Check to see if you are eligible, see the conditions then apply.
B. Advertised Projects:
Many schools have advertised Msc and PhD positions available, although it is very competitive. These positions are usually posted on the school's website. Click the link,
check the requirements and apply.
You should have IELTS or TOEFL for sure.
Advertised Projects are good because you know exactly the research you want to do.
The school will ask you to write a proposal in that field.
Another way is to first look for a supervisor in your field, submit a proposal, then work with the supervisor to get funding.
To convince the supervisor, the publication is an added advantage, but as I said in my previous post on Australia, you can use your undergraduate
or masters thesis as proof.
The quality of your proposal determines your ultimate chance.
Let me demonstrate point B practically using the University of New South Wales as an example:
Let's assume Karen finished with a 2 1 and she's in social sciences.
d. Let's say she picked 1800RESPECT evaluation, the page will show the number of professors involved in this research, funding agency, etc as shown below:
Her job is to apply for the advertised post by sending emails and attaching the following:
-Proposal for the advertised position.
- Well written academic CV (publication will be added advantage as it makes you more competitive)
If she wins anyone's heart, then she's on her way to getting the funds.
C. Self-developed Projects: This is the third way of getting a scholarship in Australia. especially if you have a research proposal at hand.
Develop your proposal yourself, look for the programs co-ordinator of your proposed department.
Send email to the person saying that you
have a proposal and you need a supervisor that matches the proposal for possible supervision. Tell him/her to help you send the proposal to Professors in that department.
If your proposal is really interesting, someone in the department will contact you and that's it.😎
The person will then tell you how to move on.
Getting a supervisor's attention is the big deal here.
D. Expression of Interest: This is the fourth and last method of getting a scholarship.
Join me in my next tweet for info on this as well as general tips to becoming more
In case anyone missed my first tweet on Australia, kindly check this:
In your last paragraph, you should think about the following:
1. Discuss what you intend to achieve during the Msc/PhD program. You need to let the admission committee understand that you have a target. This means that you must have a specific research interest or idea you think may be explored as discussed with your proposed supervisor
mentioned in the previous paragraphs. If you don't need to have a supervisor, then you should mention potential supervisors you aim to work with.
2. Discuss your immediate plans after the program. Your plan should either be to implement the things you intend to learn in
1. Your work experience: If your present work is related to your research experience, please highlight
it and explain. If it does not, you don't need to mention it. What of your Internship? What did you learn there? And how do you think the experience can help your application? You should be able to mention an epiphany or a scenario in your work or Internship that made
you understand some concepts. Then make sure you align the concept with your application.
2. Research Experience: If your undergraduate work is published, this will be a huge boost. If it's not, try to discuss with your supervisor about it. There are FREE publishing websites.
This link shows all the schools in UAE:
Tag your friends to enjoy this meal🤣
I will explain the admission and scholarship process in two of the schools namely:
United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) and
Khalifa University (KU).
The same process applies to other schools.
Just use this method for other schools.
Today, we will discuss the admission and scholarship process in UAEU.
For the Admission process, follow these steps:
1. Check out the list of Graduate Programs (Msc and PhD) in this link:… (Please make sure you are using Google Chrome so as to automatically translate to English as shown below:)
'After 51 mails, 25 rejections, and 2 hopeful response, I finally got my 1st yes! This message is to encourage and inspire someone out there who is still waiting for a yes because I was on this boat and I can tell you it was not easy rocking it'.
When we say that this journey is not for the weak. I hope you understand better?
One Yes is enough to make you forget many struggles.
Keep applying. Keep sending those emails.
You will get it soon.
Another big win for @AdeleyeSamuelA and I, and Glory to God.
By the way, when you are told to apply and keep in touch, I'm sure you know what it means😀.
As you begin to jot down your points, begin to ask yourself the skills you currently have.
1. First, list the courses in your undergrad and experiences in your undergrad.
that is related to the course you want to study. Which course specifically stands out for you that made you want to further explore? write it down.
If you want a master's in a new field, begin to write down why you want this new field. Do you have background experiences in this new field, If no, begin to search for online courses or internship related to this course