#MiltonON Demographics:
17 cases- male
11 cases- female
Primary Exposure Group: 26 are pending, while 1 is from contact, and 1 is from outbreak
Seven cases each from: 0-19 years, 20-39 years, and 40-59 years. 6 are from 79
Three institutional outbreaks in #MiltonON:
Allendale holding steady at 69 cases
Milton Hospital now at three cases
Martindale Gardens was declared in outbreak on December 14. They only have a single case. #COVID19
#MiltonON outbreaks continued:
Bruce Trail Public School has a total of 2 cases, while the Milton Quran Institute also has two cases. #COVID19
#HaltonON monitoring indicators:
The moving seven-day average sits at 64.6
Effective reproduction number is at 1
The health system capacity
Acute Care bed occupancy: 93%
ICU bed occupancy rate: 98%
There are 44 confirmed cases- an increase of 2, and 10 in the ICU. #COVID19
Today is Thursday December 17, 2020. #HaltonON has recorded an increase of 76 cases of #COVID19. The rolling seven-day average is 64.4. There have been five additional deaths.
#MiltonON demographics:
18 female, 14 male
Primary Exposure: 27 cases pending, three traced to an outbreak, and two to contact
Top two age groups: 20-39, and 40-59. #COVID19
#MiltonON demographics:
8 cases are found in men. 9 cases in female
16 cases are classified in the 'pending' for primary exposure group, 1 from contact
Top age groups: 9 cases in the 40-59 age group
3 in the 20-39 age group