In charges against election fraud brought by @SidneyPowell1 Serbia is repeatedly mentioned. I have already revealed that the software for Dominion voting machines was made in Serbia, which was also confirmed on my Twitter account by Bojan Đorđević, 👇🏼
the legal representative of Dominion in Serbia. The Dominion machines were connected to internet and they all communicated with the address in Belgrade, from where the votes were transferred from Trump to Biden. 👇🏼
It is clear that Serbia is the key outside factor of the USA election fraud. Wherever you tackle the election fraud in America, you will find Soros. 👇🏼
Serbia and the whole Balkans are Soros colony and he is the master of Serbian politicians. However, besides Soros, there is another important factor of the election fraud and of maintaining colonial status of Serbia. 👇🏼
That is the CIA. In Frankfurt, the American army burst in and captured the servers where the election votes were kept. According to Wikileaks dispatches, CIA secret operation center is situated in Frankfurt. 👇🏼
I have also mentioned the role of general Petraeus, Soros’s man and the former CIA chief, who controls the firm which changed the USA votes from Belgrade. Soros is the boss of Balkans, and another pillar is the CIA, which conducts, directs and controls. 👇🏼
The system was built in the second half of the nineties, and was fully completed after the coloured revolution in 2000. The main people who installed this system in Serbia were David Roseman, Bill Jameson and Sean Fitzpatrick. 👇🏼
Sean Fitzpatrick was the representative of CIA in Belgrade at the end of nineties. He made his career in marketing, in McCann-Erickson, where he was a longtime vice president. Under that cover he cooperated with intelligence services in different states. 👇🏼
David Roseman was a CIA servant for some 30 years. During his service he worked in 150 states.He was in charge of the legality of CIA operations worldwide, and represented CIA in negotiations of mixed jurisdiction with FBI and the Department of Defense after 9/11 attack in 2001👇🏼
He was also the main mediator who conducted the negotiations in Bosnia and Herzegovina about forming of common intelligence service after the war. The CIA leader in Balkans for 20 years was the “late” John David Neighbor, who was arrested in 2002 as CIA chief in Belgrade 👇🏼
together with Momčilo Perišić, and charged with espionage. After being released he was killed in Hungary, and CIA “resurrected” him under new name and sent him to Sofia, from where he conducts the works of CIA and British MI6 in Balkans. 👇🏼
The mentioned people established CIA control in Serbian judicature, security services and politicians, so therefore Belgrade was the safe house to conduct the election fraud in America. Also, the Iran connection with the election fraud in USA could not exist without Serbia. 👇🏼
Nenad Kovač, nicknamed Neša Roming, is the business partner of Vučić and Đilas. This most powerful Serbian tycoon is the product of the above explained net of CIA. He was the product of Miki Rakić, the ex-boss of Serbian security service, installed by CIA 👇🏼
who in just a few years turned him from a smalltime black marketer of mobile phones into the richest monopolist. The business of Neša Roming was also a matter of concern of American congressmen who, in their letter to Vice President Pence 👇🏼
stated that they were worried that a small group, close to the Serbian President, consisting of president’s brother Andrej, Nikola Petrović, Nenad Kovač, Zvonko Veselinović and Slaviša Kokeza, controls all infrastructural business and budget-financed works.
The letter also mentions concerns about the cooperation between Serbia and Iran. Nenad Kovač is one of the main actors of this cooperation. His firm represents the Chinese Huawei and ZTE, Kovač directly violates USA sanctions for Iran, delivering them the sanctioned equipment 👇🏼
Kovač is also involved in mining cryptocurrency and swindling of USA citizens in proceedings against 11 persons in Texas at the moment. His firm Enetel is one of the main software firms in Serbia. 👇🏼
He is directly involved in extracting and laundering of American taxpayers money through USAID. After the laundering, money is returned to USA and used by Soros to finance political campaigns and terrorist organizations such as BLM and Antifa. 👇🏼
@realDonaldTrump knows that all paths of deep state election fraud lead to Belgrade. There are many attempts to obstruct the exposing of election fraud and stealing votes in America, and to turn the investigation to false leads and dead ends. 👇🏼
Just follow the trails of Soros. 1. Soros is connected to Dominion. 2. Soros stands behind the companies who backed the election fraud in USA. 3. Soros is the master of all Serbian politicians involved in election fraud and he directly installs them in power. 👇🏼
4. Soros finances and controls the CANVAS, organization entrusted with conducting the coloured revolutions. 5. Corona virus was released from Soros laboratory in Wuhan. 6. Soros is at the top of the corruptive network in Ukraine - #Ukrainegate. 👇🏼
The same network exists in Serbia. 7. Soros organized the corruptive network in Serbia, through which enormous quantities of money were stolen and laundered, including hundreds of millions of dollars of American taxpayers through USAID. 👇🏼
That money was later used for financing political activities in USA and in financing terrorist actions of Antifa and BLM organizations. 👇🏼
8. Soros directly runs the BLM, while Hillary Clinton is charged with conducting the organization of Antifa. 9. Soros stands behind the Clintons and Biden. Wherever you look, you find George Soros. It is time for this villain to face justice. 👇🏼
The #Ukrainegate affair was opened because the globalists started to lose the levers of control there. The same corruptive network exists in Serbia, but here they are still in power and control everything, because #Serbiagate has not been opened yet.… 👇🏼
Balkans is the strongest globalist stronghold and from here all operations against Trump have been conducted for 4 years. The exposing of the election fraud in USA and the second mandate of Donald Trump will be the end of globalists.…👇🏼
In the days to come we expect the epilogue and the final reckoning after which America, the world, and Serbia, will be freed from the claws of globalist criminal network which destroyed peoples and states. ⚖️
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У тужби за изборну превару коју је поднела @SidneyPowell1, више пута се помиње Србија. Већ сам објавио да је софтвер за гласачке машине Доминиона писан у Србији, што је потврдио код мене на Твитер налогу Бојан Ђорђевић, законски заступник представништва Доминиона у Србији 👇
Машине Доминиона су се качиле на интернет и све су комуницирале са адресом у Београду, одакле су гласови са Трампа пребачени на Бајдена. Јасно је да је Србија кључна инострана карика за изборну превару у САД. Где год загребете у изборној превару у Америци, наићи ћете на Сороша 👇
Србија и цео Балкан су колонија Сороша, и он је господар српских политичара. Међутим, поред Сороша, постоји још један важан чинилац изборне преваре и одржавања колонијалног статуса Србије. То је ЦИА. Америчка војска упала је и запленила у Франкфурту👇
Dominion Voting Systems machines, which were used for conducting the election fraud were rejected in the state of Texas due to the fact they were deemed to be unsafe. One of the reasons is that they are being connected to the internet. 👇
The software for these machines was written in Serbia. In order to fully understand the entire network of this election fraud, it should be mentioned that the important link in all of this is a retired US General and Soros’s man David Petraeus. 👇
In the election night, the vote counting was stopped in Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Dominion Voting Systems machines were used in all of these states. And they were all connected to the internet and configured to the Serbian IP address, from 👇
If we are talking about Venezuela, there is no need to pass rash judgments on Maduro. We should be taking a look in another direction. The globalists' man Juan Guaido was trained by CANVAS in Serbia. CANVAS was behind the attempt of coloured revolution 👇@GenFlynn@SidneyPowell1
in Venezuela just like it is behind the one that is being prepared against Trump in the USA. They have failed in Venezuela, but Guaido declared himself the President. Just like Biden. Soros is behind both Guaido and CANVAS, as well as behind Biden. 👇
Some countries have recognized Guaido, just like they have recognized Biden. For instance, Spain and Germany. These two countries have congratulated Biden too and they are particularly interesting because the servers that store the votes of American citizens are located 👇
One name is being brought up in all these affairs and it rounds out the story proving that all of this is part of the plan. That name is George Soros. Soros has connections to the Dominion, Soros is behind the companies which supported the US election fraud. 👇
Serbia and the Balkans are a colony of Soros and the rest of the globalists. Soros finances and manages CANVAS, the organization in charge of arranging of coloured revolutions, and the coronavirus was released from Soros’s lab in Wuhan. Soros is behind the Ukrainegate –👇
he is the head of that corruptive network and the same type of network exists in Serbia too. Serbiagate is yet to be opened. Soros organized the whole corruptive network in Serbia wherein huge amounts of money, including hundreds of millions of dollars which came from American 👇
Машине Dominion Voting Systems које су биле средство за изборну превару, одбијене су у Тексасу, јер нису безбедне. Један од разлога је и што се конектују на интернет. Софтвер за машине је написан у Србији. 👇
Да би се открила цела мрежа како су покрали изборе у Америци, важна карика је пензионисани генерал Дејвид Петреус, човек Џорџа Сороша. 👇
У изборној ноћи прекинуто је бројање у Мичигену, Аризони, Невади, Винсконстну, Џорџији и Пенсилванији. У свим државама користе се машине Dominion Voting System. И све су се качиле на интернет, на ИП адресу у Београду, одакле су милиони Трампових гласова пребачени Бајдену. 👇
Бајден није "победио" оловком, већ преваром путем софтвера, направљеног у Србији. Гласачке машине у окрузима Антрим и Вејн у Мичигену су повезане на интернет 3.11. у 23.00 часа, а хиљаде Трампових гласова је из Србије пребачено Бајдену.👇@georgesoros
Екстерна мрежа је повезана на српску ИП адресу, мрежа која пружа подршку је СББ, које у власништву Петреуса, бившег шефа ЦИА, и Сороша. Мањински партнери у СББ -у су Шолак и Ђилас. Зато не кењајте, него се и ви пакујте.👇@mojsbb@georgesoros@DraganDjilas
Кад мени нисте хтели да одговорите ко је Неша Роминг, и каква је ваша веза са њим, сада ћете да одговарате америчким истражним органима. Ускоро ћу изнети све доказе у јавност. @georgesoros@DraganDjilas@avucic