Its root was thus the "Millennium of Kings without crown" from the two feet of the Millennium philosophy, which extended to ancient Egypt. The Millennium of crowned kings is currently wandering in French identity…
Let us here a historical picture of the subject,
so that the bottom of the question is understood: ancient Egypt was built as a theological state. So it was the partnership of two dynasties. One of these dynasties was king of the Egyptian state, of Religious Affairs; others were king of world affairs. However, this always
happens in "theological States"! Also in Egypt, the Kings of religious affairs were limited to the Holy Family of the "priests of Horos", who worshipped the cult of Osiris. And the princes of the world were the Pharaohs of the children of Menesha. In this sense, priests and
pharaohs founded and ruled a state and a civilization as equal partners. They were partners in God, just as they were partners in the state.
But after the collapse of the neighbor, the rival of the Egyptian civilization, Babylon and its successors, the "Babylonian spirit" did
not die; the Egyptians regarded the Syrians as savage barbarians from Asia. The Syrians were then thieves and looters. He infiltrated Egypt through the" Asian Hiksos", also" Syrian thief kings ", and founded his own pharaohs/angel. Thus the native Coptic Pharaoh became invalid
and withdrew to Lower Egypt. Hiksos taking over the political leadership,
He stared at religious rule. And instead of the Horus cult they founded the"ATON Religion". Thus, the priesthood of Koptik Horos became invalid and withdrew into the underground.
In our opinion and essentially the monotheistic Aton Religion was a new and monotheistic Horos-Osirism built under the influence of the "Prophet Joseph-Islam". In fact, we can compare this cult with the Christianity of Paul, which has Saabilized the "Jesite Islam" created
by Byzantine and Jewish Partnership.
Faith in god Aton did not live long. After a short time the reign of the ancient Coptic Menes destroyed with a strong step, the Egyptian domination Hiksos, and thus the Aton-Religion; they dominated the Osiris-Religion
in the country. But on one condition... the new priests of Pharaoh and Horos were no longer political partners. For this reason, the" OSIRIS God", believed to be the "common God", was also invalid. For the Pharaohs of the new Menes state of Egypt found it more pragmatic and
profitable to proclaim their own deity. But the priests did not accept that it was over!
And so began a relentless " religious and state war "between Horoscopic priests and"God Pharaohs". It still goes…
In the time of the Pharaohs, the Prophet Moses appeared.
And the dispute between Moses and Pharaoh was the reason for the collapse of Ancient Egypt. After that, the priests of Horos and the Pharaohs, God, were not in Egypt. History is witness to their flight to Greece and Rome with vassals. At that time, the dynasty of Pharaoh King of
Hiksos was already secret after its demise and infiltrated the monotheistic children of Israel. Hazrat Mahdi( as): Let's say that Moses came from Egypt with the "Operation Red Sea".
Then we can describe it as follows: in Rome and Europe afterwards, the family of the
Menes Pharaohs; west of the geography, which was already under their patronage, they founded the European dynasties of the Egyptian school. Likewise, starting in the west of the same geography, the Hiksos Pharaohs began to establish the Babylonian schools, the European dynasties.
This "group of 2 monarchs" did not allow the priests of Horos, who fled to Europe to establish a monarchy, which belonged to their own essence. They too considered the title" kings of God "appropriate, and in this context they infiltrated the lands of the Egyptian and
Babylonian dynasties, which we might call" kings of the people". And " they continued their existence in the form of Holy Knights/sects/Lodges/structures. Their revenge cost the story: so the Holy Knights continued their fight by making plans for 1,000 years, or the fight to
conquer the world. So we said to them, " the Millennials."
After imperial Rome, the Pharaohs of Babylon and Egypt shared with the Aryan Teutons from the Asiatic Indus to create their kingdoms by dividing Europe among themselves. And against the Millennials, as allies and
as Babylonians and Egyptians, they did not stay behind to continue the quarrel among themselves. And they have made their plans for 100 years. Especially from 1700, during their reign in Great Britain, the Babylonian schools formalized their 100-year plans.
So we called them" century".
Hazrat Mahdi (as) since the Huru Moses, in different parts of the Earth, the century dwellers who have founded their own blue empires, and the Millennials who have infiltrated all these empires, are at war. At the beginning of every 1000 Years War
is brought into a practical sphere on a worldly level. For the followers of the Millennium understanding believe that their own kingdom will begin from 33 out of 1000 years. For Example ... 1. They believed that the Prophet died in the murder of Jesus Christ,
or killed, appeared in a thousand years, would be the beginning of the Apocalypse. This opinion became general later, and they, 33 every 1000 years. In the year they come to the button of the apocalypse. 1033 ... as 2033. But his Attempts 33 and 1033 failed.
The Situation has not changed in our time either, and they began in 2001, 3. 13 by 2033 they are defeated. There will be some of you who remember; let's repeat it again: about six months ago, when the pandemic attack was just beginning, we said the millennials were
being cleared. We still agree.
But what is not understood, we need to make an explanation to make this subject understandable: when the Kings of subjects in their country where they were monarchs, The Blue dynasties that were accepted had enough manpower for the war,
so they had overcrowded subjects who were willing to fight for them. But the Blue horoscopes without a crown were alone; they had no subjects. They needed Warriors who were willing to eliminate this loneliness and die for their own ideals. They accepted this requirement among
ordinary people. The cults they founded to create " Hitman Power "because they elegied" in the name of God " were a kind of center of descent. Technically, they used"Initiation". The people they chose and trained through Initiation were now "Holy Knights", and fighting
and dying in the name of the Horus Rahi family were for them the key to "being God"and the kingdom of heaven. It is still!
In 2001, the last attraction to force God to the apocalypse, the century-blue dynasties and the Millennium-blue monks fought again. In this process,
with the help of the Turks, the centenarians have invalidated their Millennium plans. As a result of this defeat, the apocalyptic priests had to retreat underground. What was left of them, were initiated, human secular Millennium brothers. And in the 19th century,
secular brothers offered to cooperate. And they agreed. In other words, There is no theological Millennium Horosogullars more; secular / Buddhist Devşirme Millennium ists are now under the command of the windsors or Wales desk Majestica…
So where and in what state are
the centuries? In answer to this question, we can say that as a result of the successful strategic plans of the Babylonian Queen, both the Babylonian blue dynasties and the Egyptian blue families are gathered at the table of Wales. And these "two monarch groups" seem to
have agreed, to rule the world from now on. So the "secular Millennials" are now part of the Round Table of the blue and are at the disposal of the majestic Council.
Let's stop and ask another question here: how the Queen convinced the Blue Dynasties of the Egyptian school,
one of the parties of the Babylon-Egyptian war for four thousands of years, to be with the Babylon of criminalists? The plan of this conviction dates back to the Queen's marriage in 1950. Queen / Princess Elizabeth, the genetic daughter of the Babylonian goddess Semiramis,
married the "Greek prince"of the time, who was related to almost all Egyptian dynasties, Prince Philip. For this reason, the couple's children were born in hybrids that carried both Babylonian blood and Egyptian blood. In this sense, they are the common blue gods of both
the Babylonian god Nemrut and the Egyptian God Pharaoh. In other words, they have ended the historical opposition to Babylon and Egypt and revealed/removed a common identity of the "Blue Earth God". From now on, the line of Prince Charles, son of the Queen and Philip, worthy
and worthy to be the "only and last dynasty of the New world". This dynasty was founded in Wales: the Battenberg dynasty! Both the Egyptian and Babylonian dynasties are now servants of this"last dynasty". I mean what they say!
Let us add here a special case that belongs to the Person of the queen, such as this theological partnership: as is well known, the United Kingdom is a monarchical organization in the case of the United Kingdom of Saxons and Celts on British territory.
They know that the Saxons are the people of Babylon, and the Celts join Egypt. The primary and effective dynasties of these two peoples in Britain are obvious: the Windsor and Stuart... The Queen; in British politics they bear two titles:
ie 2. Elizabeth, Queen of Windsor and head of the Anglican Church, also has the identity and power of the Druid-nun of the Celtic faith. (Let's also record the following information about Kelten: Anatolian origin Kelten, people of Ireland and Northern Britain,
as well as Austrian and Bavarian Bavarians, genetics of the people of Northern Switzerland and northern France. Thus Celtic blood circulates throughout Europe.) So, whatever" sister Queen " says.
For these reasons, and now, as the only son of the Saxon Queen and
the Ketlik-Prince Philip and the Babylonian and Egyptian common of God, Prince Charles, his brother, and his sons, in the state of the "founding fathers of the New world" accepted.
Here is the information on the two Putins that I originally posted, but not all of them. The videos I have of Putin's trial and his wife's confession have all been removed from YouTube.
I also have a lot more photos, but will show them later if necessary.
According to members of the Russian government, the original Putin is said to have mixed up gangsters and gangsters. He would kill anyone who got in his way or who he just wasn't a fan of.
Everyone around him lived in fear for their lives. Russian officials came together and charged Putin with all of the murders he had committed.
Below are pictures of Putin locked up in a courtroom. A guilty verdict was quickly pronounced and Putin was "quickly" executed that
The mural actually depicts the Security Council chamber itself. Look at the color of the wall in the background of the mural, then look at the color of the wall surrounding the mural. Also look at the shape
and color of the object on which the phoenix is standing in the mural, then look at semi-circular desk at which the Security Council members sit. You’ll see that the phoenix is actually standing on its ashes which lie on the desk of the Security Council.
But in the mural, the desk has a disfigured appearance, as if it’s been melted, and the ashes of the old phoenix lie on the burnt table.
So the mural depicts the New World Order phoenix standing in the ashes of the old UN on the burnt Security Council desk. It portrays the
Für ALLE, die den Ernst der Lage immer noch nicht erkannt haben!!! Leute, das ist kein Schwachsinn oder Verschwörungstheorie!!!, [19.05.20 09:28]
Kopie einer e-Mail an ungefähr 700 Abgeordnete des Bundestages und in Kopie an bisher einige hundert
Vergesst diesen ganzen Blödsinn mit Viren! Es geht um etwas völlig anderes. Es geht um die totale Kontrolle über die Menscheit mithilfe eines Quanten-Computers mithilfe des CoVID-19, also dem "Certificate of Vaccination ID"
(Zertifikat der Impfkennziffer sinngemäß), über welche jeder Mensch vollständig und vollautomatisch kontrolliert werden soll!
So ähnlich wie der gefährliche Microchip im Spielfim "Terminator 2".
Sehr geehrte Abgeordneten,
Die Abkürzung "CoVID-19" steht für:
⚠️ It is so obvious that it is hard to believe. The same corona mechanisms have been installed in all governments of the world. The world is under arrest! In order to regain our freedom and basic rights, we have to have a gene-altering vaccine injected and pay with our health!
And even with the vaccination, normality will no longer exist. Our democracy is being eroded day by day and replaced by a centralized, worldwide control and surveillance state. The global shadow government comes to light: Corona is the official birth of the New World Order!
Irans Chef-Nuklearwissenschaftler wurde laut iranischen Medien in der Nähe von Teheran getötet.
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, ein Nuklearwissenschaftler, wurde gemartert und ermordet + Bilder und Details
- übersetzter Artikel, Teil 2/2 -
Nach den erhaltenen Informationen fand das Attentat in der Stadt Absard statt, und die Terroristen sprengten ein anderes Auto,
bevor sie auf das Auto von Herrn Fakhrizadeh schossen.
Erklärung des Verteidigungsministeriums:
"Am Freitagnachmittag griffen bewaffnete Terroristen ein Fahrzeug von Mohsen Fakhrizadeh an, dem Leiter der Forschungs- und Innovationsorganisation des
Unfassbar welches Wissen Dr. Andreas von Bülow (SPD) im Gespräch mit Michael Vogt preisgibt. 😱
9/11 war ein Inside Job, Israel direkt oder indirekt an 9/11 beteiligt, deutsche Presse von der CIA finanziert,
USA sind der Drahtzieher von über 50 Putschen weltweit, Sauerland-Bomber war durch den deutschen Geheimdienst "betreutes Bomben".
Das sind nur einige von zahlreichen Vorwürfen, die Dr. von Bülow erhebt und immense politische Sprengkraft besitzen. Andreas von Bülow gehörte
viele Jahre der Parlamentarischen Kontrollkommission der Nachrichtendienste an und war unter BRD Geschäftsführer Helmut Schmidt von 1980 bis 1982 Bundesminister für Forschung und Technologie. In dieser Funktion lernte er Denkweise und Praktiken von Geheimdiensten kennen,