In Handbook to the NHS Constitution for England, you frequently use 'gender' in relation to characteristics on which you will not unlawfully discriminate:
You explicitly state that on one occasion these rights to non-discrimination are as set out in the Equality Act 2010 and imply that's also where the other rights arise from.
However, 'gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.
Sex is the protected characteristic under the Act, but that is not on your list, except in one instance.
You also cite the 'Equalities Act 2010' but there is no legisaltion with that title.
Language and meaning of words are important and proper use & understanding of terms is vital so that the public is aware of what rights they have and what your duties are. Any confusion or inconsistency over meaning may prevent people from accessing their rights in law.
Will you undertake to correct these errors and to review all your other policies, documents, reports, etc to ensure compliance?
The Equal Opportunities section of your job application for 'Policy Manager, Equality & Access to Justice' vacancy mentions the Equality Act 2010 but...
...then asks for the 'gender' of the applicant with options:
'Gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.
Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology.
Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology.
Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology: 'self-describe' is not a valid option.
Sex is the protected characteristic & the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' & 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology - 'Non-binary',
'Transgender Male' & 'Other' are not valid options
Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology.
Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology - 'non-binary' and 'other' are not valid options for sex.