are KARAMANIDES and Knights of Rhodes, and they are Ismael's lineage and not Isaac/Jacob-Israel's.
Let's analyse their twisted STAR OF REMPHAN because they twisted the original double triangle which was sacred and with a double meaning. -Thread-
Their Seal of Solomon was used during the Middle Ages by Arab magicians, Cabalistic Magicians, Druid Witches and Satanists (against God, against truth/Satya).
Their hexagram, a six pointed star (erasing and destroying the significance of the two triangles Woman/Man ...)
was to mean"seed of Satan" (a total misunderstanding & jealousy at the time of Ismael/Isaac). It has been on the ROTHSCHILD coat-of-arms since 1822 when their name from Bauer became Rothschild in German which means Red-shield.
That is the proof of a licence agreement but not of a fraud. But but there could be security breaches, Smartmatic won't tell you. It looks like a planned cyberattack close to the planned (false) CV19 biological attack : I watched the WEF cybersecurity 2020 conference & others.
The WEF with their 4th Revolution to usher in their abomination of NWO, have planned a "fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity". They are are anticipating all the risks of a unique digital "world" with those large scale simulations of cyberattacks/cyberpandemics