Effect of DBS on caregivers of patients with Parkinson's disease
"In the study by Baumann-Vogel et al., 27% of the couples reported a need for professional help following DBS, indicating a need for specilized support during the post-DBS period" #Massiveparallelinfection
"Caregiver Burden worsens in the 1st year after DBS for PD&does not improve substantially in the second year. These findings may have implications on how providers,patients,&caregivers view the relative long-term benefits of DBS". n.neurology.org/content/94/15_… #Massiveparallelinfection
"An increase in marital conflicts despite improved relationship quality scores DBS. Caregiver satisfaction with surgery was low with 50-58% of caregivers being disappointed with DBS outcomes".
"Mood and personality changes are the most commonly reported adverse psychiatric sequelae of DBS. Phenomenologically, these changes are often marked by impulsivity: a tendency to act recklessly without due forethought" espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:d8909e6 #Massiveparallelinfection
I remember when the virus was just China's problem people and many Media mocking the Chinese because they build in Wuhan the biggest hospital for the all Covid-19 patients. "These things happens only in China". #Massiveparallelinfection en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huoshensh…
@KostasVaxevanis@AdonisGeorgiadi "Η Medtronic¨ γραφει ο "FDA ξεκινάει επικοινωνία με τους πελάτες¨. Τους ασθενείς (ΗΠΑ) ή τα νοσοκομεία; (ΕΛΛΑΔΑ). Το ερώτημα δεν φέρνει σε Οιδιπόδειο; Χαμένο στην Ελλαδα των βασανισμένων"χειριστικών" ανδρών και γυναικών; #Massiveparallelinfection
@KostasVaxevanis@AdonisGeorgiadi Όχι, δε θα κάνει σχόλιο. Βολεύεται κι αυτός από τη ΣΙΩΠΗ των ΠΡΩΗΝ συναδέλφων οι περισσότεροι εκ των οποίων νομίζουν πως ψάχνω για δημοσιογραφική εργασία. Επίσης, ξεχνούν πως ούτε ήμουν, ούτε θα γινόμουν διαπιστευμένος πολιτικών. Κάνω τελείως άλλη δουλειά στον ιδιωτικό τομέα.