@StevenBeschloss@HC_Richardson How do we keep track of this?
And when it happens that we are told we have to 'move on' for the sake of the country, what shall we do then?
I fear we are going to leave the cancer in the body having only cut out the most obvious part. And that not cleanly.
It is déjà vu' all over again-the same questions from long ago: "...When will they every learn...When...".
The answer seems to be never.
I do not have faith in the resolve of @JoeBiden et al, to
@StevenBeschloss@HC_Richardson 3/ do what is necessary to explore what has happened these last 4 years.
Agreed, what needs to be done is not Retribution. Nothing done out of anger. But if we are truly unable to deal with the facts of what happened, in all of its details - there will be no healing.
@StevenBeschloss@HC_Richardson 4/ There is no more clear truth than this. The only time in our history that is a rhyming time 1850-80's and beyond...The War was won. But the underlying issues never resolved.
We'll not get that deep, I don't suppose.
But we out to start with the breakdown and erosion of the
@StevenBeschloss@HC_Richardson 5/ Constitutional system, its principles based upon its values, and the resultant "norms" that were so rudely ripped at. Like a wolf going for the throat, the Trump era was a full on attack.
If we think this thinly won election is the victory we need, we are setting ourselves
@StevenBeschloss@HC_Richardson 6/ for the next one. And if the anti-RightWing, non-Trumpers won't learn the lessons be absolutely certain that Trump and his capo's and his believers will.
They are testing even now the resolve of the system to find its weaknesses.
@StevenBeschloss@HC_Richardson 7/ So, to yours @StevenBeschloss: How to we make sure the Biden admin does justice? Will they even take the necessary steps to articulate the problem, much less address it in its full detail?
Irrational anger & outrage which is easily manipulated, as we see being done, into tribal affiliation. Predicated not on some devotion to core ideals & principles of the country, but something else.
One side largely is moved by wanting a system, a society, a government that is responsive to the situation and needs of the public. This has a number of aspects, from infrastructure, taking care of the environment, BLM, taking care of the 'least among us' &etc.
These folks...
These folks on "the other side"... Not sure what to call this other side. It is a collection of right wing people, some who are simply "members" by affiliation, by tradition, by location in the country...others by reasoned choice.
However they get there, a large % are like this.
I wonder how you live in the fog of this anger & untouchable outrage. All for a man who is flawed beyond belief.
Do you not see the difference just in tone & character.
Tr storming around like a petulant child?
Ready to subvert justice at every turn?
Tied into
@tommy_pane 2/ fanatasies of personal umbrage, while the nation burns.
When it is revealed in detail how he & his family have been profiting from the presidency is that going to make any difference?
Does it mean nothing to you that he has been subverting the constitution?
@tommy_pane 3/ You don't of course. For some reason you think what Tr is doing is just fine.
You don't think that he is subverting the will of the people at all.
Even though his "victory" of 2016 which he bellowed was "the greatest ever" (another lie, always a lie w Trump)
was less than
@tommy_pane No. You are wrong.
The people who are telling you this are
. Secr's of State
. the various levels of certification boards
. The Courts - now over 30 cases thrown out for being frivolous and without merit.
I always have thought you were more thoughtful & considered than this
@tommy_pane 2/ I keep giving you that benefit of the doubt.
But when you perpetually come back w groundless/factless rejoinders like this... and almost always refuse to engage the various points of fact or assertions I make in response to yours
it gives pause.
@tommy_pane 3/ Trump is causing a great deal of long term harm.
I don't know what info sources you pay attention to. But I encourage you to expand your thinking.
This constant appeal to subtrafuge and dark arts that are propounded by the AlexJones sect, or the Fox Opinion class (vs the
Before there is any talk of pardoning anybody let’s first figuring out what we’re pardoning for.
Do you want to pardon Trump? First understand the immensity of the lawlessness so healing can happen.
The constant avoidance is a Band-Aid over cancer.
We can’t do it again.
Was predictable of course. Even someone like me could see this is what was going to happen.
But we cannot afford another Obamaesque “let’s just MoveOn.“ And leave the cancer festering.
It will happen, and it will re-emerge another Trump later on.
We have not figured out that
The opposition is not interested in reconciliation. They are not interested in facts or truth. They are complicit in one of the worst attacks on our country/constitutional government since perhaps the Civil War.
They are interested in getting away with it.
It is a basic
This is remarkable. Feels like the Stalin trials where he forced confessions before the execution.
"Like us we believe..."
He says how much he is looking fwd to the proof, & expects it, but does not, cannot say, how absurd it is that having lost 30+ court cases already why is
one allowed to fester in the public square, not submitted to any court as evidence of all the claims made.
This will not end well. This gambit is designed to keep the agitation alive w wan hopes of its being true, even while it is crystal clear it is a feint, at best.
At worst it is a huge intentional lie. Known to be a lie to the perpetrators. The willing captains doing their part to cast doubt on the election with nothing but empty, but loud and ominous sounding claims.