I would like more facts to come out about Benghazi, false Russian collusion narrative, Extortion 17 etc. the reason I want this is because history needs to record the truth, innocent people who have been slandered/maligned need to be vindicated..
..families need to be at peace as much as possible and to prevent more loss of life or life altering injuries. in the quest to find facts however, people make all kinds of errors (me included) and sometimes tie things together that may not be actually tied together..
..there are moments when people honestly believe they have "solved it" but are making non-evidentiary inferences about the information they possess or witnesses they are taking to. there are also people who intentionally mislead or whose motives are usually monetary..
@TheGhostsGhost imo they then ran a NSC covert operation out of the White House (post Nov 8, 2016) that transitioned to a sabotage operation after Jan 20th 2017.