Laws are merely suggestions. If they don’t bother enforcing the law on Antifa and BLM why should anyone else have to follow it?
If every business owner were to simply ignore these unconstitutional lockdowns and go about their business the states couldn’t possibly arrest or fine everyone.
For laws to work they need the consent of the people.
If you’re wondering what the deal is with Californian politics.
Similar deals exist with the Cuomos, the Murkowskis, and the Trudeaus. Familial ties to key people in the media, corporate boards, in addition to legal and political clout. Old money.
And the Bushes, but that’s obvious. Old money rules the world, a dozen generations separating them from the European families like the Habsburgs.
The science is politicized by the Trudeau government pressured by environmentalist groups and the Green lobby to stop Canadians from drilling into the tar sands for oil. All this results in is increased dependency on foreign oil sources—which, you guessed it, are also lobbyists.
Calling the study a frivolity is a surface level take. It’s much more insidious than that.
And in case you had the inkling that it was really about saving the environment, let me stop you: the green lobby has no problem decimating foreign environments to make its products.
Who the hell needs a $5,000 Apple monitor to process data. You can get a top of the line professional monitor for $1,500. Which you wouldn't use for data processing anyway.