COVAX limitations aside, @SolidarityRSA is now involved in vaccine$ matters? It is not a public body, not @COVID_19_ZA and has no real oversight. They briefed @ParliamentofRSA but not sure if @AuditorGen_SA is overseeing public funds/ purpose/spend/procurement.
Critical issue for the public to appreciate is that #COVAX is not an elected global institution, it is voluntary- a voluntary pooling mechanism that lets you in if you have money & willing to accept patent rights claims, & gives some charity dosages for those deemed very poor.
#COVAX is part of the global advanced vaccine orders & advanced purchasing agreements mess we are in, or what we call #VaccineNationalism
Where are the dosages...where the money and power is not.
Actually, *we* should be *angry* because we don't have a functioning health system- insufficient ambulances, beds, oxygen, test kits, PPE, treatment. Poor social relief, ltd IP & price controls, inadequate state capacity, minimal transparency & procurement hijacking. #Covid19SA
We have not even commenced a proper and comprehensive legislative reform programme, given the impact of #Covid19SA
We have not been clear about the IP tipping point either.