We're going to Quadratum. Fuck yes. It's been set so perfectly. Ahhhh and with Riku as main, TAKE ALL MY MONEY - Is this KH4 material? Maybe? I don't care either way gimme my Riku main title 😤🔥
Riku getting hate for being powerful and capable and relevant in every way lmao yeah right swim in your tears for your lil miss useless
Finally- this would be the next KH's graphics look like if it's really in Quadratum? I can already see how beautiful the graphics would be in next gen and I'm shaking
I hope that by narrating the entirety of KHMoM, Kairi finally realized just how fucking useless she was, since it had to come from her own mouth how much trouble she caused, and how many times she had to be saved by everyone around her- ALL WITHOUT CONTRIBUTING A SINGLE SHIT
Like if one had to be a damsel? Be like Wu Xie? lmao damsel yes, in a physical fight sense mostly, also trips on his own two feet frequently, but still gets shit done, perseveres until there's nothing left for and of him 🥺🤍
Wu Xie is the only damsel allowed ever
Another thing I hate (I'm trying to finish the game without cringing to death over her solo parts shh) is that her symbol is a pink flower, as if pink flowers are useless sjdhad Xiao Hua would beg to differ inutile lil girl