I recall many of the debates in the Scottish Independence Referendum

Those with young people

Were some of the best
See also Danny Alexander (yes yellow lunchbox man)

"Some of the best debates and discussion I have had about the Scottish referendum have been with young people in schools and Newsbeat's Big Debate."
Here is someone else who supported votes at 16
And also
See the full words from Ruth at

To focus on part of her words

"In the weeks following the referendum, the debate has inevitably shifted onto whether the franchise should now be extended to all other elections."
Now the question is not whether 16 to 18 year olds are mature enough

They are

Scotland already led the way in establishing that
The question becomes

Why do you fear them voting?

That's the simple one

To David Cameron and his party

Why did you fear them?

Was it just that you knew you would never get your party to vote to support their enfranchisement?
Because again

I just want to know

Why did you fear 16 - 18 year olds?

In a referendum that was SO significant

Why did you fear them?
There's a fuller paper on votes for 16 - 18 year olds and the experience of Scotland here

3. Cheating

So first of all we start

With well brexit hardman steve baker

"Our own courts have said: “In elections, as in sport, those who win by cheating have not properly won and are disqualified.” "

A Conservative MP on Steve Baker

"It just reveals what the extreme Brexiteers have been about all along.

“It’s not enough to take the UK out of the EU. They want the entire thing to fall apart

and a reminder of Steve Baker

And how he wanted to fast track the sacking of civil servants

We will come back to civil servants later

For 4 plus years

The cheating of leave campaigns

Has been well established

All that is left is the question of how you defend it

Which as always in brexit

It's the how you defend the behaviour that is fascinating
See Theresa May

Who sacked a whistleblower on electoral cheating

Imagine doing that

Imagine being silent as a Prime Minister did that

Why I would have thought at least some of her cabinet would raise objection and resign on principle

Or even her party of MPs

But no
Oh her office outed him as well on his sexuality

That apparently was something Theresa May was offended at being done

But firing him

That was ok

The questions that spring from that dichotomy

Simple simple questions
You can of course go back to late March 2018

When the Daily Telegraph got really really upset at the concept of cheating

..... in cricket
Or when Theresa May similarly got really upset at cheating

"The Prime Minister is clear that cheating has absolutely no place in cricket or indeed in any sport.

Or of course you have Michael Gove

Who is so so proud of his role in the campaign

His role in Core Group of Vote Leave

Yet cannot recall any detail of what he did

It all fades into the fog of memory
I wrote a really really long thread on Michael Gove

I would suggest people come back to that later

Or read it now

Up to yourself

4. Scapegoating

Now this is a fascinating topic

Because touches on a range of history

If one thing is true

Sadly of history

In so many countries

Not just the UK

It is that othering

And scapegoating

Is a familiar theme
It is an easy go to route

To well

Encourage anger and fear
After all

We all understand anger

To borrow a phrase

Righteous anger
Because we all want our lives to improve

For ourselves

For our children

For others
See David Dimbleby below

A key point

"Everything had happened over 25 years suddenly coalesced because of one simple question"

Now I agree somewhat with David Dimbleby

It is all about coalescence

It was always about that

As Dominic made clear

(we haven't touched on the red bus yet)

That comes later in a subsequent point
The question is around what are you coalescing
actually I would go to a larger point

The last decade

Has been defined

By fear

By people who are afraid

By people who incite, encourage and exploit fear
After all

Thank god we haven't faced chaos with Ed Miliband

Have you seen how he eats a bacon butty
See also: other countries

This coalescence

Is not an issue related specifically to the UK

See here

Where I tackle the issue of a politician spreading lies, mistrust and misinformation

Why its almost like someone wants to fuel anger, fear and division

See also

Russian ads designed to create social and political divisions reached around 10 million Facebook users in the US, the company has revealed.

How you sow the seeds

"Russian trolls posing as Americans made payments to genuine activists in the US to help fund protest movements on socially divisive issues, according to a new investigation by a respected Russian media outlet."

a reminder

“We have been clear that we believe our own electoral system is amongst the most robust in the world,” the spokesman told reporters. “I don’t think we’ve seen any evidence of any successful direct interference in UK democratic processes.”

A simple point

Of course you haven't seen evidence


Your reminder

Not only did a British Prime Minister suppress a report into foreign intereference into British democracy

But a Conservative Prime Minister did

Can you imagine Tory outrage had a Labour leader e.g. Corbyn done so?

Anyway back to that coalescence question

Now I think Russian interference is an important story

But its not the only story

The Russians are just another player in the game

We did this to ourselves
Now to quote from the arts

The key points:

"Bob's problem is that he can't sell it!"

"He is interested in two things, and two things only: making you afraid of it, and telling you who's to blame for it"

Again as I said earlier

No brexiteers

I do not think you are all racist

Sadly - those selling brexit to a nation

Decided to employ scapegoating, racism, xenophobia and islamophobia

To sell their snake oil
I couldn't care less the political affiliations of a racist

I am more concerned at whether they are racist

At whom they are racist

And why

All racism matters

To borrow a phrase
And also to clarify

I do not think that racism did not exist prior to 2016

And suddenly came into being

Either during the sell of brexit

Or because of the win of brexit

There has always been racism
Sir Bill Cash here objects

He thinks we are not a racist country

I am glad Sir Bill Cash cleared that up

Oh meanwhile back in reality

Here are EU citizens being proposed to be used as "main cards"

From a man who only recently clarified that he never meant brexit is the easiest deal in history but that it *should be*

Why I am old enough to remember Vote Leave promising EU citizens and British citizens living in the EU that nothing would change
Oh and also

See Windrush (no not Theresa May and recent times)

But the original days

Theresa May does like to fan the flames of racism and xenophobia

Why imagine as a Home Secretary

Suppressing the reports about the benefits migration brings to the UK

It's almost like Theresa May has a common theme there she is trying to peddle

But hey - yay for wheatfields being the worst thing every

As to her successors

Well the Prittster

She is busy inciting attacks on "do-gooder" "lefty" or "activist" lawyers

You should thank her

She higlights she can't play the ball

So plays the profession

Thatcher would be ashamed of her

even worse

is when you cut funding for language courses

and then demonise refugees for their language skills

no blacks , no irish , no dogs, no EU

*already causing discrimination*

Now it has always been the case throughout history that there are those who seek to use the opportunity of a crisis

To demonise the other
"It's a story of chaos, mass hysteria, profiteering and racist violence – but it is also a story of some heroism and charity, from royal and commoner alike."

If only Jacob Rees Mogg had been around during the Great Fire to provide us with his invaluable common sense fire safety advice

No wonder he was made to hide during a general election campaign

Perhaps he gave Boris the inspiration to use his common sense and hide in a fridge
Or when catholicism was viewed as a "morally degenerate religion"

Why there are even those who think a Prime Minister who cares about the common good is a danger to brexit Britain

Great to see how far the UK has travelled in terms of religious discrimination

Now not only do you weaponise immigrants

But you go for refugees AS WELL

Because both are useful pawns to exploit and confuse the fears over

A reminder

Developing countries host 86% of the world's refugees

The UK 1%

Now of course you have Nigel Farage and his merry company

whatever the fuck they call themselves today

As they desperately rebrand to profit from whatever the latest trend is they can weaponise

You also have Vote Leave


A reminder of how they exploited the fear of the Turks are coming

Those people who wax lyrical about Parliamentary sovereignity

They doctored a video of the Turkish parliament to incite racism, xenophobia and islamophobia

Ask - why would they do that?

What were they seeking to gain?

A reminder

The Turks are coming

A reminder

The Turks are coming
A reminder the Turks are coming
A reminder

(only briefly) we will come back to Boris later

They were right

A Turk did come
Oh and a reminder

On brexiteers so desperate

They lie about a vaccine approval process

Anyway enough about Turkey

As I don't want people to think that it was just specifically Turkey that was used to exploit racism, xenophobia

Turkey just handily provided a key one that also tied in with islamophobia

Got to be afraid of those letter boxes and bank robbers
“Donald Trump’s take on immigration … Vote to Leave the vicious snake that is the EU on June 23”.

"vicious snake"

Yup of course Farage and his company of racists went there

So here's a reminder from Churchill

Now of course

Racism was not invented during or by brexit

As I have pointed out in my previous points

Scapegoating is not new

It is one of the oldest tricks in the book
And by god is that book well used

"Politicians are to blame for the rise of "respectable racism""

Now I want to talk about politicians who exploited racism for party political gain

I don't want to talk about Nigel Farage

He is just a racist hustler

Someone seeking to make profit from people's misery for his political gain
Instead I want to focus on the Conservative Party

Now I know David is quite well aware of what racism and xenophobia is

After all see his words on "fruitcakes and racists" when trying to smear others

In the aftermath of a global financial crash

Yes a global one

David Cameron and his party

In coalition with the Liberal Democrats

Chose a path of austerity
Now you can argue the Liberal Democracts had the best of intetions as they went into coalition and that they softened austerity

You can argue that had they not and a election repeat had given Cameron a majority government

That it would have been Cameron Unleashed

David Cameron pursued a policy of austerity

A policy

That was always a political choice

Not an economic one

Here is a "one nation" Baroness explaining
Here is the aunt and mother of the Prime Minister

Explaining the effects of the policies of her son/nephew

The local council ALSO leader making it clear

Central government cuts have their consequences

Here is a reminder on David Cameron and his words on social housing

Here is a reminder of the European Investment Bank

Here's an example of Liz Truss - we will come back to her in a moment

"Minister Liz Truss seemed unsure when asked how many of 200,000 starter homes pledged by the Conservatives in 2014 had been built."

Here is a reminder of population forecasts

As they impact education

Here a reminder of the "value of education" and Tory cuts to education

Oh and here

A reminder those Tories who complain that Black Lives Matter are going to defund the police


That mission was already done by the Conservatives

Mission accomplished

I am not even going to go into all the health tourism and other bullshit scapegoating nonsense from Leave sellers

I am tired of this topic

So so tired
Now as of today on December 2020

Apparently Liz Truss is somehow showing a good standing amongst ConHome supporters

Now that is a surprise

It is such a low bar

Here she is demonstrating her ability to answer a simple question

Every time a Conservative says they are going to level up

Ask them a simple question

From whom?

And from what?

Anyway sorry back to scapegoating

The main question you should ask

Is why would someone exploit a crisis to spread lies and disinformation


What do they seek to gain from it?


What do they seek to hide by it?

The frenzy of scapegoating, racism and xenophobia

Amidst a frenzy of of jingoism and nativist nationalism

Was used deliberately

By those who believed they needed it to win
And at the last on this scapegoating topic

We touch on the murder of Jo Cox MP

Here's the BBC live stream for that day

That sad day

Where the anger inflamed




Spilled over

With one man

Who decided the ends justify the means
Those who peddled the bile

Of course really don't like being reminded of the effects it has

" This calculated and sick murder took place at the end of one of the most divisive and dirty political campaigns ever waged in this democracy."

" This juxtaposition between the patriot and the traitor and the legitimisation by the Brexit-campaign of a xenophobe agenda undeniably provided the moral context in which the political murder of Jo Cox took place, but apparently this cannot be said as such."
And of course

Well there are those who even after the murder of an MP

Reveal there eternal lack of basic decency

So I think that's scapegoating covered

It's such a huge topic

The range of scapegoats employed and used

After all

Why settle for just one scapegoat

When having so so many multiple available distractions

Aids your cause
5. Lies

So now we move onto lies

I will put this back up from point 1 on the media

If only I could think of an ex-prominent "journalist" at the Telegraph

Who enjoyed his job and the freedom it gave him to spout lies

A reminder
He will be back there soon

He has a nanny he needs to afford after all and the miserly salary he receives as PM and the grace and favour residences and lifestyle he has does not make him happy

He needs his Telegraph hourly rate back

After all

He has his party scene he needs to afford to attend

Sorry back to lies

These are easy to get lots of places that provide summaries of such

So I am going to focus on just a few of those lies

1. a bus
2. on audits
3. on company movements
4. on protectionism
First of all

Let's get that damn red bus out of the fucking way

I can hear the groan's from brexiteers

not that f***ing red bus

It wasn't a promise

It didn't persuade anyone

It didn't persuade anyone

Why was it used then?

For fucks sake


The red bus was tuned and focus group polled specifically BECAUSE of its target desired effect

A reminder Dominic Cumming's OWN FUCKING WORDS
One simple bus

With one simple lie

You know what is worse

Not that people believed

But that liars had such contempt for taking people for fools that they would believe it

The £350 million a week figure was a lie

The promise was a lie
If you are still defending it

Then you are confirming to liars - that their contempt for you was correct

Fact Check UK would be proud of you demonstrating the contempt they have for you not only is correct

Sorry @CCHQPresso

There is a question

Who was an MP you most admired during the referendum campaign


I have mine

Sarah Woolaston MP
For her action on one small thing

Just one small thing

She was prepared to change her mind


She was prepared to challenge a lie
Oh yes and as a consequence

She faced


whereas other in the campaign

well they knew what they were peddling

and thought it a "price worth paying"

See Conservative MP Stephen Phillips
2. on audits

"The fact is that, contrary to the convincing assertions by some UK media, the EU accounts have been passed by the independent auditors every year since 2007 as accurate, legal, regular and reliable."

3. on company movements

You spout some utter deluded lies about how the EU has encouraged other countries to "steal" British factory locations

This has also been covered by one of the best (amongst so so many) of the commentators on brexit

4. on protectionism

That old the EU is protectionist trope

"There is one country that imposes more protectionist measures than any other.
It isn't China, Mexico, or Japan. It is the US."

"Tariff rates in Eurasia are the lowest, thanks to freer cross-border trade promoted by the European Union. The dawn of the millennium brought with it a preference for non-tariff barriers, as the WTO actively discouraged the levy of tariffs. “
If you want to see a measure of economic openness

See below

The United Kingdom

Category 2 Above Average openness

In Position 30 for openness


World beating eh?
Above us in openness

Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden, Estonia, Denmark, Malta, Norway, Slovakia, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Latvia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Finland, Bulgaria
Oh yes

And to those who peddle the EU protectionism trope

At the same time as Operation Vaken and the Chagos Islands and how did Boris put it - oh yes picanninies and water melon smiles

There's the Commonwealth trope BS

And I am not even going to get fucking started on the CANZUK bullshit
I would talk about America

And how one man fanned the flames of birtherism and racism

Against one President B. Obama

But you know that already

You know what a racist desperate charlatan Boris was and is
Here's a reminder

Of that "god given opportunity" to steal trade from brexit Britain

Oh yes and another reminder

Whether a Trump presidency

Or a Democrat one

The UK is desperate, weakened, enfeebled

The only question is how worse it will be
6. Expertise


Where to begin

Well first lets focus on a man who whilst a minister

Sought a fellowship of experts to advise him

Here is one of those experts

And how she was forced out by Michael

"Natasha Devon explains why the rise of mental health problems in children can be traced to the education policies of Michael Gove."

You can also think back to a time when Michael Gove praised experts

Yes he praised them

Roll onto a referendum campaign and Michael Gove decided to tackle the evidence and argument from experts

Not by playing the ball

But by playing the people/profession

“people in this country have had enough of experts”.

Thatcher said something once about people who did that
Roll on to December 2020

And according to Gavin Williamson we have the best well experts

"I just reckon we've got the very best people in this country and we've obviously got the best medical regulator,

You smear an entire profession

Again - showing you can't play the ball

By the way - those economists were correct

You exploit coronavirus to hide brexit within

Yes that "massive success" as Boris calls if of covid

June 2020
Thank you

For attempting to hide brexit

Because to hide it

You admit

You have something to hide
The fact you are hiding it amidst the dead and socio-economic damage from covid

Well shame on you

But that presumes you care about shame
I would go back to the Tory First Batallion

Or to Fact Check UK

Sorry @CCHQPress

But the attack on professions , on institutions

Well there are so many who seek to do that

7. Simplism / 8. Plan

It's quite difficult to separate 7 and 8

So I am going to combine them into one

Now once upon a time

Dominic Cummings warned of the danger of having a plan
And therefore it was quite surprising

When lo and behold

Before the 23rd June 2016

Who should pop up

But Messrs Gove and Johnson

To pronounce that they had a plan
14th June 2016 Daily Telegraph

"To that end, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, the two leading figures in the Leave campaign, have drawn up a blueprint for implementing a Brexit. Sensibly, it calls for flexibility and a period of reflection."
Now I have so many questions

Given Dominic's words

There must have been a lot of care, drafting and reviews went in to agreeing that plan

They must have found to borrow a word - a lot of reasonable people
It is therefore surprising

That 4 plus years on from announcing they had a plan

That not one trace of that plan has ever been published or found

After all

If brexit meant brexit

That would be to borrow a phrase the "Edstone" to which to refer to
It would have been the perfect document

To have given to Prime Minister May

As the leader of the Leave campaign

To make it clear this is what was expected to be delivered as the result of that referendum victory
So again

All my questions

Are all really simple ones

Where is the plan?

Who wrote it?

Who agreed it?

That plan needs to be enshrined at the entrance to the Festival of Brexit Britain

So that all may gaze upon its glory
Now lets just accept the lie of that plan

There never was one

As opposed to well


Where those campaigning for Scottish Independence produced a plan

Dominic learnt from both the AV and Indyref campaigns

He & others learnt

That if you have no concrete target to attack

It makes it much more difficult for your opponents
So in addition to being no plan

They had to make it sound easy


You had a wide spread of tropes
From we hold all the cards

To They Need Us More Than We Need Them

To the EU will bang on our doors on 24/6/16 to gift us unicorns

To the EU will collapse soon

“Of course EU countries will continue trading with us on a tariff free basis - they would be damaging their own commercial interests if they didn’t. That’s why EU politicians would be banging down the door for a trade deal on Friday 24/6/16”
Boris likes saying he has a plan

See him on the steps of his first entry to No10
All the brexit tropes utter bullshit of course

But it doesn't matter

Because they all achieved their goal
After all people don't want to hear how much you have as liabilities

- oh additional simplism

Our liabilities "buy" us a deal right don't they?

Anyone remember that one

Or we won't pay

Or we have zero liabilities

You get into the ridiculous position

Where in order to try and give extra weight to "promises" made during the referendum

You have this stunning bit of untenable logic from Sir Bernard Jenkin
Oh yes - if you want to see more on the damage to farming

If you want to see how well we did getting a deal to access Galileo


We didn't

Not only did we not

But we damaged ourself in the process

You come to those who said there would be no risk to Sterling

Andrea "mother" Leadsom amongst so so many others

Not only did we have a "correction"

Apparently the pound "reset"

Why did it reset?

Still never mind

It was after all a "necessary" correction


That's what it was called after 23/6/16

Still not to worry

There's going to be lots of savings in food prices right?

After all Jacob Rees Mogg likes to tell us that

(Same way he lies about coronavirus and MHRA vaccine approval)

Still not to worry

We are going to use our foreign aid budget not as charity to help the poorest and most needy

But as a trade tool to mitigate the damage of brexit

Sorry - we aren't

FOreign aid is being cut to provide fodder to the BNP/EDL/UKIP/Reform Party chuntering racist base of the Tory party

Jacob Rees Mogg celebrated that also

Here's the Bank of England who had to launch a huge stimulus to mitigate Brexit damage

Here's the lost growth due to brexit


I scribbled a rough ball park a while back

£4.4bn brexit prep cost
£170bn BOE stimulus cost
>£130bn lost growth (so far)
£39bn liabilities

Cost of brexit *so far*

£343 billion

It's a crude ball park
A reminder

Those economists were correct

Not to worry

Jacob Rees Mogg doesn't like forecasts

He prefers horoscopes

Yes he cannot play the ball

So well....

As of Nov 2020

"This year the government is spending a staggering £280bn on measures to fight Covid-19 and its impact on the economy."


So far

The cost of brexit

Has been

Overtaken by the cost of covid

I think that says more about Her Majesty's Government managed their first duty

We will come back to that later
A reminder

Economists were correct

Hence why it was necessary to demonise their profession and denigrate them

Now to go back to that plan

One of the favourite deflections from brexit being done properly

Is that it was David Cameron's responsibility to plan for how to implement a brexit

This is utterly ridiculous

How could he?

It was an entire tissue of lies and unattainable bullshit
That blame also gets spread to the civil service

Here a reminder

The civil service did do some prep work

But were hampered by the fact

there "wasn't an end state that we could plan against".

Just think on that

The Head of the Civil Service

Agrees with Dominic Cummings
Oh yes

And here's Lord Lawson

With his view on the attainability of a deal
And I couldn't do a thread without mentioning David Davis

9. Respect

Jesus I could go into so much on this topic

Into 4 plus years of rolling on of the lies and tropes of the original con of brexit

Of a never ending selection of insults and tropes flung at any critique of brexit
Ignore the bullshit printed on a 50p piece

Friendship, respect and whatever the else it says

From insults aimed at our neighbours e.g. "french turds"

To those aimed internally e.g. remoaners
enemies of the people
Again there is so much

So so much
Your reminder

Let the bells ring out

Boris Johnson could not even successfully crowd fund for a Bung A Bog For A Big Ben Bong

The state of his words

They burn

10. NI Border

This one's really a short point

Vote Leave promised they had "many solutions" to the NI border

Not one

Some brexiteers like to claim that the NI border or its challenges were ever discussed

Imagine spouting such lies

Well they did

Now after four years of eternal rotating lazy susan bullshit of to name a few

These included
Unspecified technology
Look to the Norway/Sweden or USA/Canada or an unspecified South American border
That point where you lose the thread continuinty


Here is the remainder of the thread

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More from @PandaScottish

6 Dec
Why there was even talk of starving the Irish

But that's ok

Priti only meant it unintentionally

And she was frustrated when she said it

So that's ok

It's not like the UK talked of invading Spain or Calais

Or was busy trying to incite Irexit, Itexit or the AfD or so other discord in the EU

After all that 50 pence piece

Talks of friendship

So surely we were good friends?
Read 73 tweets
6 Dec

As we approach "the last throw of the dice"

I would like to do something I haven’t done enough of

Congratulations to 37.4% of the electorate

On the 23rd June 2016 you won


No one can take that away from you

You won

Indeed I would like to be the first one to congratulate Boris Johnson

Whatever happens in the next few days

Well done Boris

Whether he gets as a deal

Or indeed no deal

Congratulations on the "win"
You will desperately sell what you won was a "win"

If a deal then with a sale of a side measure of scapegoating narrative as to why it wasn't better

If no deal then the side sale will be the scapegoating as to why
Read 50 tweets
2 Dec

In the current age

Amidst an era of cheats, liars, racist and populist frauds

I wanted to do a thread on a liar

A man who exploited the economic crisis of his time

For personal gain

And how we remember him
1. A man whose reading is questionable
2. A man who exploited the aftermath of an economic crisis
Read 36 tweets
2 Dec

On the state of Jacob & those who want to exploit this for brexit

I should say - fair play to them

Amidst tens of thousands dead
The economic carnage of covid

The disaster of brexit

And the preceding decade of austerity

They so badly need to crow about something
So a reminder of Jacob

Here's a reminder of how well we succeeded on the danegeld

Here's a reminder of Jacob desperately peddling the Scum on food price savings - an article so bad EVEN the Sun withdrew it

Read 17 tweets
1 Dec

"Year four pupils from the Jaguar and Tiger classes asked the Sajid about his role within the government & shared their ideas about British values."

I want to know

What values did he espouse?

& also

"the lost decade of brexit" is no more

Make "positive changes in their community"

What you mean be a do-gooder

The Home Office has a view on those

Read 55 tweets
30 Nov

I have taken a few days to compose my thoughts around this short video

As there are so so many thoughts

So pull up a pew

And we can begin

The words in the tweet

"The first duty of the British government is to its subjects. The Chancellor is providing £4 billion of taxpayers’ money to support the economies of the midlands and the north this parliament. "


the discussion
So it's a tough call

Do you focus on Jacob's word on the tweet first

Or the video
Read 92 tweets

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