🌹jon k🔥 Profile picture
24 Nov, 677 tweets, 94 min read
Welcome to what will probably be a *very* long livetweet of the @HudCoTweet board of freeholders meeting in which they will decide whether to authorize the county executive to renew the county jail's contract with ICE.

At 1pm on a Tuesday, two days before Thanksgiving.
You might get the impression that they do not want public involvement in this decision.

You would be correct. Two years ago they got sued for violating the open public meetings act when they rushed this vote through.
This time they are at least following the letter of the law, which is to say, they gave us (and some freeholders) 72 hours of warning that this was on the agenda.

Catch up on the caucus meeting that set the agenda yesterday here:
Zoom has just started with clerk Santos and freeholder Walker. Walker coming from an office today, rather than his home.
Santos clarifies that they are live, now, and people tuned in can see them.

...they changed the Zoom settings. This is a webinar format. There is no raise hands button for public comment.

@HudCoTweet explain please. Quickly.
Reaching out to Clerk Santos about this. He checks his email during meetings.

They are beginning.
Roll call. Cifelli is absent at the start (he usually turns up late). Vainieri, Romano, and O'Dea are in the board room.

I presume they are aware of this.

The notice of meeting, by the way, says there will be a raise hands option, so we're back in illegal territory.
Starting with a laudatory motion, which does not have room for comment.

Someone who has worked for the planning board for 19 years. Good for them.
Several of the freeholders will add their personal congratulations in the process of the vote.

O'Dea says the honoree always brought a smile to everyone at the board meetings. Vainieri jokingly asks if she can stick around, and O'Dea says "shoulda put it at the end".
Cifelli belatedly joins.

Vainieri: "A lot of people can't stick with the planning board two years, and you stayed on it for 19."

Also lots of dunking on the honoree's husband, who is known to many on the board.

They are trying to let her say a few words.
After some tech difficulties, she thanks the board and the executive for letting her serve on the board for 19 years.

Well isn't that all a nice uplifting note to start off this train wreck. Moving on to the substance.
Now the period for freeholders to discuss the agenda.

O'Dea following up on the questions about the technical school yesterday, to which answers came in scattershot. Someone hands O'Dea the printed emails.
We now move to the public comment period.

Oh good, they have added the "raise hand" button. OK. There we go. Starting with speakers in the chambers.
Five speakers in the chambers.

First speaker is on the ICE contract. Speaker will be reading testimony on behalf of a sister of the Sisters of St. Joseph who was unable to attend.

Calling for the release of immigrants held in HudCo jail, and the end of the contract.
A direct, and prayerful call for compassion.

Next in-person speaker starts asking whether that they are allowed to record in the board room. The answer is you can.
This speaker is from Faith of NJ. They spoke in the last meeting. They are asking the board to condemn the caging of human beings, particularly children. This is straight anti-carceral and beautiful. Condemns the board for condoning the treatment of imprisoned immigrants.
"There are over 600 children in this country that they cannot find their parents. Many of their parents are deceased due to mistreatment and neglect in the facilities, and many others are missing...Do better."
A solmen, respectful, and somber statement, but beautiful.
Next speaker from District 3, JC 4.

"I would like to thank the committee for allowing me to use my PTO at 1pm on a Tuesday before Thanksgiving." 🔥

Represented by Walker.

Says local JC councilors will be speaking against this contract.
"Despite only making up 7% of the undocumented immigrant population, Black immigrants make up 20% of the proceedings against immigrants."

"Agreements like this enable ICE. A big Hudson County rubber stamp enables them, full stop."
"I hear there are concerns over correctional officer jobs. Recently Hudson County had the opposite problem: Over 100 open CO jobs"

This is true, they have made up the difference with overtime.

For decent human beings, being a CO is a miserable job.
"At least have the decency to let the political process have its due."

There is cross-talk from somewhere.

Calls back to the promise in 2018 to end the contract, and calls the freeholders out for reneging on it.
"For my Jewish ancestors who fled to this country, I must not be silent."

Justice, Justice shall you pursue ✊

Time, wraps quickly.
Next speaker in the chamber. Also on the ICE contract, lives in ward F of JC, District 3.

"I'm lucky enough to come here on my lunch break, two days before thanksgiving, to make my statement, and most people are not like me. I suspect that's not lost on you."
"I've reached out to my district representative, Jerry Walker, three times [since October], and never heard back."

Calling on the board to take a stand, a real moral argument. "That's a moral argument and I know that doesn't hold much sway for politicians." 🔥🔥
Adds several technical points, coming back on jobs, and noting that the Obama administration "built the cages at the border", it will not be better under Biden.

One more speaker in the chambers.
Next speaker from Union City, represented by Cedeno.

Asks the freeholders to do the right thing and cancel this ICE contract.

"The 3 million dollars this contract brought in is far less than was projected."
"If you don't want to hear from us constantly, then just cancel the contract. Do the right thing and cancel the contract."
On to the Zoom call. Vainieri: "Shut down anybody who uses profanity immediately."

Santos reports 71 raised hands, including 3 municipal elected officials.

Santos asks whether they want to go in order or start with the elected officials.
By tradition they start with elected officials, so we'll go with that.

Councilman from JC. Spoke two years ago, prior to their election.

Gives the freeholders credit for putting an end date on the contract two years ago (instead of canceling it outright).
"And that why it's so disappointing we're back here today, hearing the same arguments and the same messages."

Quotes Sen. Menendez's letter to DHS Sec. Wolf to release asylum-seekers. Menendez is not in favor of working with ICE.
"We heard two years ago about how we had hundreds of detainees and there was going to be an economic hit. We're down to less than 90. The hit to the budget is not that significant, and to take a position that is so contrary to the values of the people you represent...is wrong."
In January, the Hoboken city council approved a resolution calling on the federal gov't to release ICE detainees. "In my view and the views of the people I represent, we should vote against this contract."
Points out that even if some of the detained people have been accused of serious crimes, they are innocent until proven guilty, and they are being denied the rights of arrested citizens.
Calls time.

O'Dea has a comment, has to yell at Vainieri to get recognized.

"Those individuals that were cited in an email earlier today to us without names but with criminal charges, in 95% of those cases they have served their debt to society."
O'Dea basically saying, they already served their time to completion, and they got re-arrested.

"There's individuals with DUIs, they served their 90 days, but they're sitting in that facility for a year or two years! Some of those individuals may have gained permanent status!"
Basically the freeholders got a list of detained people who have been charged with crimes, and O'Dea is tearing it down. "Whether you have issues with the facility or not...it doesn't change the reality, it's wrong the way ICE operates."
"It's wrong that people who should otherwise be free are being held. We can't say we're being compassionate."

He's going right after Cifelli's favorite talking point there. This is a welcome surprise. That email backfired, I think. Got O'Dea pissed.
"They're not being corrected, they're not being rehabilitated, they're being held hostage, after paying their debt to society. That's why I think we should end this contract."

Torres and Cifelli ask to speak.
Cifelli: "OK, so only some freeholders can speak."


Vainieri: "No, but if we comment after every speaker we're not getting out of here."

Torres: "Was that email O'Dea mentioned sent to the full board? Because I don't recall getting that email."

It wasn't.
Vainieri basically says freeholders should comment after the public, if possible.

Next speaker another councillor.
"On a Tuesday before Thanksgiving we are making a decision about undermining the core values of Hudson County."

Good start, good start.

Goes after the budget-based justification.
Then goes after the notion that this is for punishing "bad people for serious crimes", thanks O'Dea for that.

This is someone who sat on the correctional advisory board, which saw a lot of discussion about conditions.
"I would have hoped to see the same kind of discussion about this contract."

"While I would prefer that the county vote no today, I at least ask that you clarify and reduce the timeframe associated with this contract."
Next councilman. Also from Hoboken. Talks about 2018, the commitment to phase out of the contract. "I'm asking you on behalf of the most diverse city in the entire nation, a city with over 400,000 immigrants, to end this contract."
"While I recognize the Biden administration will take a far different approach to undocumented immigrants, the fact of the matter is we aren't there, and we don't know what the approach will be."

"We can't repeat the errors of the past."
"Over the past 4 years Trump has shaped ICE into an organization that supports a racist agenda."

"In voting against the renewal of this contract, we send a strong message that we stand for the American Dream."
"Please send a strong message throughout the nation, Hudson County welcomes our immigrant brothers and sisters."

Wraps, next councilman.
Rodriguez is now on the phone with someone and not paying attention at all.

This councilor is represented by Torres, who is a firm "no".

"Any agreement with ICE is going to put us in an unethical and immoral place. The county...is profiting of the warehousing of human beings."
Rodriguez is tuned in again.

"Our contract with ICE is immoral and unsustainable."

"Last but not least this body made a promise to exit this contract."
Goes after a county spokesperson for trying to weasel out of the promise to exit the contract.

"If you have changed your position that's fair, but we shouldn't pretend that what you're proposing today follows from that promise."
So we have heard from elected officials from both Hoboken and JC.

On to the public comments.
First speaker is a member of the Hoboken Democratic Committee. Who is married to an immigrant. And has an adopted son who is an immigrant.

"I was recently a patient at Hoboken medical center, and the vast majority of staff, nurses, and doctors, are immigrants."
"How can you, our elected officials, vote in favor of this contract that will put more people into our inhumane immigration system. Are you not people of conscience?"

On that note Cifelli has wandered off.
"I believe that profits from the contract with ICE are reprehensible, and shame on the freeholders who vote yes."
"May you all vote no and have a safe and happy Thanksgiving."

Ahhh, civility.

Next speaker! From JC. "In 2018 it was voted to phase out this contract, it's ridiculous that we are now voting on renewing it."
Next speaker. Also from JC. Also against the contract.

"We were supposed to exit December 2020, and that should remain."

Next speaker. "I am delighted to hear all the opposition to the ICE contract from the speakers so far."
"The contract with ICE makes those of us in Hudson County part of deportation machine that is inhumane. I moved to North Bergen 23 years ago, and I moved here because of the values of Hudson County. This contract is a betrayal."
Cifelli came back by the way.

Next speaker echoes O'Dea's points. Brings up the pandemic. Several speakers have brought up that (very good point).

Notes that this was the issue that got the speaker involved with the board of freeholders.
Calls to end the contract immediately. "As a resident of NJ I am uncomfortable with any county in the state working with ICE."

Hell, I'll go for every state in the union with that one.
Next speaker, also against the ICE contract.

"The ICE contract doesn't have a valid reason to continue."

Next speaker, bit of a burst of static.
"I am reading on behalf of someone else because this undemocratic sham of meeting was timed at 1pm, when most working people can't make it. The democratic party that runs Hudson County is undemocratic, who knew!"

I cannot convey the shade in text so here:
Reading the statement of a pastor who could not attend, but was present at the vote two years ago.

"The money has been the motivation in other places for continuing the contract, let that not be the case here, let our common humanity take priority over monetary gain."
Nice new testament quote (I assume, I dunno it so good) and done.

Next speaker, "I am opposed to any contract between Hudson County and ICE." You love to hear it.

"Waiting to see what a Biden administration will do is, to quote DeGise, just kicking the can down the road."
"This is an agency that has a mission rooted in xenophobia and ethnic cleansing. As the descendant of German immigrants, I do not use those terms lightly, as I have a debt to pay. Never again means never again."
"It's a statement to our neighboring counties that they need to follow our example."

Very well said.

Next speaker, association of legal aid attorneys, testifying in the capacity of their lawyers union that represents detained people at Hudson County.
"I am asking you to end the country and work diligently with advocates and attorneys to return the detained people in Hudson county jail to their families and communities."

"I represent people in Hudson County jail right now."

That should get Cifelli's attention, but doesn't.
Cifelli is moving his laptop somewhere.

Meanwhile the lawyer is talking about the hunger strikes detained people at Hudson County have undertaken, and the conditions their clients have experienced. With horrific, precise detail.
"If I advocate to improve the conditions of my clients behind bars, I am ignored, both by ICE and by the jail itself."

"If you vote to continue this contract, you will not be doing the right thing, you will not be the hero, you will not be serving the people of Hudson County."
"If someone dies on your watch, which is a genuine concern I have for the detained people I represent, that is on you."

Cifelli asks to speak. It did get his attention.
Asks about a hunger strike, which is ongoing at Bergen but not at Hudson.

There was one at Hudson earlier this year.

He's...cross-examining her kind of.
Talks about the Nov. 17 letter from the NYIFUP walking back their previous position of 'don't cancel the contract' to "we hold no position."

Speaker clarifies that they are speaking for themself, and Cifelli thanks them for the clarification.

Next speaker from Union City. Can't hear them because there's too much noise from the chamber.

Asks the chambers and Cifelli to mute themselves.

Cifelli takes personal umbrage at the notion that he's not listening, that wasn't directed to him.

He doesn't know how to mute -_-
Right moving on.

Goes after the fact that the community hasn't seen the contract, and ICE's myriad crimes.

"Do you want to be complicit in caging people? Do you want to be complicit in the death and violence that has been inflicted on women's bodies."
Next speaker. Recalls the previous hunger strike in Hudson and the ongoing strike in Bergen.

"Indefinite detention is a form of torture." 🔥🔥🔥🔥

"I teach a class on immigration." This is a professor. They literally have a *degree* in this.
"The policy of separating children from their families - which in some way you are also voting for - is morally reprehensible."

"Vote no, get out of the chambers, and start feeding people, because your fellow citizens are hungry."
"I hope I don't have to go back and tell my students that the Hudson County freeholders, though not for immigrants, voted to renew the ICE contract."

"What makes our internment different from those of the Nazis, exactly?"

Yeah professors don't mess around with public speaking.
Next speaker, "If you vote yes to the contract, you are signing a death warrant."

"I know you hope we weren't paying attention, but we are, and we will remember how you voted."

You know how twitter goes into the library of congress? Yeah, this is on all kinds of record.
Next speaker is a Rhodes scholar commended by the JC board of education (genuine good job them, that's awesome).

"I want to talk as someone who grew up in JC, who lives here, and who wants to practice medicine here."
Beautiful personal experience of the incredible diversity of JC.

Talks abt learning WW2 in high school. "They didn't leave out how this country interned Japanese people. I understood even then that indefinite detention and detainment without due process is immoral."
Y'all show me how you can socially distance in a prison cell."

"I'm not here to tell you to abolish ICE, I know you can't do that...I'm telling you you can stand up to this violence, and say not here, not in Hudson County."
Next speaker from NY chapter of SURJ, sharing testimony from someone detained by ICE at Hudson County Jail.

"Friends told me you were having a hearing today to decide whether to let ICE detain people like me in Hudson County Jail. I am asking you to cancel the contract."
This person was detained for two years at HudCo. Had to represent themself, with no lawyer, no translator...

"When I lost my case in 2019, my appeal papers never got to me. I went to the library to find an appeal packet, but told none were available."
"The only person who helped me was a fellow detainee who gave me his appeal packet to copy."

Filed a lawsuit, pro se, when COVID hit the Hudson County Jail. Finally got a lawyer. FINALLY. And then got released on bond.
"I had to go on hunger strike just to get someone from ICE to talk to me."

No matter how many times I hear this kind of testimony, I am filled with rage at the incredible shittiness of our entire carceral state.
Speaker was almost transferred to Alabama and saved only by the incompetence of the HudCo jail failing to get a COVID test in time. "ICE will transfer people regardless."
Next speaker is a union colleague of mine.

"ICE is a terrorist organization, it was created to terrorize to hurt, terrorize, and cage people, especially black and brown immigrants."
"Please end the contract. ICE represents the worst of us. ICE does not bring security, it hurts communities, it hurts people, it is a force for trauma."

"I'm at a loss to explain why this is a contract that needs to be renewed."
"Just know that word will spread about what this body of freeholders are choosing to do. People will vote, they will remember this vote, and they will demand more from their freeholders."
Next speaker, from JC.

"We live in a sanctuary city, because we care for neighbors. Allowing ICE to use our jails is contrary to everything we stand for. If you vote to allow ICE to use our county jail, you will also lose my vote."
Next speaker, works at Rutgers - Newark.

Notes that people have argued, very well, that this is an immoral, unjustifiable contract. "You know that, so I'm going to talk about something else."

Correctional officer well-being.
Brings up the overtime/underhiring issues again. "Why would someone not want to take a job at the jail? These jobs are dehumanizing and dangerous...with COVID even more dangerous than they were in the past."

"The first LE officer to die of COVID in NJ was a CO at HudCo Jail."
The HudCo CO union (booo cop unions) said up to 60% of its members had tested positive for COVID. And the suicide and PTSD stats.

I am limited in my capacity for sympathy for cops and COs, but yeah, it sucks. Quit. Do something else. For you and for everyone else.
"How do we create county jobs that are socially productive?"

A history teacher from RU-N, most of their students are from north NJ. "They don't like Trump, but they don't like democrats either, because they feel they are abandoned by the democrats."
Absolutely castigating the freeholders for the 1pm Tuesday meeting, and this issue, and basically says "they don't trust you AND THIS IS WHY."

"Vote no, or if not, carry the vote to later meeting and talk to the stakeholders."
Next speaker is from Bergen county, but reading a statement from someone who was incarcerated at HudCo by ICE. Someone from Ghana, who was released about a year ago.
"While there, I was subjected to harsh treatment, and consequences for unnecessary actions."

"The staff were not properly trained in how to deal with the detainees, overworked, and understaffed, leading to 18-hour lockdowns and no library or recreational access."
"Shut down the Hudson County jail."

Speaking as me now, please say no to this contract, and if you can't say no, please table it and speak to the stakeholders. It's bad for everybody."

This person has a very slow and soothing voice, by the way. Easy listening, hard words.
Next speaker is a professor at The New School in NYC. The child of undocumented immigrants themselves.

"The immigration system grew out of the anti-black racism of the 1980s."

Yeah the history here is unambiguous.
"Hudson county has a particular role to that history of expansion [of the carceral state]." I can't transcribe the whole lecture.

"You need to do more than vote against the renewal of this contract, and you do need to vote against renewing this contract."
"It is possible to vote to end this contract responsibly."

"When ending the contract you need to become an advocate for immigrant communities."
"You need to be able to advocate on behalf of your communities to ICE, and work with lawyers and advocates like ourselves to make sure they return home."

Time called.

Last second talks to Cifelli, "I am sad to see you hide behind people's stories to say you have an open ear..."
cut off on time. Feh.

Next speaker is a law student and a fellow at the immigration law clinic.

"I join with many advocates in asking you to end your contract with ICE."

"Renewing this contract is contrary to this county's values and history."
"It undermines the responsibility of county government to the public." 🔥🔥

"In the interim the county should suspend accepting new ICE detainment, and work with advocates and lawyers to reunite families."

Yes. Absolutely.
"I want to know that my immigrant neighbors feel safe. And feel safe reporting crime." I have iffy feelings about the accommodation of the police state there, but there is a point about public services in general. Immigrant communities fear state services they need.
"While the county receives money from ICE, immigrants remain detained, families remain separated, and undocumented immigrants are preyed upon."

"Where Hudson county invests its resources today will send a strong message about our values."
Cifelli wants to comment again.

Encourages him at Rutgers Law, being a Rutgers Law alum himself.

"How, if we end the contract today, how as an attorney would the immigration status of the 70-odd men be changed?"
"I can't speak as an attorney, being a law student...but I can share a little bit."

"Immigration is civil, not criminal, they could be home."
Cifelli's asks "what is the guarantee that if we close the facility today, those individuals would be allowed go back to their families?"
"The issue before us is whether to extend the contract or not. If we vote to end the contract, how does that help the individual client?"
"I leave that to the attorneys on the call"

There are, at that. I look forward to seeing one of them go after Cifelli.
Next speaker, a comrade from Central Jersey. Shares the case of a detained person at Hudson who died, and on autopsy was found to have been tortured and fed actual trash.

Audio is being cut off from noise in the board room, which is infuriating.
"If the freeholders are truly concerned for the people who are detained, please listen to their request to end the contract."

Vainieri announces a surprise five-minute break for the stenographer.

It's been two hours, and yeah, I sympathize.
The Story So Far has been pretty much like it went last time. O'Dea and Torres are hard "no" votes. Cifelli is stuck on this idea that it's bad for the detained people to end the contract (it isn't, at worst it's break-even). Most of the freeholders are tuning this out.
Not one single person has spoken in favor of the contract. not one. You would think that having 75+ speakers speaking against it on a TUESDAY AFTERNOON alone would convince so-called representatives that this is a bad idea but not for @HudCoTweet !
Everyone is muted so there are no amusing hot mic pick-ups, though Cifelli, while muted, is on the phone and gesturing quite a bit. My guess is Vainieri, Romano, or DeGise twisting his arm.
A little bit of lip reading says it's definitely about this issue. I can't pick up a lot but I do see "I said this before the meeting and..."

He got up and left, wonder if someone tipped him off.
Well, we're at 8 minutes now.

I think Vainieri mostly wanted a bathroom break, because all three of the members in the chamber are still absent. The stenographer is back and ready to go.
Vainieri returns, board room unmutes to Romano's deafening voice.

Cifelli returns.

Checks if he's unmuted. He is definitively unmuted.

Everyone filters back in.
Vainieri asks for roll call to make sure they have quorum. O'Dea is still out of the chamber. He's the only one not back yet.

Romano speaks up, there's another Hoboken official who should be in the queue.
O'Dea is back, Vainieri asks who this person is, Romano "she's a director of something" quietly.

This is the chair of the Hoboken Democratic Committee, and member of the correctional advisory committee.
Reading a letter signed by members of the Democratic Committee and the councilors who spoke earlier.

"Our county is a bastion of democratic values, and we have an opportunity to reaffirm that commitment by not renewing the contract with ICE."
"We understand there are financial implications, and we want to be your partners in addressing that challenge. We know there are job implications, and we want to be your partners in addressing those challenges too."
Basically argues that this agreement is a holdover from a very long time ago that should be discarded.

It is.

Describing the correctional advisory committee as a progressive step, and this as a next step.
"We need to see the contract, be engaged in discussion, and have the opportunity to weigh in."

The unmuted board room is really cutting into stuff.
"I'm terrified that if we do not specify an end date and our government does not roll back these terrible immigration policies we will be stuck being part of this awful system."

Ends. Torres comments on noise from the chambers.
Next speaker, a 13-year resident of Hoboken. "You may remember me from a few years ago, working to shoot down 287(g)" (not sure what that is).

This person recently became a citizen and was able to vote for the first time in 2020.
"According to these calculations, Hudson County might be losing money on this contract."

"This is the time to take the power from ICE, it's over. And even if you need to take time to renew, why are you rushing it? Do your due diligence and make a proper and educated decision"
"As Mr. Cifelli brought up, he has all these legal questions that need to be answered." Oh nice little rhetorical judo. Cifelli was off the call at that time, by the way. He just rejoined.

Next a comment on the meeting time from someone who could not attend.
Cifelli is unmuted and speaking in the background.

Argues that this meeting violates OPMA. Argues that the definition of "Adequate notice" is violated by the fact that the caucus meeting was yesterday, less than 48 hours prior ot this meeting.

"The agenda for this meeting was not provided to the public until 9:27am this morning, and any action taken at this meeting would be deemed illegal and subject to a civli rights lawsuit."

Well that's interesting.
Another person represented by Walker being ghosted.

Santos calls time.

Next up...me
I asked him what the budgetary advantage was, whether any of the detained people he spoke to wanted to stay in Hudson County Jail, if the county had a way out,
re: budget "I didn't get answer that were overly exact, but that's not my concern. My concern is with the 79 people there now."
"The contract, if extended, would allow the county to terminate the contract on 60 days notice."

"You are my only constituent vote from Kearny who has voiced a negative vote." Another constituent who was able to testify. "Did anyone say affirmatively keep them there? No."
"Did any of them ask to renew the contract or stay there? Yes." Says that of the dozen or so people he spoke to "If the contract ended today, do you know where you would go? No. I asked them if they were anxious about it and they said yes."
"There was another individual not in that group, detained for almost 3 years in different facilities, and his response was he wanted the contract terminated because that's the only way that would bring an end to ICE's corrupt practices."
I have been stopped from answering Cifelli that "they were anxious about the uncertainty". That's not enough. Never was.

Vainieri shouted me down.

Fuck you, Vainieri.
Next speaker briefly speaks eloquently against the ICE contract. I was a little distracted, sorry. O'Dea asks to be recognized.
O'Dea follows up with Cifelli's statement. Says at the time that he was talking about, he was playing chess.

O'Dea reminds Cifelli that when they first arrived the detained people were shy and unwilling to talk. He engaged with one over chess.
"Some of the comments that precipitated the question were things like 'would you rather be in Arizona than here'. The way the question was asked may have influenced the response."

Thank you O'Dea.
Follows up to ask Cifelli "Would you support the amendment of this contract that no detained people are added to the facility, and those there remain until all their cases are adjudicated, at which point we end the contract."

I'd rather put a deadline on it...
But I do appreciate O'Dea going after Cifelli's argument.

Well that's a tidbit. ROMANO interpreted for Cifelli.

Cifelli: "I don't think my questions to those gentlemen were leading."

O'Dea clarifies he wasn't accusing him of that. Someone else asked that question.
Cifelli says "go to the tapes."

There was a documentary filmmaker with them (you may remember this from last meeting) who caught this conversation.

I think O'Dea has the line on how to get Cifelli.
Romano following up. "I know in our conversations with the detainees we never mentioned another location or another state per se, we just used another site."

"Mr. Chair you should as the chair the schedule of the meetings is out a year in advance."
Next speaker, a voting resident of Weehawken, will first be reading a statement from a friend in North Bergen. Vainieri laughs for some reason.

Statement is from a person working for NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice.
"This vote should not be taking place because this body committed to ending the contract by the end of 2020. This contract will reinforce the double punishment immigrants face."
"As immigrant advocates, we believe that the rights and well-being of the people at the Hudson County Jail takes precedence...Ending the contract at county jails is a key step in reuniting families."
"Freeholders, do not hide behind the false rhetoric of wanting to keep people close to their families. Take responsibility for your collaboration with a system that balances the county budget on the back of the immigrant members of our community." 🔥🔥
"Lead the way in ending NJ's ties with a rogue agency that supports white supremacy."

Now speaking as themselves.

"It's been made clear the majority of your constituents are against renewing this contract."
Talks about the op-eds, signed letters, and other press statements *unanimously* against this contract. Quote Cifelli on not knowing the financial details, and says we've been trying to find out since March and haven't been able to. Time.
Next speaker is repping an organization of street food merchants. As the county and NJ faces an increase in COVID cases, the county cannot continue to cage people.

Reads the story of someone detained at HudCo jail, an immigrant ripped from his family...
...with multiple chronic health conditions. Kept in detention until March 23rd and released due to his health conditions.

Speaker asks to mute the chamber which is again cutting them off.
"He came home traumatized, forced into poverty, and fearful that he could be taken away again."

Calls out Cifelli, Walker, Cedeno, and Rodriguez specifically by name to end the contract.
"This contract is for the longest term possible."

"People are dying for the lack of PPE, and people are trapped in their cells."

Cedes time.
Next speaker from a legal support services firm that helps people in detention get legal resources, and connect them with housing and quarantine housing.

"Our organization strongly opposes the continuation of the Hudson County ICE contract, as we oppose all such contracts."
"We know that the provision of more bed space for ICE just leads to more people detained. We see no justification, moral, financial, or otherwise to continue this contract."
"We insist you stop falsely claiming that advocates of immigrants are in favor of renewing this contract."
Talks about ending the Middlesex ICE contract.

"I have never heard anyone say, 'gee I wish we still ahd that ICE contract here."

Calls out Vainieri's comment that "they didn't have a contract" two weeks ago.
Next speaker, North Bergen. "I love and respect my community, including those who have arrived from other countries to make a better life for themselves, regardless of their legal status."

Calls out the timing of the meeting. "This body does not care about its voters."🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Whatever solution to the pressing issues of immigration we pursue, they must not involve an organization riddled with white supremacists, frequently operating outside the law and constitution, and cooperating with a racist administration."
"Our call to higher principles has been characterized as grandiosity..." goes after the length of the contract.

"That this contract is even under consideration is abhorrent. Who will speak in its favor? Who will justify collaboration with a racist, sexist, violent agency?"
Next speaker. From Hoboken, a mother of 2.

"I grew up in a place where our word means everything." Goes after the 2018 commitment.

"I would like to extend my gratitude for the grassroots organizers, the law students, the faith leaders for standing with immigrants."
Closes thanking Torres for his service, as this is his last term.

Next speaker reads the experience of a friend who was detained at Hudson County for six months at the start of the pandemic.
He was alone for the entire time, confined in his cell for all but 30 minutes a day. "5 minutes bathing, 5 minutes heating food, 5 minutes calling his family, about whom he was extremely worried."
"At the beginning of the pandemic, the bathroom, the microwaves, the phones, none of them were cleaned, none were disinfected. When he had his 30 minutes out of his cell, it was up to him to clean them to keep himself safe. He had no antibacterial soap or hand sanitizer."
got 3 masks for the entire duration of the pandemic. When he asked ICE for more, they would said it was the jail's fault, and when he spoke to someone from the jail, they said it was up to ICE.
"He called it torture, and he does not use that word lightly given his life experience."

"His brother died in early May, and of course he was not able to speak with him or see him before he passed away."
"During lockdown, the bad food at the jail became inedible. There were no cooks at the jail. Each day they got baloney and two pieces of bread, or pasta. If they had pasta for breakfast, they got the same pasta for lunch."
"He told me he skipped meals several times because the food was so bad."

Talks about the pandemic experience, even when there were known cases testing was impossible. In the middle of the summer the jail conducted antibody tests.
His experience of the antibody test: "When his friend went to get tested, he saw a vial filled with blood, marked with his own name. A week later, everyone got their test back except for my friend. He asked about it and nobody was able to answer his questions."
Time called.

Brutal, and shut a lot people up.

O'Dea: "At the end of the public speakers, let's get director Edwards in here to answer those questions."

Vainieri "At the end of the meeting, sure."
Next speaker. Someone in Rodriguez's district. Rodriguez is here, but had camera off, they called her out.

Was there two years ago. Was there a week and a half ago. And then the word this weekend that it would be on the agenda today.
"I want to address this idea of 'If we don't profit off of detainees someone else will'." Thank you. Notes our county is uniquely close to a lot of international airports.

"While some detainees transferred, making every deportation cost more will decrease deportations."
Next speaker. Another law student from Rutgers Law, also from the Center for Immigration Law, Policy, and Justice.

Cifelli makes a noise.

287g agreements were the agreements to coordinate between law enforcement and ICE.
Talks about the directive at the state level keeping local law enforcement from working with ICE. "This intergovernmental service agreement keeps those ties."

Yep. If you won't let your cops work with ICE, why let your jails?
Talks about the lawsuits brought by people currently and formerly detained at HudCo jail.

"By ICE's own admission, one of their own employees and 14 detainees have been infected with COVID-19 due to the county's inability to protect them."
Ends by following up with Cifelli's question to the other law student. "Ending the contract will stop these abuses going forward, and stop more people from being detained in this facility in the future."
Cifelli has a response, because of course he does. His response is "We are advocates for specific clients" with a really smarmy intonation on "clients."

Santos gets a delivery of food while Cifelli natters on about "how would this help one specific client at the facility?"
"You're going to be put on the spot by judges many times in the future, and asked how your position helps the position of your client. How does our vote help any of the 70 individuals there?"
Response: "This is about making sure this county does not engage in policies going forward that harm immigrant communities."

I think O'Dea has the line on Cifelli in prohibiting ICE from adding more detained people to the jail.
Next speaker asks for a translator. None is forthcoming. Asks for another speaker who can translate, who is unmuted, and will translate for the speaker. Torres helps coordinate this.

Testimony begins in Spanish.
Translation begins. A member of "make the road NJ", and has experienced family separation firsthand.

"In Feb 2020 a relative was detained, leaving behind his wife and children. Someone who has lived, worked, and paid taxes in NJ for 25 years."
"It is not fair that our families are ripped apart to make money for our county government."

"Today it is in your hands for Hudson county to enter history as an inclusive place, or a supporter of an agency that traumatizes our children."
Torres checks whether the translator has a statement herself. She has another statement to read, but the speaker had to leave.

"Detentions are inhumane, it separates families and hurts their communities."
"We already defeated Trump, it is time to start a new era without detentions, and that starts here today."

Cifelli trying to deal with something and has to leave briefly.

Santos is muted and I don't think he realizes it. O'Dea gets him there.
Next speaker. Has a degree in public policy and specifically democratic engagement with municipal decision-making.

Boy you got a whole damn thesis on this bunch of clowns.

Starts with a land acknowledgement of the Lenape nation, excellent start.
"I'd ask the board to think of yourselves as being in the middle of a chapter of a history book written a hundred years from now."

"I caution you not to ignore the fact that ICE has been...shaped by the paranoia around crimes committed by immigrants."
"Looking backwards I don't think it's going to be a good look." No kidding.

"I urge you not to dismiss the moral arguments that those who have spoken before me. These concerns of safety, due process, transparency, divestment from the carceral system, should be taken seriously."
"This, in my opinion, isn't the best way to do this."

Addresses the "well-being of the individuals" argument by noting that there are community resources that would ameliorate this problem.

"I would urge that this decision if nothing else is postponed."

Next speaker. Their mic is having trouble. Very choppy.

There we go. Lives in JC, teaches in Hoboken. "I think it is in the best interests of JC, Hoboken, and the residents of Hudson County, to end this contract."
Next speaker. Resident of North Bergen, child of immigrants. "Like immigrants detained in Hudson county, they came here searching for a better life."

"We have seen the disastrous impact of COVID-19 in the Hudson County Jail."
"Immigrants detained in Hudson County Jail face medical neglect, abuse, and lifelong trauma, all so Hudson County can make a quick buck."
Next speaker. From JC. "ICE is an organization that trafficks in human misery and operates without restriction under an ugly nativist appeal."

"I'm just a white guy born with the race and privilege our society as afforded me for my race and gender, but I'm not blind."
That made me smile.

"Have you heard a single comment today in favor of renewal?"
Next speaker. Professor at NYU Law, co-director the immigrant rights clinic. "I have represented immigrants detained at Hudson County jail for over a decade."

Hell yes.

Represented four immigrants this year, and had to sue the federal gov't four time to secure their release.
Our community has done its part to secure the release of as many people as possible, and will continue to do so. The question is what you will do."

"First, I want to address the question of whether keeping the contract here at Hudson helps people in detention"
"The ansewr is no. Detention is not a service to people who are not detained. Holding open these beds is simply an invitation to ICE to fill these jails and use their detention budget."

ICE admits that detention rates go down when detention capacity is reduced. Absolute 🔥🔥🔥🔥
To Cifelli: "Those who have counsel and cases calendered at Varrick immigration court in NY, will almost certainly stay in the region. There are hundreds of beds across NY and NJ where they will be placed."
"If there are anyone you met who is pro se, I will personally commit to you today to find representation for each and every one of them if you end the contract."

"No matter what you do, no matter how much you spend, a jail is still a jail!" Goes right after the conditions argument.

Time called.

Speaker does not stop.

Vainieri shouts them down.

O'Dea asks to forward contact info to director edwards. One pro se individual.
That's material good.

Cifelli follows. "Were we correct Bill in that absent that one individual, the rest of the individuals we spoke to were represented."

Romano: Yes.

O'Dea: "Yes, the ones we spoke to."
Cifelli asks if the speaker has any current clients at the facility.

"Our last client was released in September. I am here to offer support to people in need of representation."

Cifelli follows up with the 11/17 letter.
"When they took no position, are you thinking they wrong in taking that position?"

"We are thinking about both those clients and those organizations, and our concern is what happened to the hundreds of people who will be arrested in our community."

"How is it going to enhance their immigration status if we close those doors? Are the lawyers they have today still going to be able to represent them?"
"Yes, I can guarantee that I, as the NYU immigrant rights clinic, and the community I represent, will continue to represent all of the individuals at Hudson County Jail if they are sent to another jail in the region,"
"and if they are sent out of the region, we will coordinate to get them legal services..."

Vainieri desperately tries to cut her off.

Cifelli and O'Dea asks for the response, Vainieri overrules and forces them to move on.

There are people in the chamber displeased.
Vainieri: "I run the meeting not you. I decide who speaks, not you."
to someone in the chamber.

Representative government, everyone.
Next speaker can't unmute. Next next speaker.

Calls all the way back to the laudatory measure almost four hours ago, and notes their compliments on the person's parenting. Addressing them as parents, and as a parent himself.
"It drives me up the wall, the things I hear about in these ICE facilities. I was exposed to COVID-19 at my work, and I have not been able to see my 4-year-old daughter in 5 days. It sucks...but I know she's safe."
"How can there be any sort of question, what if you were in this scenario, and you were separate from your child, or your child was in this facility, or you were in this facility. I can work myself up into an anxiety attack just thinking about this concept."
"There's no amount of budgetary restrictions or looseness that can replace what they are losing every single moment of every single day." 🔥🔥🔥🔥

On the "what about the well-being of the 79 individuals": "The problem cannot be the solution to itself."

Describes it as stockholm syndrome which...I've got thoughts on that particular analogy, but I see what the speaker was going for.

Anyways moving on.
Next speaker: Goes after Cifelli's comments to first law student. "ICE's activity is almost entirely discretionary and pro-active. The more cells there are, the more people can be detained, the more cost-effective and efficient the ICE machine can be."
"The people who decide how much of that capacity will be used, how much enforcement there will be, are ICE officials, not officials who are accountable to the people of Hudson County."
Specifically calls out the "marginal" targets, that is, the ones ICE has iffy rights to attack, but might not depending on bed-space. It is better for the community to reduce ICE's capacity, period.
"Entering Thanksgiving during COVID, so many immigrants are used to not seeing their families during holidays. It just seems especially pathetic to me that on the eve of this thanksgiving during COVID, this body might allow ICE to separate families for years to come."
"Choosing to actively enable that dirty work makes this county's hands dirty as well. ICE does not operate in a vacuum, it's restricted by the political and logistical constraints of their environment. Don't let ICE use these 80 detainees as political hostages."
Phenomenal, phenomenal testimony. Absolutely destructive. Goes specifically after Cifelli being a legislator, voting on policy, not on the cases of the 80 individuals detained there.
Cifelli responds. "I'm not saying you've changed my opinion, but you've articulated my thoughts in a very concise and precise way."

That's...interesting. At the very least it's not what I was expecting.
Next speaker: A grandmother. Worried for the emotional and physical toll on the people detained in Hudson county. "We ask you to do the morally correct thing and vote no on the ICE contract."

We got literal little old ladies coming out swinging here.
*little may be relative, I can't see the speaker.

Next speaker. "There's little else I can add. You'd think that if you care what the will of the people is, you'd vote no."

Goes after the idea that the ICE contract helps immigrants. "Please don't lie to us."
"If you care about how people will look at you in 50 years or so, do the right thing now."

"End ICE, oppose them at all turns. I yield my time."
Next speaker. Immigration attorney at Catholic Migration services, a nonprofit in Brooklyn and Queens. Reps people at Hudson County, here in his personal capacity to ask the freeholders vote no.
"Imagine a US immigration legal system that operates on a logic of inclusion rather than exclusion, a system that seeks to unite families rather than tear them apart...a system that tries to support a multiracial democracy over white supremacist fascism."
Reads accounts of his own clients, anonymized. Someone who was released from ICE custody, and had to routinely check-in. Despite compliance, he was arrested and detained on his second check-in. Spent a month at HudCo Jail before even allowed to make a case for release.
ICE fabricated a document claiming he had missed his first check-in. The attorneys, including this one, were able to prove he did.

Second was detained for nearly a year during the pandemic under "unconstitutional conditions."
Client had no health complications before entering the jail, and did once he had been there for a few months. Eventually released after months of advocacy.

Discusses the hardship his family suffered.
"The experience of my clients, and the work of my attorneys, should not be necessary. That starts with closing immigration detention facilities."
Cifelli speaks up. Vainieri says "go ahead freeholder cifelli" in the most...resigned tone I've ever heard.

Complements him on his advocacy, and hopes everyone at the facility gets such good representation.
O'Dea and Vainieri ask Santos to allow a specific person to speak, a reverend. Who apparently has personal connections to Vainieri and O'Dea.

Starts by apologizing for skipping in line. For 40 years co-pastor at St. Patrick's in Jersey City.
Volunteers in the chaplain's office at HudCo jail. "I will condense my remarks, which I'm sure the chairman will appreciate."
"The county must not participate in a cruel unjust inhumane immigration detention and deportation system that rips families apart and denigrates the human spirit."

Condensed like a depleted uranium slug my GOODNESS.
Recounts the story of a detained person he had helped who was distraught being unable to find his son, who had been pushed into foster care. Absolutely heartbreaking.

He was eventually reunited.

"The moral of the story is ICE doesn't care."
"They don't care what happens to the families, they don't care what happens to the children left on their own."

"ICE is the most inappropriate party for the county to be in partnership with."
Now goes after Cifelli's "what about the detainees." "Improved conditions of the jail do not justify extending this contract for a period of ten years. I would respectfully disagree with the conclusions of those who thinks it's in the best interests of the detainees."
He prefaced that with "I see the moral argument" and Cifelli nodded, then stopped nodding REAL quick.

Santos calls time. Vainieri says "Father you want to wrap it up?"

Special consideration. The machine at work, but sure.
Closes with a call supporting O'Dea's proposal to mandate a phase-out contract rather than an open-ended extension.

That may have had great weight.

O'Dea says the phase-out version of the contract was Cifelli's idea.

That's the first good news I've heard all day.
Cifelli: "Sometimes Bill, other than you have great ideas."
Next speaker reading a statement signed by dozens of clergy and faith leaders from across NYC and NJ.

"We stand by the words of the Hebrew Bible to not stand by idly while our neighbor bleeds. How much more so must we decry profiting from this pain."
"We ask that you no longer force your constituents to benefit from the suffering of their neighbors." 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Calls for a responsible end to the contract, including connecting detained individuals to advocates.
"Hudson county should not become the federal government's warehouse for those it wishes to keep out of the public eye."

Notes that Faith of NJ is part of a national organization, and wherever these people the organization will support them.
O'Dea does a quorum check.

Next speaker. Asks if DeGise is on the phone, he is not. Clarifies he is not a board member.

This is a member of NOW and NAACP, and "close the camps NJ."

This is a speaker from last time who pounded the term concentration camps into their heads.
Asked about DeGise because had quotes today in the news scaremongering in favor of the ICE contract. Notes that the freeholders are better-paid than in any other county in the state.

The article talks about the "criminals" being held.
Sort of a rambling statement here. Rodriguez is blatantly on the phone. "How many of you have relatives even at arms length, who profit from it."

And now....a song....? "Big Love"


The freeholders are kind of...going with this. O'Dea and Vainieri chatting on hot mics, talking about a break.

"You weren't listening, listen to it later." Some amount of chagrin.

"There's been enough good information, Mr. Cifelli, to answer your questions."
"We need border patrol but not this monstrosity"

I'ma disagree with you there.

Anyways, time called and moving on.
Next speaker is reading a statement from a friend who could not attend.

"How is it that you truly view the immigrant communities of Hudson county?"

Right to the point.

"The only choice is to not renew this horrific, inhumane contract with our oppressors."
now speaking as themself.
Disappointed in the false dichotomy of continuing the contract versus keeping these people in Hudson county. Calls back to the NYU prof from earlier and others who have spoken on this point.
"If this is a democracy and our voices matter, please vote no."
Cifelli: "The constituents of Hudson County unanimously agree to end the contract...I would call that an inflated perception."

"I've spoken to the individuals there. I think I have a semblance of what their desires are."

Their desires are to GO HOME FUCKER.
Next speaker, an immigrant, married to an immigrant who was just naturalized. After 20 years, not naturalized.

in Torres's district, expresses distress that he's being excluded from board emails.
Volunteers with First Friends and has spoken with people detained at Hudson County Jail.

"I cannot imagine how it must be to live so long in a jail designed only for short-term placement."

Well that's an interesting point.
Talks about 2018. "I was concerned that you all were having a contract extension for two years while you are saying you want to get out of it."

"I said 'Why then are you making it so we have to vote on it again in two years?'"
"From my point of view, I see that there were elections in 2018 and 2020. I should let you know that there will again be elections, and if you have this contract for 10 years, we will show up."
"There were people there in 2018. There have been people there in 20 years. If this contract is renewed there will be people there in two years, but they will be different people."

Expresses interest in this proposal about only extending the contract to the point of ending it.
Vainieri is conferring with council. About what.

"Consensus of the board is we are going to cap the speakers at this point, we are not going to accept any more speakers."

Raise your hands now, in other words.
Counsel argues for ending it now.

O'Dea and Vainieri clarify they want to wait only on raised hands.

All the raised hands vanished...

The raised hands function disappeared.
Someone is playing silly buggers.

The raise hands button is back.

That was some BS but O'Dea clarified that if they need to end discussion, it should require 2/3rds vote.

We have 62 more speakers.
The board, with a 3/4th vote, can end public discussion. So they are holding open the option to end it early.

OK, final count, we have 62 more speakers. SIXTY-TWO, after...a ton.

Wrist brace time.
OK, next speaker, finally, a legal advocate. Talking about the medical conditions of detention of a client.

This is...a harrowing tale of medical neglect and abuse.
In the chambers, quietly: "Who cares?"

Probably Vainieri.

What a fucking toad.
Recounting the myriad failures of HudCo Jail's medical record. From a medical professional.

Cifelli with another question. Asking for the dates of these incidents.

February 2020.

It ain't better.
Next speaker: "Most of what I have to say has been said by doctors and lawyers before me, so I'm going to use my time to read you a poem I have written since 1pm today."

It's not a bad poem.
"Your clients are not the detainees of the jail, your clients are the people in this chamber and on this call."
Next speaker: An assistant professor of medicine.

Conducted 4 medical evaluations of individuals detained at Hudson County since 2018 and others across the state. "I have witnessed a system that by design lacks humanity and is creating a public health crisis."
"Every single person I have met with has said they are treated like animals."

Lists the violations documented by her group of volunteer medical professionals at Hudson County *specifically*.

Calls out the misuse of solitary confinement for mental health crises + retaliation.
"Solitary confinement is recognized as a form of medical torture."

This is true.

Now turns to the COVID pandemic. Truly not pulling punches.
"The status quo of deadly neglect takes on a new meaning during a pandemic." Ends there.

Re that poem from earlier:

Next speaker, a member of the Bergen County Democratic Committee and a public defender. Speaking as an individual.

Addressing the letter from the NYIFUP that "takes no position as to the board's position."
"So why would we as individuals come out against the contract, when the statement from the NYIFUP take no position?"

Argues it's out of the scope of the office to make a statement like that.
"Law offices cannot place the interest of our clients as a group over the needs of any individual client."

Basically says that the statement is neutral because there is some degree of uncertainty.
"If they thought you should *renew* the contract they would say so, either as an office or individuals."

Focuses on reducing capacity.

Now the county executive's letter to the freeholder. Notes that it implies "these people deserve to be punished beyond what the law offers."
This is an extremely well-constructed statement with an absolute rock-solid foundation.

"I strongly disagree with this idea that they will remain incarcerated either way, just somewhere else. That's not how the ICE bureaucracy works."
"ICE operates by a simple formula: How many cages do we have, and how many people can we put in those cages?"

Cifelli, of course, has a question. Well, "to clarify for some of my colleagues..."

On the letter.
"That letter walks back a position the attorneys had previously set forward of 'don't cancel the contract'" It's true, when they wanted it they DID say that.
"The attorneys for the detainees in our facility have now taken a position of neutrality."

"The law offices for which the attorneys work are unable to give a firm position. Speaking for myself, I believe that's an ethical constraint."
Basically arguing that some people may have said they don't want to be removed, and you would get the same kind of statement.

O'Dea says hes the only one in the chamber, checking for quorum.

Speaker responds: No, that's incorrect.
Speaker basically argues that his professional advice, would be that it would be in the best interests of their client to cancel the contract.

O'Dea asks if the stenographer wants a break.


10-minute break. To resume at 6:10
This stenographer is a trooper. I'm just catching highlights, not every single word. They are doing this on hard mode.

Anyways all mics muted but I'll keep an ear out while I too get up and stretch.
Cifelli is back and unmuted. Walker's back too. Room's still empty. Discussing "a very COVID thanksgiving."

Cifelli getting a call.

Walker reminds him to mute.

Cifelli can't figure out mute, so he's going to do phone calls elsewhere.
Someone left their phone in Cifelli's office. Florio jokes about "just give the number on the internet."

Walker explains the "mute" button in simple words.

Florio: "Al if you throw the computer agains the wall it will mute"

Santos now yelling advice.
Santos: "Y'know what I can mute you from here"


After some hilarious lip-synching, un-muted.

Back to the drama of the missing phone.

Cifelli: "So Al"
Santos: "This Al?"

More thanksgiving discussion.
Santos has been tasked with the "rasie your hand" monitoring for his family's thanksgiving Zoom. "I get to say YOUR TIME IS UP!"

Florio: "We're on the internet right."

"Yes, we're broadcasting."

Well they may be failures as a county government but they make a decent sitcom.
Cifelli talks about the food bank at Holy Cross.

Santos: "When you see lines right now it's either a food bank or a testing center."

Cifelli says he's sending the money he saved by not hosting thanksgiving to the food bank.

Not a bad idea.
Santos: "Keep in mind the Kearny Food Pantry Network."

(Santos is mayor of Kearny)

Figuring out who's in charge of that.

"I'll call young Jimmy."

The machine in this part of the world is just...amazing.
"I'm an older guy and most of my friends are older guys..." just being anxious.

Optimistically hoping for April.
Discussing assorted vaccine news.

Anyways, it's 6:14, nobody's back yet.
O'Dea and Romano are back in the chamber.

O'Dea asks for roll call.

Cedeno, Cifelli, O'Dea, Romano, Torres, and Walker are back, that's quorum, back on the road.

"Chairman Vainieri?"
"He's finishing his sandwich in the other room."
Next speaker. Speaking on behalf of someone he needs to translate for.

Vainieri returns.

"If he is not on the call I will read his statement."

Santos is looking for the person in question.

Kopacz is back.

Found the person.
The speaker begins in Spanish.

There is crosstalk in the boardroom.

I will be waiting for the translation.
Spanish-speaking colleagues are having a strong reaction to this is all I know so far.

Santos says 10 seconds, they will give the translator time (probably).

They...are not allowing the translator to speak. THEY AREN'T LETTING THE TRANSLATOR SPEAK.
They skipped to the next speaker, without letting the translator speak.

They cut off someone who has personally experienced ICE detention so they didn't have to listen.

You fucking ghouls. @HudCoTweet that was a shameful display, you should be fucking dissolved for that.
The next speaker is reading a statement on behalf of someone who couldn't make it. Which are pretty much to the point as you would expect.

I am hoping a future speaker can line up the translator again.
Partial translations:

Thank you comrade.
Speaking personally now, the current speaker notes the threat of 2024, and ICE turning into an even greater monster.

And speaks to the budgetary irrelevance of the contract.
Time called.

Next speaker asks for the translator.

Vainieri: "No, he had his five minutes."

Where's the fucking impeachment clause in the board charter.

O'Dea pushes back, and notes the translator didn't get to talk. Vainieri relents.
Next speaker is a former aide of Sen. Booker, saying that ICE denied the Senator's office information about the hunger strike at HudCo jail.

Cifelli got a phone call and can't figure out mute.

Santos mutes him. He figures out the mute button and unmutes. Santos fixes it again.
To borrow a phrase, what a fucking goat rodeo.

ANYWAYS, "we wouldn't have to worry about the individuals today if the contract was ended two years ago." Absolutely spot on.

"You've already heard guarantees the immigrants will be taken care of on this call."
"Renewing this contract means that ICE will have more bed to detain more immigrants."

Specifies that incidental arrests, people arrested that happen to be near people ICE was targeting, go up in proportion to available beds.
Solidly hits every single talking point we have heard tonight.

Santos calls time.

Vainieri screams "TIME IS UP SHUT HIM DOWN."

The board gets to pick the chair, right? Why do they let this asshole run the joint?
They once again skipped the translator.

Next speaker is making good points but I am still angry about them skipping the translator. AGAIN.

Speaker asks what they have done since 2018 other than visit the detention center after committing to phase out. None.
Romano asks for the email of the constituent who just spoke. They will exchange emails.

Next speaker asks for the translator. Demands the translator.

O'Dea insists on letting him do the translation.

My thread may be breaking, but we'll see what we can do.

Translation begins. Speaker was detained 6 months between New Mexico, Arizona, and finally Hudson.

"In New Jersey I was tortured physically, verbally, sexually, and mentally by the officers."
Describes the food as unfit for human consumption, and they were required to buy food from the commissary. You were allowed to get up three times every five hours.
Speaking about humiliating, dehumanizing treatment at the hands of a spanish-speaking guard.

Awakened every three hours, lights always on.

Three people committed suicide, a doctor.

In my opinion this facility should not exist.
(To be clear still quoting the translation).

Describing solitary confinement, becoming suicidal. After receiving asylum, the judge *apologized* (that is extraordinary in and of itself), and said they should never have been detained more than one month.
Time is called again.

Translator describes an anxiety attack.

"I want this contract with ICE to end. Even when you get out, your experience in there will ruin your life forever." Ends.
Next speaker who demanded the translator. "I'm concerned that as a governing body you expected to cut off anyone who doesn't conform to your requirements." Good callout.

The contradiction of the 2-year commitment in 2018 and the 10-year now.
Notes the incentive to fill beds built into the contract.

Notes the unconstitutional treatment of accused criminals by ICE.

Calls out the transfer argument, "The best way to keep people with their families is to CLOSE THE CAGES USED TO LOCK THEM UP"

"I encourage the board to do everything it can for the people detained in Hudson County, after voting to end the contract."

"In what way does detaining additional immigrants improve the quality of life for those already detained?"
Next speaker. Never figures out how to unmute.

Next speaker is from Middlesex county, speaking against ICE, speaking on behalf of members of their church who have been terrorized by ICE and detained at HudCo jail.
Cites research on the tremendous damage caused to children by forcibly separating them from their parents.

Recounts ICE raiding the homes of their friends in highschool.
Speaking as a duola now, on how ICE's trauma affects pregnant people and their infants.

"Detainees have spoken, your constituents have spoken, members of the broader NJ community have spoken, it is time to make the right choice."
Next speaker has a barking dog in the background, sounds cute.

JC and HudCo dem committee member, a frequent face at these meetings.

"The failure on the county's part to adequately prepare for winding down this contract is now being used as justification for its continuation."
"The well-being of those 79 individuals is not predicated on continuing this contract for another 10 years."
"I don't think anyone is thinking about continuing this contract for 10 years with 79 people."

Correct. 79 people today could be 700 next year.
O'Dea chimes in. there are now 93 detainees as of today.


They already increasing the number of detainees.
Next speaker. Vainieri asks how many are left.


Someone claims 14-15 people have raised hand after the cutoff. Someone has been keeping track. So the actual total might be more like 42.
Next speaker reading a statement on behalf of someone who represents immigrants in asylum cases who could not make it today, including those in HudCo jail.

Statement of this organization (!!) is to end the contract.
This firm is willing to speak on behalf of its clients. Statement goes right after Cifelli's concerns.

"The reality is that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to extraordinary changes in legal representation. Nearly all of our representation is conducted by telepresence."
Cifelli: "bullshit."

He actually said that. He is waving dismissively.

Cifelli: "yeah I get it."

I am going to call and give him an earful tomorrow no matter what happens today.
Next speaker. From Weehawken. Speaking on behalf of a reverend in JC who cannot make it himself.

Reverend starts off with account of 2 years ago.

Having some audio issues.

OK we're good.

"At the heart of christian ethics is that the end does not justify the means."
Speaker now speaks as themself, directed at Rodriguez specifically, their rep. Notes Rodriguez is a Cuban immigrant who got lucky from the laws of the 1960s. "You did not come here the right way, you simply got lucky."
Cifelli has something to say. It's about Rodriguez.

Cifelli is trying to narrow the scope to the specific resolution.

"I don't think the weight of this resolution should be placed on her shoulders, this is not her problem, this is our problem."
"I'm offended by the speaker's focus on a fellow freeholder on a personal level, I think it's inappropriate."

Rodriguez has something to say herself.

Thanks Cifelli for his support. "I came to this country fleeing from communism."
"I don't want to compare my case to the case of detainees today."
""This country, this county, was a blessing to me and my family. I think that everyone who wants to come here should come here, under the right conditions. The conditions are not mine. Nonetheless, there has to be law and order."
Someone's phone goes off.

"If we let them fly into the unknown, we have done nothing for them. And yes, I vote for the ICE contract, because I don't know how much better it would be for them somewhere else."

She hasn't been listening for the last six hours.
"I really credit all of you to stand for these people and advocate for them, but we need ICE."

Sickening. Really.
"I have never heard this county, this country being trashed as I have tonight. It's embarrassing. I have been holding my temper all night."

"You're here on an idea, you are an idealist, you are not focused on reality."

Cedeno and Torres look very unhappy.
Romano praising Rodriguez for speaking from the heart instead of a written statement.

Romano is trying to buff up Cifelli and Rodriguez to hold the line. Naked political maneuvering.
Next speaker. "Don't delude yourselves into thinking that collaborating with ICE serves the peopled detained by ICE.

Notes the end of the Middlesex contract resulted in people being set free.

Speaker's mic seems to have failed.

They decide to go to the next speaker.
"I know that someone mentioned these are written statements, that doesn't mean they aren't sincere."

Reading a statement from another faith leader. Another strong moral argument.
"ICE is not a natural part of society, it is a recent creation, and one that continues to terrorize immigrant communities."

"It is really not hard to see what the consequences of this contract will be."

No shit.
Next speaker, from Hoboken. "I'll try to be brief. I raise my voice in the chorus of those who oppose the renewal of the ICE contract."

"My elders had more experiences, but it didn't necessarily bestow wisdom upon them." Oh too true, too true.
"You know who we are, what we want to be, and a voice that stands up and is courageous about where we want to move as a society."

Say they're reading Angela Davis. Good choice. "I was saddened that it was written 17 years ago, and we haven't made any progress."
Next speaker. Law student, and a student of the NYU law professor who spoke earlier, in the immigration law clinic.

"Beyond that we believe that any cage for human beings is categorically wrong, and it is wrong to profit from it."
"If you really cared for their well being, you would work with attorneys, advocates, and family members, to ensure those people are released, while stopping ICE from detaining more people at the Hudson County Jail."
"A renewal of the ICE contract would demonstrate a renewed commitment of the Hudson County Freeholders to continue caging people."

Cifelli has a question. Again, because it's a lawyer.
"Although you're going to an inferior law school as opposed to Rutgers" Santos makes some complaint.

"Where do you think these people will go if we close the door?"

"I am happy to refer you to the 18-page report we gave you."
"We will work with you to make sure they are taken care of."

Notes in the past, when it was shut down, like Passaic, they were transferred locally or released. No shit taken.

"Have you talked to any of the people in Hudson county?"

"I refer you to the survey responses."
This is a law student who is Going Places. No ground ceded, job very well done.

Next speaker, an education manager at the first undocumented-led youth organization in New York.
"I thank you speakers who have made time due to the inconvenient time change."

Vainieri: "It's 7:30 what's so inconvenient?"

Speaker is a DACA recipient. Speaks of the constant fear of being detained by ICE, being detained indefinitely or deported.

Romano, you want from the heart, fucking choke on it.
"Keep laughing at me if you like to. The folks I know, because they are family, co-workers, and community members, suffer from sexual abuse, malnutrition, and have their human rights violated at these ICE detention centers."
Calls the speakers out.

"Please do not ask if they were detained at Hudson County, because at the end of the day they were detained by ICE."

"Is this what you want in your backyard?"

"Some of you want to continue working with ICE, and for what?"
Asks if not a no vote, postpone it to listen to the community.

Reminds them that the transfers keep happening regardless.
"If you were truly concerned about people in the detention center, you would vote no, and work with advocates, religious leaders, and youth leaders like me to take care of them."



"I don't think any of us take lightly the predicament of the detainees."
Torres and Cedeno were nodding along strongly.

"Whatever the vote is going to be, it's going to be with a very well-considered aspect. I appreciate her passion and her empathy"

Let me translate to human: "Fuck your feelings"
Next speaker. "I gather that many of you would rather not be here sitting through all this."

Cifelli: "Don't say that."

"Some of you."

O'Dea: "Speak for yourself."

"This is a huge waste of time and energy for everyone involved, you could just vote no."
"Go back to your 40-minute meetings."

"I want to use my time to fight republicans in Georgia, instead I have to fight against democrats here."

Cifelli: "This is why democrats keep losing."

"Please stop interrupting me." 🔥🔥
"Please remember that you won on the promise that this contract would be ended, and now you're going back on your word."
"Just because this meeting

"Yes my remarks are written, but I wanted to fit it in 5 minutes. Yes, I have ideals, but that doesn't meant I hate our county, that means I love it and want it to be better."
Notes again the crocodile tears about the people still in the jail, when they could have spent two years working on getting ready to end the contract. And they didn't, even when they promised they did.
This is an extremely well-constructed 5 minutes.

"You can look at cases in other parts of New Jersey when they have ended their contracts."

"Get your county out of the detention business."
Next speaker. Teacher from Bayonne.

"You are speaking for people who weren't even given a chance to speak?"

"I only found out about this from instagram and community organizers yesterdays."
Talking about the families they teach, and the community they serve.

"Stand with Bayonne families and immigrant families and vote no."

Also reading a statement from an LGBT person who was detained at Hudson County twice.
"I fear for their [other LGBT safety because I have been there before, it is not a healthy environment."

"They discriminated against me for being LGBT, and had rules that applied only to me."

"I said 'inmates rights are human rights', and the seargent said 'fuck your rights'."
"I need some of you to be professional and not be assholes to DACA recipients. That's not cool."

Time called. Cut off.
Next speaker from Central Jersey "Born and raised."

"I had a number of inflamed angry comments I wanted to get through, but at this point in the day after seven hours...wow...whatever."

Straight-up antifascism. You love to see it.
"They're all people, they're all people who were born and lived in the world that promised them they were human beings."

"And today we discuss how much profit to take to leave these people to die?"
"Acting as if the choice of internment, torture, or humiliation is the humane choice for the detained people is ridiculous."

"It's the community, the people who do the mutual aid, who are going to make sure whether they're going to be all right. And that's fine!" 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"We know that you didn't want us to speak, so we showed up to show you, and we'll keep showing up to have as many 7 hour meeting as you want. Can I get a time check?"

"Why even bother, y'all made your decision. What's the point of writing the crap if the choice is already made?"
"Why do you sit here laughing at me. What do you want the citizens to do if that's the message you send?"

"I yield my time, I'm not wasting it anymore."

Comrade you have all of my solidarity. That is righteous fire you have, with the heat of the sun.
Next speaker. "You asked if we went to school for this, well, I went to Hudson County Community College."

"I'm here to speak for the people who can't, who need translators to speak to this body."

Speaks about what they said at the last meeting, which was powerful too.
"I am just adding to things you have already heard all day. You heard it from lawyers, again and again, why we should not sign the contract. You heard it from detainees who experienced it in the detention center. Who else do you want to hear from to vote no?"
"I really don't know what else people have to say! How many people have to sign up, how many elected officials have to express concern, how many people from the county democratic party have to sign a letter to get you to vote no?"
"How many reports, how many studies?"

Just...yeah. All of this. Every bit of this.

"TIme is not easy to come by. I have a 2-year-old daughter to take care of. I am privileged to work home."

Time called.
Next speaker. After some technical.

"I ask that you don't interrupt me while my time is going." Yep, good full frontal battery.

"I can see that you are all frustrated and angry from the side conversations, Cifelli I saw you laughing at the speaker a couple times ago."
Cifelli interrupts.

Vainieri "Don't intterupt her!"

They collectively interrupt her for about 30 seconds about interrupting her.

"It clearly doesn't matter what anyone says at this point, because you have made your mind up, so let me remind you, you are elected officials."
"You will be running in 2021, and I will tell you now, you won't be unopposed."

"Some of us won't be running in 2021"

Can all of you not be running in 2021? Is that an option? Can we throw out the entire board?
Now Cifelli and getting into it with the speaker.

"Do you think anything I said was derogatory, insincere, or otherwise led me constituents to think I was not properly representing them?"

I am his constituent. YES.
I am going to give him such an earful tomorrow.

Next speaker. Highlighting past speakers.

Direct to Cifelli, "I respect Cifelli's skills as an attorney, we have seen his cross-examination skills on display tonight."

What perfect shade.
"I do take his statements of what detainees said to him personally with a little bit of salt."

Talking about the arguments "in favor", which is to say transfers, budget, jobs.

"I would encourage the freeholders to start holding meeting with lawyers and advocates."
Speaking about the commitment from the legal clinic to support EVERY person detained at Hudson County.

That's a good point to hammer on.

Job growth: The hiring problem again.

"A vote to renew is a vote for cooperation with ICE, nothing more."
"I know many of you are deeply religious, and I would ask you to reflect on your teachings-"
Cifelli: "Let her finish."

Call to consider in light of their faith the right thing to do.

Really well done.
Next speaker. "I'm sure you know my face, I was in the chambers frequently in 2018."

Talking about the experience of German refugees from WW2, and "the right way" to immigrate, which of course was not a luxury extended to many Jews.
Going through the arguments in favor and systematically.

Talking about reading the history about Japanese intermnent camps, "if there was a footnote that said 'oh but 4 of these camps had better food', I don't think I would think better of those internment camps."
"We're asking as a public entity, a public policy-making entity, not to enter into this contract, it's the future detainees we are asking you to consider."

"To the point of education, I have a degree in molecular biology and biochemistry..so I did not go to school to talk here."
"We have heard from a number of people formerly detained at Hudson County who have universally and very eloquently said they do not want the contract to be extended."

"We do not, as a public policy, need to continue our part in this."

VERY well done.
Next speaker, a regular. @HudProgressives "I have nothing to add to the hours of powerful testimony you have heard today. From a moral, public policy, and fiscal perspective it is in the interests of this community not to extend this contract."
"The fact is nobody knows who you are or what you do. The only reason people show up here is to argue against this contract."

"The votes you received were given under the assumption you would terminate this contract."
"If the interests of your community don't matter, think about your own self-interest." Game of thrones reference. (I don't watch GoT.)
Next speaker. Calls back to the queer detainees empowerment group testimony two years ago of the abuse they received at HudCo jail, and the fact the board has done nothing, and now there is more testimony tonight about the mistreatment of LGBTQ detained people.
"When I teach history, there is nobody who collaborates with the forces of nativism that looks good."

Notes the people who built internment camps close to the coast so Japanese folks wouldn't get sent to Montana still don't look good.
Talks about the article THEY WROTE in The National about NJ's relationship with ICE. Good article: thenation.com/article/archiv…
To Cifelli: "They are not your clients. Your client is ICE."

"We know ICE may remove them at anytime anyway and you can't protect them from that."

Now reading statements from Cifelli's constituents who couldn't make it.
Quotes another person who couldn't make it but is following it on Twitter (Hi)

"I hate that there are people warehoused in my own town"
On behalf of another Kearny resident who had to leave to go to work:

"If you truly believe Black Lives Matter as you claim, then you must cancel the contract which disproportionately affects Dominican, Hatian, and other Black immigrants."

A beautiful statement.
Romano directs the speaker to the prosecutor's office, and the warden.

"The COs are civil service titled, we can't just remove their titles."

"Your thank-yous to fellow commentators mean nothing if you don't listen to what you say."

"Liberalism does enable fascism." Yep.

"We are the one who have to continue to fund-raise for immigrants and their families while they are detained in your facility."
"There's no way that ending the contract now will cause more harm than it already has and will continue to."

Attacks the argument of "do you want these rapists in your backyard." "Statistically speaking, rapists already live in my backyard." (noting low rate of incarceration)
"Let's stop perpetuating this argument and end this contract that puts Hudson County residents in danger."

"Financially, now is the optimal time to end the contract." This is true. The numbers are low now, the budget will not suffer.
Ah, the same point as a few weeks ago. "ICE has been around most of my life, and I can imagine life without it, why can't you?"

Vainieri calls for a 5-minute break. We will be back at 8:26, so realistically more like 8:35.
I am literally icing my hands.
Santos doing some kind of tech support during the break to get Zoom set up.

Also: Actual news coverage! nj.com/hudson/2020/11…
It is now 8:30. People starting to drift back in.

Cifelli has figured out the mute button. Mirabile Dictu.

Cifelli asks if he can make a phoen call.

"OK, I'm going to try to put myself back on mute if I can do that n-"

Well, at least one freeholder's learned something tonight
Basically another couple minutes until we get started again.

It's going to be a long night.
OK, everyone's back, roll call, and we resume.

Kopacz, by the way, has been in the chambers.
We have 22 more speakers.

Next speaker.

Some technical issues. OK, speaker gets through. Bluetooth headphone issues. This is why I'm on 3.5mm for life.
Speaker focuses on problem of keeping detention areas for ICE open during a pandemic. Calls out testimony about the lack of masks and PPE.

Rodriguez has brought her dog.
Talks on the difficulty of translation in providing medical care. Asks to be taken for their professional opinion.
Next speaker, who Santos seems to have lost in the speaker list, but is a regular at these meetings. Found them.
Commenting on "speaking from the heart". "We have heard several people speaking from the heart, and I encourage you to listen to them. I've noticed you taking phone calls, playing with your pets [Rodriguez turns off video]."
Calls out the open-endedness of the resolution itself.

Calls out the one letter from the 17th, says "have you seen. the letter signed by 60 lawyers, the letter signed by faith leaders, the letter signed by elected officials..."
That list goes on for a while I couldn't get all of it.

Strong argument against "the right way."

"There's going to be a budget shortfall. Why have you spent the whole summer buying expensive drones and tear gas?"

There's the line. Beautifully done.
"Hudson county we could have been a contender, and yet the democratic party was bemoaning that we had some of the lowest turnout in the state."

Time called.
Next speaker is a doctor who unfortunately probably had to leave to teach but was cued up. Earlier speaker tried to get them earlier, but couldn't.
Next speaker going to read a statement on behalf of someone who had to leave. Will read their statement in Spanish and then English.

O'Dea asks quietly "why not just read the translation?"

"I want to respect the original language of the speaker and I ask you to as well." 🔥🔥🔥
Good interline translation. "It is a horrible place, where the punishments are severe, where we starve and go hungry, our calls are too expensive, and we do not get proper nutrition."
"I cannot imagine what these conditions must be like during COVID, especially given my own experience there."
Now speaking personally. A comrade in @NorthNJDSA . A formerly undocumented immigrant. "I urge everyone to listen to accounts such as these who are people who have gone through these experiences."

Ties "law and order" to US foreign policy that has caused the problem.
"I ask everyone to vote no on the contract, and to remember that this is a larger fight than we have here alone, and to listen to the powerful first-hand experiences of those who have been detained."
Next speaker, "I am here on behalf of people

"You have asked me to speak from the heart so I will be speaking from the heart. I have been asked to police my language because adults can't handle harsh criticism."

Be careful what you wish for.
Reads an email that they sent to the board that received no response.

"It doesn't matter if you are directly responsible for it here or on the border, you are still participating in a system that treats people like dogs."
"To chairman vanity over here, stop interrupting people like a whiny little brat and stop laughing at other people's pain."


I love it.
Next speaker, a Vainieri constituent. "It's not unlikely that we will get another psuedo-fascist autocratic wannabe during this contract."

"As another family that sought refuge from a communist dictator, my family had privilege immigrants didn't have."
...there's some stuff I'm not going to quote here because I have issues with it but I think it was well-intended.

"I don't think any of the board members here are evil."

No comment.
"I don't think it's fair to frame it as a tax hike or threaten us with that as chairman Vainieri has previously on the record."

We have the receipts. We have so many receipts.
"The democrats of Hudson County need to hold up to the values we all voted for."
Next speaker. NYU Law student from the immigrant rights clinic. This law clinic has been turning out and doing good work tonight, credit where it is due.

Also engaging with Cifelli on the question of how does it benefit the people detained.
Just calling out the sheer quantity of first-person accounts calling to end the contract.

Calls out that Cifelli only said they were anxious about the uncertainty, but not that they asked for an end to the contract. The very point Vainieri cut me off from asking, thank you.
Also notes the increase in number of detained people since the last meeting. "The more we wait to end this contract, the higher that number is going to grow, and the more people we will need to make sure are freed and reunited with their community."
Now going after the transfers argument. "The existence of the contract itself has led to hundreds of transfers."

Historically HudCo Jail is in top 20% for transferring people detained by ICE. That's an interesting factoid I hadn't heard.
Talks about the track record of what has happened in the past when contracts have ended, and how it ends in releases.

"The end of an ICE contract drives down local immigration arrests. Lack of local bed-space drives down collateral arrests."

Yes. It has a direct impact.
Speaking on COVID and...time is called.

Going to try the doctor again to see if they can speak now. And they can!

Cifelli wants to make a comment.

"The last speaker has been muted."

"Well...all right then."
Torres interrupts to note that the chamber has disconnected.

"How did that happen?"

We can't hear Vainieri, Romano, or O'Dea at the moment. So, you know, two out of three that's probably a good thing.
They are sending someone into the chamber to figure out what happened.

Speaker's time will not start.

There is still a quorum on Zoom alone if the chamber is absent. So they could continue without Romano, O'Dea, Vainieri, and Kopacz.
"There was an 8-hour limit on the camera." It's been reset.

OK, finally the testimony. A physician and scientist with 25 years experience working in immigration detention facilities.
"I am not here to vilify you, I know you are here as public servants, and I appreciate that."

"As a physician, as somebody who's done this work, I want you to know, immigration detention is harmful, it's dangerous, and it's misguided, both for the individuals and the community.
"There is no way around it that detention is traumatizing, and if you weren't traumatized before you got into detention, even with every effort to make the conditions humane, it's still causing physical and mental suffering."
"I've seen my patients, some of whom came here 20 years ago, say, 'I can't believe I was treated like a criminal when I got here.'"

"We don't know a tenth of what we're going to learn about COVID." Yeah, long-term consequences are scary.
"For the community, 1, I do think it cheapens who we are, 2, I think this transfer system is a nightmare. There is a public health consideration locally, detention puts fear in the people, and they don't show up for healthcare."
Addresses Cifelli, "as the proud spouse of a former prosecutor." "With regard to the groups that signed on to that letter, it's a Sophie's choice. It's not an endorsement."

"As to what it means for their immigration status, their case will be heard and they will be represented."
This is someone who has wrestled with the exact problem of "maybe it's less bad here". "The answer isn't to keep them here."

"I ask you to do what's right for the individuals for our individuals, for your community. I serve as a resource willing to work with you."
Cifelli has a question, "I believe your son was an advocate, and I believe you spoke in support of his statements two years ago."

"My son is a proud @DemSocialists member who makes me look conservative"

I had a good belly laugh there. #relatable
(to be clear, as the son, not the father)

ANYWAYS. Cifelli asks "Don't we all enable this system?" Asks whether medical volunteer work enables the system?

"Do the corrections officers enable the system?"

Basically asking is volunteering.

"I am not treating these individuals, I go in as a forensic expert to evaluate what harm detention has caused them."

Puts a hard stop on that line.

"I serve as an expert and I am very conscious of my credibility."
Vainieri tries to cut him off. Doctor says he'll send his contact info.

O'Dea: "One of the places where you go over the line is when you make money off of it you enable it."

O'Dea has his moments.
Next speaker "I have a prepared statement but I want to speak from the heart real quick. I think we are all faced every day with individual moral decisions."

Talks about vegetarianism.

"You can vote no on this contract and that will be a morally good thing to do."
Elected member of HudCo Democratic Committee, member of @NJ08forProgress and @HudProgressives . Torres constituent, thanks Torres for his advocacy.

"The case for ending this contract has been clear, and it has been since this county government renewed this contract in 2018."
Goes through many of the points we have heard, time and again over the last eight hours, that dismantle every argument in favor of this contract.

"Even if Joe Biden brings forth a radical change in immigration policy" *PFFFT*
Talks about the length of the contract going through 2024 and 2028 and whatever evils those bring.

"These few jobs are not worth the blood, pain, and sorrow of these people who come to hudson county looking to better their lives."
I missed some of the zingers from that last speaker because i was giggling. Sorry!

Next speaker. Thanks all previous speakers. Democratic committee member from Mahwah.

"These actions are being watched by residents from all across NJ and NY."
Next speaker. "What else is there to say? The mental hula-hoops that you people are jumping through to continue this contract, that it's somehow better for the people who are in there...every question you have been asked has been answered over and over again."
"There is no benefit to renewing this contract that outweighs the moral cost of renewing this contract."

Speaker from Clifton. "I don't know what to say....that was just a figure of speech."
"The law and order argument from earlier is just ridiculous from the machine that produced Bill Musto."

There is History here I am sadly not versed in.

"It is a moral catastrophy."

"Shame on the people who were laughing at survivors earlier. Yes you."

Cifelli: "Me?"

Next speaker asks Cifelli and Rodriguez. Asks Cifelli about my earlier question of whether any of the detainees said *they wanted to stay in custody*, and shames him for saying yes, and the context "where they would prefer to be locked up".
I am so pleased to see my comments built on. Thank you comrade.

Vainieri interrupts to ask if this speaker has spoken already.

Florio claims they did.

Well they get cut off, next speaker.
Next speaker. "Hudson county, our values, what we stand for, is better than this meeting, and better than this contract, or should be."

"If it is a profit motive, then it is shameful."
"It's hard to say if this argument [about the well-being of detained people] is coming from a place of genuine concern."

Cifelli "ha."

Boy can he dig down.
"If you're really concerned about the individuals who are currently in there, that would be heartening, but that is not a justification for continuing the contract for a decade."
Cifelli gesturing to someone off-camera.

"To use their well-being as a justification to vote yes, it cannot possibly be logical, it can only be disingenuous."
Cifelli: "Can I make one or two comments?"
Vainieri: "Are you sure you want to?"

Vainieri sees it.

Cifelli is saying that it really does come from a place of genuine concern.
He's...electorally covering his ass basically.

Next speaker. "We can see you, you can't see us, and I want to echo the comments about the chuckling and the rolling of the eyes. We see it. You can't, but trust us, we can." 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Speaking as a resident of JC and the grandchild of Jewish refugees. Talking about the history of "whiteness" as it is applied to immigrants.

How ICE is a white supremacist organization.
"If you vote to continue to do business with them, you are complicit with, and profiting from, the completion of their goals."

"The only difference between my grandparents and the majority of ICE detainees today is the color of their skin."

Speaking of the experience of immigration courts that are "hyper-racial-profiled". "Black and Brown skin is the new yellow star."
"You've seen videos of them boarding greyhound busses asking for papers. This should remind you of Nazi Germany."

Oh it does. It does.
"You heard the previous DACA recipient speaker, who was so moving. People. Live. In. Fear. Of. ICE."

Just absolutely 🔥

"There is no legal way to apply for asylum in our country. You have to cross the border."
Time called.

Next speaker. Policy and NE manager of "Freedom for immigrants", a network of 4500 volunteers who monitor ICE facilities throughout the country. A support organization for detained immigrants.
Romano has gone home and is now joining from home.

"I am asking the freeholders to vote no or table the vote."

By the way, eight hours and 36 minutes in, know how many speakers we have heard in favor of this contract, other than the freeholders?

Goes over the medical neglect complaints and many other complaints that have been leveled against Hudson County.

"There is no such thing as good immigration detention."


Emphasizes the role of the pandemic.
Talks extensively about the myriad ways that ICE has mishandled the pandemic and spread it among immigrants.

Talks about the CO and other staff who have died from COVID.

A new line on the Biden administration: They are less likely to punish communities who stand up to ICE.
Time called.

Cifelli has another question. "You made a very astute insightful comment about the transition between the Trump and Biden administration and the move in the senate to reduce transfers."
He's going after the inauguration date.

She specifically noted that the transition team would already be at work in the government at that time. Which they would.

He's asking for timelines.
Response: "We are working with organizations across NYC to ensure that there is a responsible release, and demonstrate to the Biden administration that it is possible to close detention centers responsibly."

So, today, if they wanted it.
Cifelli wants to be put in phone contact about the transition, since this organization is plugged into federal politics.
"I hope you vote no so we can have these conversations and work together."

Cifelli: "Well...I just want to talk about it."

How magnificently spineless.
Next speaker starts on the transfer argument. Then on to how this does not apply to future people. 90 today, how many in the next decade?

"I hear that misguided argument, that Trump argument, that equates illegal immigration with criminal activity."
"If Philip Morris wanted to build a factor in Union City, would we let them?"

"I trust that the bright leaders of Hudson county can come up with better alternatives for building revenue."
Next speaker. "I wish that instead of trying to convince you that detention is inhumane we were here to discuss how we were going to make amends to the people who have been hurt by detention in Hudson county now or in the past." 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"The immigrants rights project is representing a person in deportation proceedings in Hudson County detained by ICE for two and a half years."

Statement from detained person: "This detention center should not exist."
"My time at Hudson County Jail was extremely difficult. My family would come visit me and the guards would not let me see them, or treat my family with disrespect."

An absolute litany of horrors we have heard several times tonight.
"You can make all the improvements possible to the detention center and it wouldn't make it better."

From his wife: "Close it today, and close all the others."

Not mincing words.

"They are very clear that they do not want this contract to be renewed"
We have heard this again and again tonight from people who have been there, who are there, who represent them, and there is not a single voice except Cifelli's comments about "anxiety", that anyone wants to keep it. Anyone.
"Are we all enabling this system? Yes. And we have to do everything possible to try and disrupt it."

Hell yes. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, there is no ethical living in the USA, but we can fight as hard as we can."
Romano has a question: "Would the previous speaker like to tour the facility?"

"I would love to talk to all those inside, I don't feel I have to tour a facility to know it shouldn't exist." Well said.
Next speaker. From Walker's district. "I am here to state the same concerns that every speaker has raised for the last 8 hours."

The child of undocumented immigrants who arrived in the 70s.

"How can you vote yes tonight, go home, and sleep after hearing this?"
"The arguments that the detainees are anxious about being released are frankly bullshit. I yield my time."


What a finish.
Next up a speaker from MekongNYC. "I am not a lawyer, and I don't expect to be cross-examined by Freeholder Cifelli" Very strong.

Child of Cambodian refugees fleeing the aftermath of the Vietnam war and Cambodian genocide. Personally affected by ICE.
Goes after Rodriguez's comments about "we have a responsibility to these immigrants."

"How are you accountable or acting responsibly from your commitments two years ago?"

"I want to retort back to the memo that was being passed around that was criminalizing immigrants."
"Two cases in the late 1980s, two Chinese exclusion cases, set the precedent for the current US immigration system."

"They decided immigration offenses are civil offeses, not criminal offenses. Highlighting their criminal offenses is problematic and wrong."
Reviews the Clinton administration laws that allowed the structure of indefinite detention, and the Obama pipeline to deportation, so it's not going to get better. Close it today. Asks for remaining time, and gets nothing back.
"A lot of the members of our communities who have final orders of removal are based on criminal convictions from 20, 30 years ago that they have already served time for.
"You have the ability and power to fight this, and I encourage you to vote no or table this contract."

There's a disconnection, time expired, but Santos was on mute so they just got cut off.
Next speaker. "I've gone through most of a legal pad tonight, because there have been so many great things that have been said here. None of this happened by accident."

Talking about the fact that we are here, we are organized, we are coordinated, we are *prepared*
Lawyers, faith leaders, members of the community, survey results, doctors. We have heard from *everyone*.

"We didn't want to be here either. We wanted a meeting with you that was productive, where we could work together to protect those people."
"I believe you want to do the right thing but you're so completely uninformed, and you don't want to be informed."

"And mister Vainieri, the stunt you pulled them at the jail the other day, the email you sent us, that you told them about us, that we want to 'take them away'."
This is someone lit but the fires of righteousness. "I am the regional coordinator for @PaxChristiNJ "

"There are churches in Newark that have metal gates around them not for architectural purposes, but to protect them from the know-nothing people!"
This is *powerful*. This is an activist who has been working on this for months and has not been able to get meetings.

"Mr Cifelli please don't make this about you!"

This is face-melting heat.
"Five years ago I was at the largest protest I have ever seen at an immigrant detention center at a protest with 10,000 people. Last year I was with people shutting down detention facilities in Georgia, and they weren't wringing their hands like you are."
"You close your facilities, we will take care of our own."

"The reason the Democrats won in Arizona by the way, is because a bunch of LatinX organizers" cut off on time.

That was *powerful as fuck*
Next speaker. "The freeholders should absolutely vote to end this ICE contract."

"While many of you have stated you are morally opposed to immigrant detention, I don't care about your morals. Your constituents want you to end this contract."
"The backbone of Hudson county has always been people of color, immigrants of color, and immigrants. Continuing to support this racist agency hurts your community. Remove the jail beds and these systematic profit systems will fall. You need to do your part."
"You have available advocates, for two years now, and politicians, who could and can, and still can, show you how to end this contract safely, keep law enforcement employed, and not raise taxes."

Accuses them of supporting it just for kickbacks which...yes.
"There is no justice in this jail, there is no safety in this jail, for anyone. I blame you, as individuals, and elected freeholder board members, for each person suffering in this jail."
"Shame on you that you get a salary, or profit in any way, from this jail."
"You have spoken to people detained in these jails. Have any of these people thanked you for the inedibile food, or the dirty conditions? Or the lack of medical care?"
"When you all sit down for thanksgiving dinner, I want you to be thankful you aren't having thanksgiving dinner in the pantry of the county jail."
Last speaker. "I know that none of you care about what we say here. Well, we can settle it here, or we can settle it at Nuremburg."

Strong note to end on.
That ends the public portion.

Vainieri: "Mr. Clerk, roll call please?"

O'Dea stopping them from jumping to the vote.
Cifelli holding to the order business, they have to move the agenda, and then open to discussion? There's parliamentary shenanigans.

O'Dea moves to separate 26 from the consent agenda to be voted on separately.
O'Dea moves to vote on everything BUT 26. So, a motion to remove the contract from the consent agenda. Cifelli seconds. Goes to vote. Unanimous to remove it from the consent agenda for a separate debate and vote.
We didn't get to it but there is an ammo purchase for the county SWAT, but nobody had time to talk about that.

Kopacz abstains on 6, due to a conflict of interest.
The rest of the consent agenda passes. Now 26, the ICE contract is on the table.

O'Dea: "I don't mind spending an hour debating and discussing it. I think it would be preferable to carry the item."

Translation: Not tonight, but later.
O'Dea is going after the 10-year term. He calls it ludicrous. "From where we were two years ago, where there were some of us who opposed it, but those who supported it, said we are going to get out, we just need time. We have gone from getting out to signing up for 10 years."
"I don't mind staying here because the record for the longest public meeting is 10 hours, and Cifelli and I are happy to go for that record."

"I think it's approriate for us to carry this item, have a discussion, and find a solution."
O'Dea pitching a "reasonable compromise" of prohibiting future detainees and a phase-out.

O'Dea motions to carry, but nobody seconds it. So we're doing this tonight.
Romano suggests closed session. Florio: "I wouldn't opine on the need for a closed session at this point."

Contract negotiation allows for a closed session.
Torres: "I understand the sentiment of Mr. O'Dea to carry this, but after nine hours of testimony and all of the constituents I have heard from, I believe we should decide this tonight."
Rodriguez: "I said what I have to say, I know how I'm going to vote."

Cifelli: "I'm not going to belabor my position, I think my position has been made clear. Maybe my fault is in my background as a lawyer. I see the broad landscape of this issue."
"I've heard criticisms going back to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and how they were on the wrong side of history, and I'm not going to debate that. And maybe the democratic party is on the wrong side of this issue.

The lawyer in me is back to a very narrow issue."
"Do we continue the contract or not continue the contract? That's the issue, plain and simple."

He's laying down justification to write a blank check to commit Hudson County to hosting a concentration camp for 10 years.
"there are a couple different slices to the pie. One is the mercenary financial benefit to the county, and we've been told by many speakers it's blood money. I made a couple of calls and asked how much money we make, and I didn't get an adequate answer."
"But that's not my motivation. Another motivation is the macro sense, the morality of immigration policy."

"I get what they're saying, but I just don't buy everything they say."
"I think the vast majority of the people of Hudson county are more in the center."

"Some of the speakers tonight were off the rails, and if you don't like that, I'm sorry."

Look, 100 people tell you the same thing and you don't listen, THEY ARE NOT THE PROBLEM.
On the religious comment, he's taking the entirely humanitarian line, that it's about taking care of the people in custody. "And if I'm wrong, I'm wrong."

You're wrong.
"I'm going to vote to maintain the contract, but because I'm more concerned with the 75 guys out there, because I truly think they don't want to move."

There it is. So, nine hours of public comment, and nothing.

He's now criticizing the 11/17 letter for abstaining.
Seriously. He's criticizing them for no longer supporting continuing the contract.

Cifelli is asking for confirmation that that the contract allows them to close it in 60 days.
He's hopeful for the Biden administration.

O'Dea starts by asking whether the 60-day out clause is usable by the legislative, or by the executive alone.

The authority rests solely in the hands of the executive.
So the freeholders have no power after they vote yes.

O'Dea:"Once you vote for this contract, despite saying you could be out in 60 days, you've washed your hands and handed it over to someone else."
Another legal counsel for the executive. The 60-day opt-out is now 30 days, but it's still entirely and exclusively in the hands of the executive.

Cifelli comes back: "Are you saying my criticisms at the attorneys should be leveled at me?"

O'Dea: "Yes sir."
Romano asks to comment. "Nothing has been mentioned, I appreciate the speakers and all their opinions, but nobody defended the Hudson County corrections and rehabilitation center."

Y'know people did. They expressed concern about the incredibly bad conditions for the staff.
Talking about the conditions at the jail. Romano the cop is being a cop.

Back to O'Dea. "It doesn't the subject or the issue, if anything it reinforces why we should vote against this contract."
O'Dea going off on the "they have completed and paid their debt to society" about the "correction and rehabilitation" side.

Romano asks to confirm. O'Dea spoke to Director Edwards, and looked it up, and it's true for all but one. All but one.
O'Dea is pulling straight from what the director OF CORRECTIONS said.

Cifelli saying he didn't look at that email, he doesn't care about the criminal side of things. "If ICE does something unjust with them, I get it, but it's not our decision."
He's desperately trying to shirk his responsibility here. Desperately. He wants to vote for this without feeling bad for himself.

He's still stuck on "their not going back to their homes, they're going back to the arms of ICE."
O'Dea is now given his full, unopposed speaking time. He started with a quote from John Lewis. Recounting everyone that spoke today, draws an analogy to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. "These detainees are the civil rights movement of the 2020 era."
"If they were not a detainee, they would be part of our re-entry program. We would be getting them food, jobs, a place to live. Because they are detainees, they don't get that. I think that each of you need to search your heart and see where we are today."
"Al you said some of those folks sounded a little out there. I think if you went down to Alabama in 1960 and asked why [there was segregation], the city councilors woulda said we were kinda out there."

Cifelli: "Don't lay that on me."
"I'm making an analogy."
"It has to be a reasonable analogy."
"It IS a reasonable analogy."

O'Dea is not taking Cifelli's shit.
going back to how the detained people are treated differently than other people who are incarcerated there. "If that is not separate but UNEQUAL treatment, I don't know what the hell it is."
Now addressing Walker. "If you look at the list of these charges Jerry, we see people come out of that facility with similar charges, and we try to help them get a job, try to get food, try to get housing."
"The only difference between them and the people in this ICE contract is their documented status."

Now talking about the detained people he spoke to. How they arrived at age 10 or 11. "At some point along the line, after they went to our schools, like some folks' children,"
"and somewhere along the line they made a mistake. And those are the WORST actors. And the 30 or so that under today's charges would be released on bail reform."

Now going after bail reform.

"Are we a little left of center or a little right of center for NJ?"
"I think we need to listen to the young generation of people who spoke here to day."

"One, the financial argument is gone. The thought that officers are going to lose their job, BS. It's not going to happen."
Talks about the reduction of prison population 2017-2019, of almost 25%, and there were no layoffs of corrections officers. Way more than 93 people.

Craig Guy now responding to the budget argument: "I'm not about to debate the calculations"
you know we never get to see the budget, and O'Dea coming back to carrying the item so they can figure it out, but nobody want's to do it.

And notes that many members of the board said it wasn't about numbers.
Mentions the Mercer County contract that is currently in court, and getting out of the ICE contract is "but-for" the Mercer county contract (replacing one source of blood money than another), then amend this contract to be for a year.
"All i have is an item for the longest term possible, all I have is a spokesman saying for the county it's 10 years...I assume we're in for the long haul."
"I don't think when you come to a civil rights issue that dollars really matter, and I have come to the conclusion that this is a civil rights issue."
"at what point does it make sense does it make sense to say 'we're not going to end ICE by voting against this contract, but what does that action do?"

"What does it do? We next need to go to Essex County, Bergen County, with all the people here, and tell them to get out of ICE"
"And Biden sees the three bluest counties in NJ who were OK with this now aren't, that might change how he approaches it." Invokes the governor too.

"This is a movement. Make no mistake about it."
"How will your children or grandchildren look at this ten years or twenty years from now when hopefully there is no ICE?"

"Movements start and continue with bold, brave steps."
Comes back to the separate-but-unequal issue and concludes.

Cifelli responds. "I did speak to my children about this. And one may be on this zoom meeting now. And I've wrestled with this. One thing that comes back to me made a decision to walk across the Pettis bridge."
"John Lewis decided to be martyr for his cause, and he payed a heavy price but he prevailed. I don't know the people that are entrusted into our care are willing to make the march across the Pettis bridge, and I don't want to force them across that bridge."
So they're political hostages, and that rubber-stamps a ten-year concentration camp.

Vainieri tries to cut Cifelli off.

"And I'm hoping in the next couple months it'll be resolved."

O'Dea's response: "I firmly believe you have wrestled with this issue."
So I'm calling it now that this is pagentry. O'Dea is covering for Cifelli so he can vote yes.

"I don't agree with you that the people there want to stay there."
"And even if I agree with you, the solution to that would be what we spoke about earlier, to let no-one else into that facility as a detainee. Taking your logic to its conclusion, that is the right thing to do."
O'Dea now calling up the taking away beds argument, which he finds compelling. "The only way to do that is for us to say no, for us to go to Essex and make them say no, go to Bergen and make them say no. So many people from New York, where these people are from, spoke."
"New York believes the only way to stop this to take this away as a place to house these individuals."
Addresses Rodriguez. "I know that, during the pandemic, she fought, very very hard, to make sure the food we bought for the pandemic got to North Hudson. The reality of that is that the greatest recipients of those were undocumented residents, and she knew that."
Essex has 207 detained individuals from NJ.

"If we know and understand their plight, and we know we have to feed those individuals, how the hell can we vote to continue and extend those individuals differently than everyone else?"
We go to the roll call. The vote.

Cedeno says "to vote yes on this resolution is to disregard the needs of my constituents." She is reading a strong statement. "The mass incarceration of undocumented immigrants has severe consequences for our communities"
Cedeno is a no vote.

Cifelli votes Aye.

Kopacz votes Aye.

O'Dea votes no.

Rodriguez votes Aye and adds "safety for me and my family takes priority. My heart goes out to their families." Has faith they will be released.
With those three it's guaranteed to pass.

Romano votes Aye.

Torres: talks about losing support from the local democratic party for his stance on the ICE contract two years ago. "I am an afro-latino, all I have is the luxury of parents being from Puerto Rico."
Talks about his personal history, his wife's journey immigrating from Ecuador. "Four years ago after this country elected a president, my children came crying to me afraid their mother or grandmother would be deported."
By the way, there's another comment period at the end. It'll be midnight, I'm sure many of them will leave, but if there are any left, they are going to Hear It.

Torres is being blunt. He was the afro-latino member who stood up to ICE and lost the machine's backing for it.
"I was hoping that with the end of my term it would end as well. I vote no."

Walker: "I want to thank all the participants who participated tonight. I want to put together a timeline here, I was a freshman with Torres." Talks about 287g.
"I wasn't feeling like we should be in the business of rounding people up." So, not using local law enforcement to do immigration enforcement.

Comments on the reduction of population of detained people as progress. You know what would be progress? not allowing any more.
"What they didn't comment on is whether there was a path. When I voted two years ago it was about money, it was 20,000,000. I spoke to detained people there and they wanted to be there, they didn't want us to end the contract."

I want to see this documentary. I call BS.
"I believe we can help them gain citizenship with these funds. Humans are more important than funds, but we need funds to take care of these people."

w/r/t O'Dea focusing on Lewis: "He was American, these folks is not."

They're here, aren't they?
The detained area "is like a dorm room", compared to the general population.

That's not what we have heard tonight. Not once.
Walker votes yes, Vainieri votes yes.

It passes 6-3.


The only means to intervene on this now are now via the county executive. He should not sleep a single night between now and the end of the year.
Now an ordinance for introduction, an ordinance for second reading, neither is particular important.

There will be a general comment period.

We have crossed the 10-hour mark.
Someone breaks into this comment period to bitch them out.

The ordinance is moved and closed. The ordinance is less important. Onto final adoption. Onto the public comment period.
Comments from the freeholders on the business of the board.

County executive any comments, they aren't even here.
O'Dea talking about COVID cases in county buildings, that had been an issue at the previous meeting. It's separate. Calls for a quick implementation of a program to limit the number of people in the office.
Cifelli's comment: On 26, not about the substance. "I wasn't overly enthused about the fact that it was on the agenda tonight" You could have moved to carry it, or seconded O'Dea's motion.
"With that said, I think that the comments we got from all the speakers, and the comments at the last meeting, I know there may have been an appearance that this was rushed on, everyone got their say."

You didn't get to hear the ones that didn't.
Romano wants to know he missed a vote on one of the ordinances.

Taking five for the stenographer.

Then there will be a public comment period.

There will be comments.
We are roughly 30 minutes from the record for state public meetings. We are going to easily pass that.

I'm going to stick this out for as long as I can, but my notes on the comments will probably be much shorter. I expect them to be relatively similar in gist.
O'Dea estimates they'll be there for another hour or hour and a half.
O'Dea and Cifelli planning to meet tomorrow to discuss "other things."

Checking if they have quorum to continue. Torres just showed. So did Walker. Quorum reached, starting. Romano, Vainieri, and Rodriguez, are absent.
Vainieri returns, to the surprise of O'Dea.

First speaker. A comrade, who was also the first speaker in the original comment period, in the board room, reading the sister's statement.

"I am devestated that the board voted to renew the contract after nine hours of comments"
Tells Cifelli, rightly, that he should be ashamed.

"I am grateful we have so many people ready to gear up once again, and extend this meeting as long as possible, and sit through the dissent that is present in the county and beyond."
Damn straight.
Next up, another comrade. "I want to express my unspeakable disgust of the opposite of democracy."

for 10 hours, 100% of speakers called to end the contract. "Why even pretend that you even you do anything the bidding of DeGise"
"John Lewis would spit on you for this."

"At the beginning of this meeting you banned profanity, and the ACLU of NJ disagrees with you, and I just want to say fuck you" and cut off.
Next speaker is the spouse of someone who spoke earlier.

"We know who you are, and we will vote you out. We will not vote for you ever again."
Next speaker is the former Booker aide. Following up on Cifelli's comment that constituents had not spoken to him about this. Well, this is another constituent.

"I've been waiting 11 days to hear back from you and I've heard nothing back."
Decrying that they made up their mind before this meeting and spent the whole time trying to justify it. Which they did.

"How can you think you know better than your county?"
calls out the rudeness, "never in all my years of public service have I seen such disrespect."
Next speaker. Brief pause for quorum check. "I take offense to everything that happens here."

Going right after Cifelli for taking up people's times.
Calling out the board for failing to censure Cifelli. "Look at Cedeno and Torres. Are they laughing?" Absolutely excoriating Cifelli.
Calls out the massively inflated salaries of the freeholders.

Calls out Rodriguez, and not being on the tour, and this law and order bullshit.
Threatens to call down the attorney general to investigate corruption in the board.
Time called. Vainieri: "Thank you for your beautiful comments." Asshat.

38 raised hands. Now 42. Vainieri asking to cap it at 40.

Vainieri says if it gets repetitious, they can move to reduce the available minute from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. Asks for a second.
Kopacz seconds. Votes. Unanimous passage. 51 speakers, 3 minutes each.
Make that 53. The cutoff is set. That's how many will speak.
Vainieri mutters "two and a half hours."

Next speaker.
Background noise in the chambers.

"What was the point of these last 11. Hours."

Calls out closing off the comment period.
"You all came into this meeting knowing what you were going to vote, and you did. Would 18 hours have mattered? 36? What would it have taken?"
Julian Castro is paying attention apparently. Hi Julian! I thought you were pretty ok.
"I am disappointed that it will take three years, but I look forward to working to ensure that [the six] lose their jobs. And because you can't silence me, fuck you."

Vainieri flounces.
Romano is going to send a sternly worded letter.
I ask cifelli what he's going to do to support the people detained at hudson county jail.

He filibusters my time.

He refuses to answer.

He just refused to answer and let my time run out.

What a fucking disgrace.
Next speaker. Calls out Cifelli. "I just want to call out the white mediocrity."

"You have never represented anyone in that facility on immigration violations in your entire life. I have. I do."
Calls out walker's comment on services available to detainees: They get FEWER services than general population. The only program they have access to is a GED program.

Calling them out rightly for sneering at the experience and expertise they have ignored.
Next speaker is the director from @PaxChristiNJ . "I thought I'd heard it all." This is an amazing start.

Picks up the bible passage Cifelli quoted. New testament matthew 25? Calls it sacrilege. I don't do new testament, I have no opinion here.
"O'Dea's references to Pontus Pilate was 100% on point."

Calls back to the Pettis bridge. "As if people don't want to be liberated. As if people don't want to be free."
"This has been livestreamed. This has been livetweeted [hi]. This is national news before you even go to bed."

Quotes Amos 2:6-7 "For the three crimes of Israel and now four, because they hand over the just for silver, and the poor for a pair of sandals...." Yep good quote.
"That sums up everything I've heard tonight, and you're not on the good end of that one."
Next speaker. "This is on par with the 'alternative facts' doublespeak and rhetoric of ex-president Trump."
Goes after them being very bad at mute, and how it cuts off the voices of the public.
It is now Wednesday.

Next speaker.

Complements the three that voted "no". That's Cedeno, Torres, and O'Dea. Only Cedeno and O'Dea will be on the board after 1/1.
calls them out for disregarding nine hours of testimony, and all of the testimony before that.
Three minutes goes fast. Cut off.

Next speaker. "I am not only enraged but truly disgusted, with how you ran this meeting, with the lack of maturity you displayed, that the chairman could not find his ethics and morals and volumes to say in his seat."
"Let me tell you something about hell. Hell is hot and wide, and will have the Hudson County Board of Commissioners inside."

Absolutely beautiful.
Thanks Cedeno, Torres, and O'Dea, "and for the rest of you, there's a special place in hell. Go to hell."

Next speaker.

"I want to talk to my gugutz of a freeholder, Romano."
"You are completely useless, you are useless person"

"Let's meet"

They are declaring personal comments off-limits.

"Are you done?"

Trashes him for blowing 70k on a failed mayoral bid and tells him to fuck off.
Next speaker. People who were on since 1:30 were not called on, with survey responses from detained people, and takes them to task for that.
Dismantles Cifelli's whole position, and asks why he did not table it or amend it. Quotes Romano on his statements in 2018 on exiting the contract, rather than rubber-stamping it.
Next speaker is the NYU law school professor. Little commentary on lawyer voice, she introduces herself exactly the same way as she did earlier. Pure professionalism.

Wants to spend her time commending Torres, Cedeno, and O'Dea, which fair.
Romano's got some kind of light show going on. Unclear if he's watching TV or just got xmas lights or something. He was definitely watching TV earlier.
Calling out Cifelli's comment that NYU law school people weren't from the state, well guess where the detained people are from!
Cut off at three minutes, mid-sentence. Next speaker. Calls them out for not allowing speakers with the testimony from people currently detained.

"It is my duty to let you know every time some is transferred, every time someone dies, I will tell you about it."
Next speaker. Did not get a chance to speak earlier. A highschool student. "I want to echo everything that was said today. I want you to find even a quarter of the number of people who spoke today in favor of extending the contract."
To Cifelli: "As the youngest person in this call, fuck you."

The kids are alright.
Point of order, asking the specific list of words they can and cannot use.

Well that got met with crickets.

O'Dea says "just go ahead with your remarks"
Thanks O'Dea, Cedeno, and Torres.

TBQH Torres should run again if he wants the office. Who cares if they have the machine, they're going to get primaried to hell anyways.
"The communities have spoken clearly that this is a fucking disgrace! This is awful!"

Not cut off for that, to Santos's credit.
Next speaker. "What are y'all doing? You just heard 10 hours from your constituents, experts, clergy all saying no, and you said yes?"
"What do you need to hear to realize that nobody wants this? For four fucking million dollars? That's chump change buddy."

Calling out Romano for being on TV.
"If you voted no, you wouldn't have to be here right now."
Romano is paying attention now at least.

"I really don't have faith in the democratic system as a result of this. How many hours do you need? Ten? eleven? I'm going to use all of my time. How many hours would you need?"
They used their time! Next speaker. Praises those who have spoken tonight. On censoring people's language, public forum, governed by 1st amendment.
Going after the idea that everyoen who wanted to speak did. They did not.

Calls them out for scapegoating the people detained. Calls out Cifelli for not answering my question. "You have made it clear you do not care about the people inside."
Time called. Next, from the NYU immigrant law clinic. "I went to law school to fight what just happened tonight."

Friend if you bring these chucklefucks down, I am all for it.
"There are more of us than there are of you, an that gives me hope."
Next speaker. @CentralNJDSA zoom account, a comrade of course. Thanks the three who voted against. Calls them out for not being upset over stories of torture, but yes over bad language.
to Cifelli: "We all understand that you are a fucking asshole, so go fuck yourself."

Comrade is on the ball.
Next speaker. To Cifelli: "Your refusal to answer [my] question about how you would support the people detained by ICE there said more than anything you said ever could."

It really did.

Talking to each of the freeholders individually who spoke.
By the way you know who is slipping right under the radar here? Kopacz. Around in the chamber, silent, said nothing except to vote.
Asks Romano about offering jail visits: "what exactly is it you think would change our minds?"
Cut off on time but manages to call them all seedy.

Next speaker. "I keep asking a bunch of questions of the freeholders and you never answer me. Can I email somewhere so I can get a response?"

O'Dea says to email the clerk (Santos)
Goes after Walker for using the mistreatment of incarcerated citizens as a justification for the inhumane treatment of immigrant detainees.
"I will be asking every board members, what will you be doing going forward to help detainees and inmates in the Hudson County Jail?"

This is the key question.

Asks where the money goes? References business owned by freeholders, including the funeral home and restaurant.
Next speaker. "Good morning freeholders."

Speaking on "where do we go now moving forward?" Praising the "progress" at the jail. "We are not where we want to be".

Compliments Cifelli on his work. "I do think that good men and women can have different points of view"
Laying it on thick.

"If we take this money, we take responsibility for the families and communities affected." That at least I can agree with.
Time called. Next speaker. Goes after the procedural concerns alone. "You've written a blank check to the county executive."
"We're not just at where we started, we're worse off."

With apologies, I have to duck out for a minute here, but I will return. Apologies to the statements I miss.
I return to next speaker who is from O'Dea's district. Thanks O'Dea, Torres, Cedeno, and makes a point of getting the pronunciation right.

Calls out the organizational shittiness of ICE. "To vote for this contract is a rubber stamp that we want them in our community."
"I'm a registered democrat, I'm a union member, I knock doors, and I will whole-heartedly knock doors for you Bill."

Comments on being a naturalized citizen and the administration's plan to de-naturalize.
Time called. Next speaker. A regular. Talks about Torres. "I'm upset that my friends have colleagues have had to make themselves vulnerable on this call tonight."

Calls them out for their families working for DeGise, the naked politics and patronage of why they backed this.
calls them out for killing the democratic party. "Ask the clerk for the recording, and write down the name of everyone you agree with, because we have your back, and they don't."

Speaking for myself, I and @NorthNJDSA have your back.
Next speaker is the translator from the freeholders jail visit. Says that they pigeon-hold people and used the threat of being relocated to Mississippi "They spoke about their desire to go back to their families. You used their stories to justify your position"
Absolutely excoriates Cifelli for using those statements to justify the vote. Calls out Romano for proving "his inability to communicate in Spanish."

Absolutely disgusted.

Cut off mid-evisceration, to my disappointment.
Next speaker. Who was waiting to speak and was not recognized to speak. "I am the proud daughter of two African immigrants pursuing my JD at Fordham, and I hope I will learn how to use my rhetorical skills to bully people as much as you have tonight."
We just hit the 12 hour mark.

State record wooooooo
"I am seeing another group of incompetent white men making decisions about black and brown lives."

Goes after Romano, their rep.
"There were so many people on this call who were so much smarter than you, and they were stakeholders" time called.

The three-minute thing is openly being used for censorship and reepression.
Next up a Kearny resident. "Thank you for your vote tonight. Thank you for inspiring me to do everything in my power to remove you from office."

Green party of Hudson county. This is a promise, Cifelli will not run unopposed.
Next speaker. "I appreciate being radicalized by today's affairs."

#trysocialism dsausa.org

Or one of the many other excellent organization that spoke tonight.
Calls out Romano for threatening a constituent ("Let's meet outside.")

Absolutely lays into Romano for that.
"I yield my time and fuck you all" Great finish.

Next speaker. O'Dea: "Good morning"

"I'm not going to get into the moral arguments for what y'all did, because you already did it."
"People like me are the reason democrats are losing is what you shouted over me. I believe it's people like you, because why would anyone vote for democrat who supports ICE? You're a diet republican."
Time. Next speaker. Has spoken, moving on. Next speaker, calls out Caridad Rodriguez.

"It's your duty as offiicals to vote not on legality but what is right."

To Cifelli: "Who do you serve? Is it us, or is it ICE? How are you going to serve your constituents?"
"I'd like an answer."

"How was your vote today serving your constituents?"

"In my comments before my vote, I think I responded to the public's comments. I didn't ignore the public comments."

But you sure voted against them.
"Do you think you'd prefer to be in jail versus with your family?"

"Absolutely not, but that's not the issue before us. I don't think you heard my comments."

"I heard them very clearly. You didn't hear the hundreds of comments today."
Another speaker. "I reject and resent the assertion that everyone had the ability to testify today." Delivering the messages of the people who are detained at HudCo now.

"The contract should end because that facility is terrible."
Followed with testimony from a trans woman who was detained there, also calling it should be closed.

A third for someone who has been in detention there for two years. "As a detainee in Hudson county, the guards treat the detainees like criminals."
"Hudson county jail is not a safe place of detainees."

"I'm a New Yorker so I can't vote for or against you, but I will be at your doors, at your homes, every step of the way, holding you accountable." Time called.
Next speaker. Calls out Romano for watching TV. Calls out his citation of immigrant heritage, which the speaker shares.
"Electoralism is not, and will never be how we achieve change. To those who voted against the contract, thank you. To those who voted for it, fuck you."

Next speaker. "I heard a lot of things tonight about people who are in the county jail tonight."
Talking about the "New Jersey Housewives" couple that was split up over one of them being a non-citizen after being arrested.

"I cannot say I am surprised by the outcome, I wish I was."
Next speaker. 19-year-old from Essex county. "I have completely lost faith in county government in New Jersey."

It's always a touching to see children grow up.

"People will probably die as a result of this vote."
Calls out Cifelli's laughing, and the flashing lights of Romano's TV. Puts on her sister, who follows up with the biting sarcasm of a teenage girl. "You guys have no empathy and I can't believe you even exist."
"You give democracy a bad name"

Subtheme of the evening: The Kids Are Alright.

Last speaker!
The last speaker is having technical issues and cannot speak.

Well, that was that.

O'Dea: "Any other comments from the administration or members of the board."
O'Dea: "There were a lot of incidents that were brought up today that happened this year. I would ask that we get an expedited transcript to director Edwards, and he be prepared to address issues raised by speakers today."
Cifelli, because he can't fucking shut up. "I want to thank all the members of the public, on the longest day I have spent as a freeholder. I want to thank everyone for hanging in there and giving their comments."
Thanking colleagues. "But most of all, I want to thank the stenographer."

I will give Cifelli this one, tiny thing. That is the only decent thing he has said all night.

O'Dea wishes everyone happy thanksgiving. Motion to adjourn, second, passed, and done.
closing comment from possibly Kopacz, "Best thing I've heard all day"
OK. It's been 12.5 hours. I have an icepack on my forearm. We did literally everything, everything we could to stop this from happening, but the grift and the machine pushed on.

We are not done.

Not by a long shot.
Let's make the next three years a living hell for each and every one of these six traitors to the poeple of hudson county. Their names again:

Anthony Vainieri
Kenneth Kopacz
Jerry Walker
Caridad Rodriguez
Anthony Romano

And a final, very special fuck you to Albert Cifelli
Goodnight and solidarity forever.

• • •

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More from @jkefka

23 Nov
The @HudCoTweet board of freeholders is having a caucus meeting at 4. I will be livetweeting the caucus meeting but, to be clear, TOMORROW (TUESDAY) AT 1PM is the actual meeting where (we expect) the board of freeholders will vote on the ICE contract.
The caucus meeting is different from the public meeting:

- It sets the agenda of the public meeting

- There is no public comment (but the public can listen in)

- No binding decisions are made (other than the agenda for tomorrow)
Basically, it's a good chance to see where various freeholders stand as of today on the ICE contract, which I presume will be a topic of discussion based on a conversation I had earlier with Cifelli.
Read 25 tweets

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