1/6 WHO issued new information on PCR testing on Dec. 14, 2020. who.int/news/item/14-1… It states, among other things: 'Users of RT-PCR reagents should read the instructions for use carefully to determine whether manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is required...'..
2/6 ...'to account for any background noise that may cause a sample with a high cycle threshold (Ct) result to be interpreted as a positive result. The design principle of RT-PCR means that patients with high levels of circulating virus (viral load) will require relatively...' ..
3/6 ...'few cycles for virus detection and therefore the Ct value will be low. Conversely, a high Ct value in specimens means that many cycles were required for virus detection. In certain circumstances, the distinction between background noise and the actual presence...'
4/6 ...'of the target virus can be difficult to determine. Therefore, the Instructions for Use indicate how to interpret samples at or near the cutoff for PCR positivity. In some cases, the instructions for use indicate that the cut-off should be manually adjusted to...'
5/6 ...'ensure that samples with high Ct values are not misclassified as SARS-CoV-2 detected due to background noise."
NB A PCR test cannot detect any virus, even based on a claimed "viral load". This claim is grossly misleading. PCR tests only detect very short sequence ...
"If what's happening [shots & their injuries, immunity passports, lockdowns, distancing, suicides, bankcruptcy, homelessness, etc] is ok for/with you, then I'm holding you personally responsible."
1. Toxicologist Hockertz: Approval of Corona
vaccine is "intentional gross bodily injury” 16.12.2020 snanews.de/20201216/toxik… unofficial translation follows...
'One of the most renowned critics of the rapid Corona vaccine development is toxicologist Prof. Stefan Hockertz.'
2. 'He was director and professor of the Institute for Experimental and Clinical Toxicology at the University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf. In an interview, he calls the rapid vaccine approval "deliberate gross bodily injury.”
- Prof. Hockertz, will you get vaccinated?'
3. 'I will not be vaccinated with this vaccine, which is currently to be approved and which is actually
still in development, because in my opinion this vaccine is not ready. I am not an opponent of vaccination. I have been vaccinated against many infectious diseases that..'..
1/4 "WHO jetzt auch Querdenker who.int/news/item/14-1…
Die WHO hat am 14.12.2920 eine neue Information zu den PCR-Tests herausgegeben. Darin heißt es u.a.:
"Das Konstruktionsprinzip der RT-PCR bedeutet, dass bei Patienten mit hohen Mengen an zirkulierendem Virus (Viruslast)..."..
2/4 ..."relativ wenige Zyklen für den Virusnachweis erforderlich sind und der Ct-Wert daher niedrig sein wird. Umgekehrt bedeutet ein hoher Ct-Wert bei Proben, dass viele Zyklen für den Virusnachweis erforderlich waren. Unter bestimmten Umständen ist die Unterscheidung..." ...
3/4 ..."zwischen Hintergrundrauschen und dem tatsächlichen Vorhandensein des Zielvirus schwer festzustellen."
Und weiter:
"Geben Sie den Ct-Wert im Bericht an den anfordernden Gesundheitsdienstleister weiter." ...
1) New Wuhan Study: Asymptomatic Patients do not Transmit Corona 2020news.de/en/new-wuhan-s…
'A new study from Wuhan shows that asymptomatic transmission is not important in SARS-CoV-2.
A strict lockdown regime was implemented in Wuhan between January 23 and April 8, 2020.'
2) 'After the lockdown ended, a citywide SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening program was conducted between May 14 and June 1, 2020. All city residents aged six years or older were invited to participate and 9,899,828 (92.9%) took part. The result: No new symptomatic cases...'
3) ...'were identified and only 300 asymptomatic cases were identified. The 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic cases all tested negative.
In summary, the researchers concluded that the detection rate of asymptomatic positive cases in the Wuhan after lockdown ...'
1/6 Myth 1 'You can have it and not know it and still spread it'
Simply not possible. Recent study (nature.com/articles/s4146…) published in Nature (20 November 2020) looked at prevalence of “infection” after the removal of three month long restrictions in Wuhan, China." ...
2/6 A two week screening program took place in May with almost 10 million participants, around 92% of the entire population of Wuhan. Out of 9,899,828 people only 300 “asymptomatic cases” were detected. And of the 1,174 close contacts of these 300 “asymptomatic cases” ...
3/6 ...none tested positive. Upon this, the rate of “asymptomatic cases” is 0.00003, which is next to zero and statistically meaningless. Further, not a single case of spread was found for these 300 people, indicating that
there is no such thing as an “asymptomatic spreader”.
1/5 "Protests in Poland: Women, farmers, entrepreneurs and thousands of supporters" 2020news.de/frauen-bauern-…t.me/Corona_Ausschu… quick translation...
'On Sunday 12/13/2020, thousands of people again took to the streets against the government in Warsaw. Many expressed...'
2/5 ...'their dissatisfaction with the government policies of the PIS party as a whole and especially in dealing with the Corona crisis. Despite a ban on demonstrations, massive police barricades and many arrests, the demonstrators got close to the residence of Deputy Head ...'
3/5 ...'of Government & Head of the ruling PiS party Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
During the night, farmers had dumped a dead pig and trucks full of potatoes and eggs in front of the house of party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
In Poland, restaurateurs and hoteliers are particularly...'