Forget all insane crap unhappy peeps say about men & women in our culture. It’s bitterly sad. A-grade comedy can’t exist now, b/c A-grade comedy is about men $ women who accept foibles of their own nature w/confidence. Pro-tip: that also makes healthy married life interesting...
Shallow/pornified relationships are boring & fruitless even if they biologically give a measure of pleasure. You want to go deep & grow up? Have kids w/a partner. Not easy today: both sides assaulted by malignant psyops but what’s more sexy/intimate than having kids together?
Answer:nothing. Eff modern media: it lies to you about sex and love in every way. These people have a sad and evil destructive agenda. You want fulfillment and the real happiness that comes from love (and the redemptive suffering that goes with it)? Get in the game for real.
Truth—and this is the inevitable result of the mindset: pushing context-less sex on the young. Billions of dollars with of propaganda have been spent on the project.
The idea that Biden is going to govern from the center would be hilarious and pathetic if it wasn’t so dangerous. But the emperors wear less clothes in front the more people than ever before and the old world is still melting down no matter how they try to hold on.
“Center?” What does that even mean these days? I’ll tell you: it means the useful idiots go back to shilling oligarch-friendly policies. It means deep corruption is covered over with the rhetoric of polite company. It means using the buzzwords to say nothing while keeping power.
It means Rs go back to being the controlled opposition, trotted out every so often to put on a democratic show, like good little kept pets. It means the radical left is kept around like a junkyard dog to terrorize people, but via tacit approval and back channel negotiation.
I would recommend experiencing Christmas rather than reading about it. Let the workflow lag and allow the marvelous protective fog of the holiday protect you from the everyday. But, if you must...
Get off the screens & the twatter & talk to those around you & take an active interest in their lives. But everyone should read what is perhaps the most beautiful book ever written: The Gospel of Luke. It gets right to the reason for the season.
Or do yourself a favor and buy the best-selling Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives by Joseph Ratzinger, otherwise known as Benedict XVI, and have a smart Pope explain it to you in a new light.
The entire "trans" issue = a psy-op that aims at the destruction of the human person. It is only possible because our corrupt society is already psycho-sexually compromised. But it's not merely the mainstreaming of delusion: it's another wedge that further destroys & degrades us.
The mutilation of genitals and the poisoning of the body is the point, as in many dark rituals. Ugliness is the point. As well as the sexualization of children for predators. But most significantly, the complete and utter severing of the connection between nature and sexuality.
There is derangement in it, yes. Many confused and unwell people. But also almost comical narcissism: "We shall be as gods", determining physical, biological reality itself." But it's not ultimately comical because they want to impose their own delusive narcissism upon all of us.
One thing I love about being older and busy with life and work and the end of the televisual age is seeing People Magazine type articles and not having a flipping clue about who the supposed celebrities are.
Everyone should be proud when they have no idea who these painted faces are. The less you know and care, the better off and further along you are. This is the way.
I will say that watching The Mandalorian with the kids is good times and an exception to the rules around here. We get pumped for it—and they explain all the back stories to me.
The story of archeology based on every damn archeological article I’ve read, ever:
ARCHEOLOGIST A: “Look wut I found! It’s the oldest example of its kind! This was 1st! Here’s the origin of X! Different than we thought! Behold my universal claims based on a small set of data!”
ME: “Um, earth is a big place & you found a needle in a haystack, right? So maybe our universal claims about when or where a behavior/thing was invented, or the origin of species, or history of human migration, etc. should be extremely limited. How would you know that X really—"
ARCHEOLOGIST A: “No! This is the oldest! This was the first! Here was the origin!”
[Few years go by.]
ARCHEOLOGIST B: “A was wrong! Look what I found! It’s the oldest example of its kind! This was the first! Here was the origin! Turns out things were different than we thought!
I have a PhD. I can’t believe how seriously people still take ‘em. It’s a credential from a failing system in its death throes—it’s cringeworthy when people don’t realize that. I never mention it & left the academy in disgust. Could never be a slave like profs generally are now.
Slightly embarrassed about my Twitter handle but was shortest combo available that I could think of at the time. Too lazy to think of another/change. Suggest away though.
All it means is often this: you took a lot of classes, passed 1 or 2 overarching tests on those classes, & wrote a lot of papers but one big one that could be a book if you rewrote it so people gave a crap & took out all the references to other scholars they made you put into it.