There are 328,200,000 people in the USA.
Black Americans make up about 13% of the population
There are currently about 877K practicing physicians in the USA....
4% of the 877K are Black
ONLY 2% of physicians in the USA are BLACK FEMALES.
We are out there, serving our communities, taking care of the sick, the disinfrachised. Listening. Doing. Acting.
We are tired. We are only 13% of the population but we are dying faster and worse from almost every disease/disorder...
We know it isn't just race that determines these outcomes. Its a long standing system of #bias#structuralracism and social determinants of health that make this an almost impossible battle to win....
You want to do something? Educate yourself. Find ways to teach and pass on information and knowledge to others. Get into those spaces that we don't have access to. Dismantle the status quo. This is NOT ok, people.
We lost another doctor today
But this doctor was mistreated. Her symptoms were ignored, downplayed and dismissed. She posted a heartbreaking video begging her fellow doctors to help save her...
She called the patient advocate...
She called the chief medical officer...
She was in pain and ignored
Fellow docs got her into another hospital...
It was too late..
She passed away today
The system failed her.
It failed us...
Anyone want to guess the race of this doctor?
I'm pissed cause she didnt have to die like that
Her pain was dismissed
She was discharged WITHOUT being stable and was readmitted to another hospital because she was too scared to go back to the first hospital...