1. 'The Tyrant. Germany has turned into a dictatorship under the rule of Angela Merkel and is part of a worldwide despotic system' by Ullrich Mies, 23.12.20 rubikon.news/artikel/die-ty…
Quote thread.
2. ''Until the end of February 2020, the author thought he had an inkling of how viciously the centres of power operate. However, his imagination was shattered by reality. Transnational capitalist class & power elite, oligarchs and plutocrats and their satraps in governments..'
3. ..'are capable of far more than any "conspiracy theorist" can dream up. Together they are the enemies of humanity. Conspiracy theorists are absolute bunglers compared to what the rulers worldwide are responsible for in terms of crimes, terrorist actions, intelligence..'
4. ..'operations, wars, regime changes and plots of all kinds. No conspiracy theorist could have imagined what is currently happening before our eyes: The ruling cliques are dismantling our societies and states, unleashing a global tyranny without precedent in human history.' ..
5. 'Civilisational achievements such as enlightenment, freedom & human dignity are being driven completely against the wall. Peace within & between societies is on a knife's edge.
"He who is to perish becomes proud beforehand;
and pride goeth before a fall" (1)'
6. ..'Bible, Book of Proverbs 16:18.
Psychopaths run amok
We allow ourselves to be ruled by psychopaths and serious criminals under the bogus label of "democracy". We allow it. The last dictatorship in Germany was only 75 years ago. Today, the majority is again looking the..'
7. ..'other way, again doesn't want to understand anything, is obviously too scared or too degenerate to fight for freedom and democratic rights that are being taken away from all of us right now. The Merkel tyranny is drowning our country and Europe in a new totalitarianism,..'
8. ..'in a sea of lies and bullshit (2).
"Tyranny" refers to a reign of violence, arbitrariness and terror. Colloquially, tyrannical degeneracy means "arbitrary, domineering behaviour", it is the behaviour of an authoritarian person "who abuses his position and power to..'
8. ..'tyrannise others, especially dependents, subordinates" (3).
But this time the tyranny is not limited to Germany. The new 1,000-year empire of the transhumanists of the World Economic Forum is intended for the whole world. As an instrument for the transition into a new..'
9. ..'hyper-fascism, the power elites are using Corona and the alleged concern for the health of populations. The Corona virus is being instrumentalised for completely different purposes, which is what this is all about.'
10. 'Corona is intended to distract humanity's attention to the maximum so that it willingly follows its tormentors into the free fall of tyranny destined for world society.
Had they not already lied to us without restraint and trampled on humanity before March 2020?'
11. 'Have the centres of lies changed into centres of truth in the Corona crisis? Have the ruling cliques become more credible and humane from March 2020? Or have they not rather switched the lie machine off-limits with the Corona number and moved the wagon train of..'
12. ..'state criminals and propaganda bullshit media even closer together?
Greatest concern for public health
Since 28 March 2020, the Merkel constitutional coup clique and the top bodies of the coup parties have been ruling in a state of emergency. Who would have thought it?'
13. 'Above all, since March they have discovered their very big heart for "people's" health, in solidarity with Bill & Melinda, BIG Money, Pharma, Data, Deep-State, Military, Corporate EU, corrupt Science and vaccine-enthusiastic New-Age Dr.-Mengeles. Isn't this fun?'
14. 'This cabal is all most worried that "we" might catch it (4). That's why we have to keep our distance, even outdoors. Even in many inner cities people have to wear disgusting face wraps, in some countries of the European south even on beaches. Experts have long known that ..'
15.'these rags are good for nothing except increased dental &oral disease &oxygen deprivation(5). The misanthropes are also torturing our children with masks in a kind of dog training(6) &traumatising them in preparation for their future slave status in the age of digitalisation.
16. 'The mask terror is "supplemented" by house arrest regulations and disinfection mania: Disinfect hands, disinfect surfaces, disinfect all around. That the PCR test is not suitable for diagnosis has been explained by experts many times (7), alone, for corruptive-political..'
17. ..'reasons, they are not heard, denounced, made contemptible and forced out of their professions or thrown the well-known intellectually subterranean bullshit: "conspiracy theorists, anti-Semites, Corona deniers, etc." (8). (8). Fact, not fake: ..'
18. 'Most of the time it is government-supported smear campaigns (9).
Evil fact is: In modern tyranny, people are biomass, formerly called human material. In the world of the transhumanists, this "biomass" has the sole function of being subject, servant and slave.'
19. 'Humans have to shut up, get vaccinated, chipped and tracked, merge with AI machines, place orders online, be controllable via their digital central bank account, work at their isolated digital workplace, follow hygiene dictates and die when they collapse due to mental..'
20. ..'crippling or take their own lives due to deep depression. The desired goal is: to reduce the human biomass on the planet. That is the announcement for the future!
Gleichschaltung in the Merkel tyranny
In the Merkel tyranny there is no room for separation of powers,..'
21. ..'subsidiarity principle, independent judiciary and proportionality weighing of measures taken. The centralisation and synchronisation of all levels of decision-making is in full swing. The tyrant is imposing her will on the Länder, the municipalities, the judiciary..'
22. ..'and even the Federal Constitutional Court. On 5 December, the Federal Constitutional Court, under the corporate lobbyist Stephan Harbarth, who was appointed in May, tore up the constitution and the rule of law (10).'
23. 'The fourth estate - the media - has long been part of the ruling complex and an integral part of the war against civil societies. The democratic state has collapsed completely under Merkel, state sovereignty has replaced popular sovereignty via the state of emergency, ..'
24. ..'the police state is emerging. Many still hallucinate one or the other "danger to democracy". Let them be told: democracy has been abolished, it is history, even the façade no longer stands (11).'
25. 'The neo-fascist tentacles of the bloated "infection control security headquarters" of the Merkel tyranny (Federal Chancellery) reach deep into Brussels. A rotten tomato had been thrown by the tyrant herself into the top of the EU Commission in Brussels.'
26. 'The suppression of freedom of expression is now to be even better coordinated through the EU. In some countries, cyber-military units are being put in place. The Merkel terror is flanked by a "European Action Plan for Democracy" (12). With it, the Commission..'
27. ..'wants to fight "disinformation".
As is well known, only the democracy movement produces "fakenews". And so the delete button on Google, YouTube and co. is running at full speed to eliminate positions critical of tyranny. It's about coordinated censorship..'
28. ..'and censorship is the end of every democracy! Does the left notice anything in this? It is not truth and facts that matter,but the objectives behind political terror of the planned degradation of people to "achieve higher goals" - those of the 4th industrial revolution!'
29. 'Not enough with that either. In its foreign and war policy (13), Merkel's rule is closely interwoven with deep-state formations of the war complex. Since the mid-1990s at the latest, German governments have been key drivers of NATO and EU eastward expansion, involved..'
30. ..'in the break- up of Yugoslavia, the Syrian war, the Ukraine coup, in all kinds of foreign and intelligence operations up to and including genocide in Yemen. Anyone who wants to know can find these things out.
There is not enough space here to list ..'
31. ..'the crimes committed in foreign policy. And because people are not supposed to be at peace, the warmongering goes on and on: "China and Russia surround divided Western alliance", according to NATO war propagandist Jens Stoltenberg (14): propaganda bullshit ..'
32. ..'from bullshitters for brainwashed populations.
The people of the West are stuck in an absolutely sick, ethically and morally broken model of civilisation in apocalypse mode (15).
In any case, what is happening around us is unprecedented in living memory.'
33. ..'Radical evil" (Hannah Arendt) (16) is in action: as a result of the lockdowns, millions of deaths worldwide will only accumulate in a few years, especially in the global South (17), which is particularly hard hit by the measures because supply chains have collapsed.'
34. 'Mission - population reduction - accomplished, but vaccination programmes can still help.
Complete delusion
How deluded do you have to be to believe all the inane regime bullshit that is being fed to us, or even to stand by as an accomplice or follower, to cover for it,..'
35. ..'to support it? The arsenal of tyranny in the war against the peoples includes not only mask terror, PCR tests, forced vaccination programmes and police sealing off inner cities, but also essentially the destruction of human dignity, the disintegration of any opposition..'
36. ..'and of the human spirit. All this & much more weakens the human immune system.Merkel tyranny & servile henchmen
• stress the people to the extreme under the Covid 19 regime,
• keep people in a state of fear & shock & trigger this fear with new horror messages every day,'
37. '• working in tandem with their media bullshit mafia,
• ensure through the unhygienic mask terror that body & brain are not sufficiently supplied with oxygen,
• inciting people to turn on each other & to denounce each other,
38. '• force people into isolation & the digital home office (18),
• disrupt the coexistence of people, even within families, through their distance regime,
• destroy small and medium-sized businesses and millions of jobs and livelihoods,
39. '• destroy social gathering & cultural exchange by banning meetings in restaurants,hotels, visits to museums and concerts, gatherings,etc,
• ban everything that is good for people,for example sport & socialising, undermine everything that promotes &strengthens togetherness,
40. '• put the health authorities in place to execute isolationist torture,
• build military-flanked vaccination centres to administer insufficiently tested vaccines to people.
People can also be murdered with this stress in the medium to long term.'
41. 'Corona is only the path to the goal. At its core, it is not about Corona, it is about the underlying agenda of the World Economic Forum with all its "forward-looking achievements".
Psychological operation of the highest order
The Covid 19 regime is warfare within.'
42. ..'What we are witnessing encompasses all the knowledge of psychological warfare, mind control/MKUltra, "Biedermann's table of coercion" (19) and all the knowledge of countless wars and anti-guerrilla wars (20). It is a super psyop-mind-control-counterinsurgency operation..'
43. 'against civil societies(21).
The fear-mongering papers from the German &Austrian interior ministries reveal the perfidy of the super criminals.These papers also belong to the spectrum of psychological operations as does the strategic cooperation with the media as “weapon".'
44. 'Just as they break the will of prisoners of war in war, the transhumanist psycho- and sociopaths of the World Economic Forum under Klaus Schwab are waging a psychological war against the peoples in conjunction with governments, secret services and the military in order..'
45. ..'to break their will. The destruction of the human psyche, the destruction of the small and middle classes, the entire cultural sector, massive censorship (22), population reduction, the social disintegration of societies, police terror against free media and much more..'
46. ..'are part of an ensemble of actions.
Covid-19 is political war, most people do not understand this, do not want to or cannot believe it. Large sections of the orthodox "left" are too degenerate, too drunk with the state, to oppose the new dictatorship. They lack..'
47. ..'any ethical-moral compass. That is why many of them feel quite comfortable in the Merkel dictatorship, expect to gain or secure positions, feel "called to higher things". Above all, they want to be able to tell people how to run and arrange their lives. That is why..'
48. ..'they offer themselves as allies to the Merkel tyranny and attack the democracy movement. State-glorifying anti-democratic sentiments and hyper-capital fascism of the Merkel tyranny are obviously not compellingly contradictory.'
49. 'Covid-19 is a centrally orchestrated, highly diversified operation. The production of chaos, the staged arbitrariness, the piercing of executive injustice, dictatorial bossiness, intimidation and extensive lawlessness of the population, the aim of wearing down as in ..'
50. ..'a war of attrition is to checkmate the enemy - and that is all of us - before we get the idea to fight.
In the concrete case of infectious warfare as a permanent state of affairs against the peoples, the people are supposed to get used to the imposed bullshit until..'
51. ..'they - fear-ridden and exhausted - believe in it themselves. The permanent occupation with daily new nonsense, new announcements & horror reports expands the psyop spectrum.
In a system run amok, madness is an end in itself; it is part of a war of attrition & subjugation.'
52. 'Furthermore, the pro and contra camps are deliberately set against each other: Young against old, infection control enthusiasts against fearless, vaccination enthusiasts against vaccination critics, etc. This psyop terror strategy is flanked by police measures that..'
53. ..'can be escalated at any time up to military action: Psyop + armed force against the population,that is what is going on.
The aim of all psychological operations is the subjugation of the human mind.Once the "political animal" in man is defeated, no shot needs to be fired.'
54. '"PSYOP are planned operations that communicate selected information and indicators to foreign audiences in order to influence their emotions, motives, objective thinking and ultimately the behaviour of foreign governments, organisations, groups and individuals. (...)'
55. 'In this way, PSYOP influences not only policies and decisions, but also the ability to govern, the ability to command, the will to fight, the will to obey & the will to
support" (23).'
56. 'As long as the narrative of the killer virus ravages minds, all is not well with humanity. This narrative must be replaced by a new one - a narrative stronger than all the police apparatuses and armies in the world.'
57. 'The Merkel tyranny must distract from the devastation of its policies to the maximum and has entered the escalation stage of a new dictatorship with Covid-19. To this end, all those who refuse to submit to her tyranny must be denounced & scorned as misguided misfits, ..'
58. '"foreign bodies of society", psychiatric cases and, in extreme cases, declared terrorists. This programme is in full swing (24). This strategy, too, is a new edition of past dictatorships and was characteristic of the tyrannies of the Hitlerite or Stalinist type.'
59. 'Passive and active resistance
The rule of tyrants is as old as the rule of man over man. That is why subjects throughout the ages have thought about how they can effectively set limits to the abuse of power and breach of contract by kings, princes and the clergy.'
60. 'The dispute over the right to resist has not been settled for centuries. Fuelled by the assassination of Hitler on 20 July 1944 and by emergency legislation after 1968, it is back in the spotlight today after Angela Merkel and her henchmen, socialised..'
61. ..'in Protestant joylessness and SED cadre dictatorship and drunk with domination, torched the German Republic in toto.
The following quotations are from: Arthur Kaufmann/ Leonhard E. Backmann (eds.) Widerstandsrecht, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1972...'
62. '"In this context, it is not uninteresting that even among the Spanish Visigoths, who had already become Christian, the right to resist went so far in the 6th century that 17 out of 35 kings were not only deposed but even killed" (25).'
63. '"The objective ground for authority, rule and power given in the essence of the political community is the common good. Where a tyrant, whether by revolutionary incursion or by precautions of his commission, which is at first rightfully before him, destroys the ..'
64. 'common good from the bottom up,he is without right &has no power of command. Active resistance against him is therefore permitted. Again,the common good is the necessary criterion for the actual application of this resistance, that is,for the revolt against the tyrant"(26).'
65. '"The common good is the supreme law! If the ruler, who has to look after the best interests of the people, constantly and in the most serious way violates the common good, even turns the purpose of his office into the complete opposite and obviously becomes the enemy and..'
66. ..'corrupter of his people, he thereby abandons the legal basis on which his power is built" (27).
History repeats itself as tragedy or face (Karl Marx): Hitler said after the failed assassination attempt of 20 July 1944:..'
67. '"I am cold as ice here. If the German people are not prepared to stand up for their self- preservation" (i.e. to continue the war to the point of total self-destruction) "Well, let them disappear!" (28).'
68. 'What do the tyrant Merkel and her henchmen aim at with multiple lockdowns other than the complete destruction of the economy and society of our country and Europe? What remains of the "creative destruction", of which they are all supporters, in the medium term is chaos, ..'
69. ..'disruption, the enrichment of the few and the misery of the many, as well as the decline of all culture - in the long term anyway. This is the ultimate crime, the ultimate state terror.
Ernst Bloch writes in his book about the eternal followers who don't seem to care in..'
70. ..'which political system they settle & under which thumb they bend - the eternal majority, that is:
"To be only gentle is not yet to be good.And the many weaklings we have are not yet peaceful. They are only peaceful in the cheap, bad sense of the word, they are peaceful..'
71. ..'all too easily. Yes, when they were little children they didn't put up with anything, they rebelled, they wondered what it was about us. But after that there were a thousand wars for every ten uprisings, and the victims remained well-behaved. Alongside them, everywhere,..'
72. ..'the many cowards, saying not this way and not that way, so that it won't be said later that they said this way or that way. What is more cowardly and cowering is already easily posing as peaceful" (29).
And a sentence of Kant's from "On Perpetual Peace" is hurled at..'
73. ..'the tyrant, even though Kant could not yet have known in 1789 that state power would not only let off steam in interstate wars for the purpose of increasing power, but would also go to work globally and across the board against its own peoples in order to maintain power:'
74. '"That kings philosophise, or philosophers become kings, is not to be expected, nor to be desired; because the possession of power inevitably corrupts the free judgment of reason" (30).'
75. 'Bloch continues:
"Even beyond war (the ultima ratio regis), violence is spoken of here as a personal or even official possession, one that continues to communicate itself or via bureaucracy to a whole layer of courtiers, thereby corrupting the free judgement of reason..'
76. ..'within itself, and authoritatively preventing the desired mutton-folk below from doing so.”(31).
Under the tyrant and her henchmen, nothing has changed in the claim to privatise state power: 231 years of lost political development.'
77. 'Editorial note: This is an expanded and footnoted version of an article published in "Democratic Resistance" No. 31.
Ullrich Mies is a social and political scientist. He studied in Duisburg and Kingston/ Jamaica. His main interests are international political conflicts...' Image
78. 'Creative Commons Licence Agreement
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons licence (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International). You may distribute and reproduce it subject to the terms of the licence.'

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3 Jan
1/9 'In diesem Video möchten wir ihnen das Projekt Immanuel vorstellen, das sich kritisch mit den wissenschaftlichen Hintergründen der sogenannten "Corona-Krise" auseinandersetzt. Mit der Hilfe des erfahrenen Naturwissenschaftlers und Virologen Dr. Stefan Lanka werden in ..'
2/9 ..'einer ganzen Reihe von Beiträgen alle grundlegenden Publikationen zu SARS-CoV-2 und COVID-19 genau unter die Lupe genommen und wissenschaftlich geprüft.
Dabei liegt unser Hauptaugenmerk darauf, die Wissenschaft allen Menschen verständlich zu machen. Alle nötigen ..'
3/9 'Fachbegriffe und wissenschaftlichen Verfahren der Virologie und Mikrobiologie, die man kennen und verstehen muss, werden für jedermann leicht verständlich erklärt und mittels vieler Beispiele veranschaulicht.'
Read 9 tweets
31 Dec 20
'At The End Of The Year

As this year draws to its end,
We give thanks for the gifts it brought
And how they became inlaid within
Where neither time nor tide can touch them.'
'The days when the veil lifted
And the soul could see delight;
When a quiver caressed the heart
In the sheer exuberance of being here.

Surprises that came awake
In forgotten corners of old fields
Where expectation seemed to have quenched.'
'The slow, brooding times
When all was awkward
And the wave in the mind
Pierced every sore with salt.

The darkened days that stopped
The confidence of the dawn.'
Read 5 tweets
31 Dec 20
1/6 “Leb wohl, 2020!
Ich schließe dieses Jahr mit George Orwell und mit der Angst vor einer Zukunft, die aussieht wie ein Stiefel, der unaufhörlich auf ein Gesicht tritt - oder vor einer, in der wir unsere Ketten lieben gelernt haben.” ...
2/6 ..”Aber ich begrüße das neue mit einem Gedanken aus Aldous Huxleys Vorwort zu „Schöne Neue Welt“, in dem er dem Wilden eine dritte Möglichkeit bietet:
„Zwischen der utopischen und der primitiven Alternative des Dilemmas läge die Möglichkeit normalen Lebens.“ ...
3/6 ..”In dieser Gemeinschaft wäre die Wirtschaft dezentralistisch, die Politik kooperativ; „Naturwissenschaft und Technologie würden benutzt, als wären sie für den Menschen gemacht, nicht, als solle der Mensch (wie gegenwärtig und noch mehr in der »schönen neuen Welt«) ..” ..
Read 7 tweets
28 Dec 20
Scientist attacks Leopoldina - for "fueling scaremongering by politicians and media" 26.12.20 journalistenwatch.com/2020/12/26/wis…
'There are actually still courageous scientists with backbone in this pandemic who oppose the pathological neurosis of politics and public health:...'
..'Professor Thomas Aigner of the University of Tübingen, previously a member of the National Academy Leopoldina (the most important advisory institute to the German Chancellor in the Corona crisis), has now resigned from the Mainz Academy of Sciences - and...'
..'is attacking the Leopoldina because he did not want to go along with the disastrous, unserious misjudgement of the scientists setting the tone there, which indirectly led to the "hard lockdown" since mid-December.'
Read 19 tweets
23 Dec 20
"This is no longer the police force I started with" Corona emergency call from a police officer. 23.12.20 reitschuster.de/post/das-ist-n…
"After my arrest at Berlin's Jannowitzbrücke S-Bahn station on Sunday, a police officer (m/f/d) contacted me. His/her request: "I want to.."
.."tell you what it's like in the police at the moment." What he (I'll stick to the male form for the sake of simplicity) told me shocked me. "For years, de-escalation was always the order of the day, restraint, not taking tough action, especially when dealing with criminals,.."
.."and especially when there is any kind of migration background. Now, in the course of the Corona measures, that has completely changed," the officer reports: "There are instructions from politics to really crack down, law and order, zero tolerance.
But even this .."
Read 16 tweets
23 Dec 20
1/4 'Brazilians should decide for themselves whether they want to be vaccinated against Covid-19, it is available to everyone free of charge,said Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro. He himself no longer needs a vaccination,he had developed antibodies after his Corona disease.'
2/4 'He is generally critical of gene vaccinations. In the direction of Pfizer, he said that according to the contract, Brazil assumes no responsibility for any side effects. You don't play around with people's immune systems, he said. "If you become a crocodile, that's...'
3/4 .."your business," he said. Brazil's highest court has ruled that the Covid 19 vaccination is mandatory,but it will not be forced on anyone.
Bolsonaro criticised, among other things, that the Pfizer/BioNTech gene vaccination, which is currently being tested in Sao Paolo,..'
Read 4 tweets

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