#HFpEF pearl of the day: There are both "slow" and "fast" mechanisms of congestion in HFpEF patients. The "fast" mechanism is mediated by splanchnic vasoconstriction, which also may have implications for cardiorenal syndrome.
Answer to today's case: the pt had a very stiff LA, poss. due to AF ablation. But stiff LA alone cannot cause big V waves. Sympathetic activation➡️splanchnic vasoconstriction w/redistribution of volume from gut/liver➡️lungs/heart with minimal exertion + stiff LA = big V waves.
This pt also had significant coronary microvascular dysfxn. Exercise➡️myocardial ischemia➡️LV diastolic dysfunction➡️increased load on LA. I tried everything to treat him, nothing worked for 7 years. And then he got an IASD as part of the @corviamedical REDUCE LAP-HF I trial.
Huge improvement in symptoms, now NYHA class I-II.
Case: 64 yo man w/HFpEF, HTN, obesity, CAD, AF s/p ablation, NYHA 3. Invasive hemodynamics shown below. PCWP 11 at rest, ⬆️ to 32 with V waves up to 75 with 20W bike exercise. Only 1+ MR at rest/exercise. What caused the severe elevation in PCWP and V waves with minimal exercise?
Case: 74-year-old woman with HTN, obesity (BMI 46 kg/m2) with dyspnea, leg edema, ⬆️JVP, BNP = 28 pg/ml, LVEF 60%. What is the cause of HFpEF and abnormal septal motion?
Invasive hemodynamics: RA 18, PA 44/20 (mean 28), PCWP 20, CO 5.1 L/min.
Answer: Obesity HFpEF phenotype with severe pericardial, epicardial fat over the RV causing pericardial constraint (not constrictive pericarditis--pericardium was normal). See: ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CI…
#HFpEF pearl of the day: Evaluation of motion of the interventricular septum can be helpful to determine etiology/pathophys in HFpEF pts. Case: 58 yo man w/SOB, ascites, 2+ LE edema. EF 50%. Initially referred to hepatology for poss. liver failure. What did liver biopsy show?
#HFpEF pearl of the day: For echo diagnosis of ⬆️LV filling pressures, remember the 11-13-15 rule. Septal E/e' > 11 in A-fib, > 13 with exercise, > 15 at rest (in sinus rhythm) = ⬆️LV filling pressure is likely. None of these are perfect, but good rule of thumb.
Here is an example of elevated septal E/e' (> 11) in AF: