As City Council votes to resume banishing and criminalizing Unhoused folks today, ~100 ppl living in Chinatown’s El Pueblo SECZ are being traumatized by an unexpected sweep, with cops. There’re positive cases in the community here. Blood on your hands @JoeBuscaino
City sweep teams told us they were on pause due to multiple COVID-19 outbreaks at the mobile showers they drag out at during sweeps (so u can shower while the city trashes your shit). Attempts to reach @LAHomeless abt consistent, transparent messaging to residents go nowhere.
Thanks to the city’s inability to let houseless folks know with regularity when their constitutional rights are gonna be violated, we now have elderly disabled residents scrambling to save belongings in a move that normally takes hours if not the whole nite. #ServicesNotSweeps
Trans, disabled and unhoused resident Hal describes what its like to live in @MayorOfLA and @MitchOFarrell's harmful and costly Special Enforcement Zone in Hollywood.
When @davideryu 's staff gave a presentation on his new Riverside shelter, they called it a "Services Zone" with no mention of the daily police harassment+banishment.
We've witnessed police tell young Black unhoused men to "get out of here" in these zones #HomesNotZones