At number 1 we have 'Low Expectations' the story of a rich privileged boy who grows up to be a criminal who lies to the Queen.
At number 2, 'Dithering Heights'. When a man who was sacked for lying and sharing defence secrets is put in charge of the nation's children & their futures it can only go one way. His mettle will be put to the test (excepts all tests are cancelled. Or are they?!)
At number 3, 'Snide and Prejudiced'. The story of someone so upper class, they literally won't look at you unless you have a double-barrelled name, a nanny and an off-shore bank account.
At number 4, 'Mess of the D' Urbervilles'. When someone with no medical experience is put in charge of the health of a nation during a global pandemic, there's only once result... 60,000 deaths and counting.
At number 5, 'Bleak Spouse'. Would you rather be Sarah Vine married to Michael Gove? Or Michael Gove married to Sarah Vine? Either way, it's a bleak story with an unhappy ending.
And finally at number 6, 'Bloody Hard Times'. The story of a daddy-made billionaire sociopath who runs the most powerful nation in the world and refuses to leave. Its gonna be hard. Bloody hard.
Whilst you're here, watch this short 3min animation I also made in lockdown. #TIMEFORACHANGE