Buying and holding quality assets is one of the easiest ways to build wealth long-term. Stocks gain value while the dollar loses it.
Here's a graph from Jeremy Siegel's "The Future For Investors."
This is why people who never invest in anything are eventually priced out of life, while people who make one or two MODERATELY INTELLIGENT investments can create generational wealth.
Half the experts claim we're about to enter a "Roaring 20's" situation with parties and prosperity.
The other half claim we'll end up in a CCP bread line after hyperinflation and government incompetence collapse America.
Personally, I wouldn't worry about predicting the future. Black pill, self-defeating cynicism has no merit. And there's no point in being overly optimistic unless you're already seated at the winners' table.
If America locks down again, and there's a good chance they do, book a plane ticket and leave the country.
Being locked inside during winter, in a negative mindset country with civil unrest is a recipe for disaster.
In Central America, you can rent a nice apartment, in a safe neighborhood, with good Internet for under $500.
And prices are way lower if you're in a smaller city.
Even if you have very little in savings, you could easily do something to pay rent (or just get a 0% interest for the first 18 months credit card) and cover the bills.