We found that the phytoplankton community during the #ThomasFire was dominated by dinoflagellates, unlike historical Decembers in the #SantaBarbaraChannel - but community composition was uncorrelated with light or nutrients (which we hypothesized would be impacted by the fire).
This work was conducted as part of a rare graduate student-led research cruise headed by Kelsey and @nbaetge91 onboard @RVSallyRide in Dec 2017. We had other plans...but then the wildfire ignited and created a new host of challenges and opportunities.
We were also joined at sea by a team of artists (@walter_etc, @celialjacobs, and Gad Girling) who helped bring our process and experience to life. Their incredible documentary, #AquaticCathartic, is available on Vimeo: vimeo.com/281882446...