Arrest any State or Federal official or employee who says Biden is the president.
What is the Second American Revolution?
The armed insurrection of the American People in defense of the United States against the Deep State (Masonic Banks of NYC, Skull and bones), Swamp and ChinaJoe #CCP allies.
1) Restoration of a govt by the people, for the people, of the people. 2) Arrest of all #CCP Deep State Swamp conspirators in the Election Fraud in State and Federal offices, agencies, departments etc..
3) Military occupation of rebel states 4) Convening of Continental congress to return form of govt back to that which the First Revolutionaries wanted and fought for. A Christian limited federal govt with sovereign states.
What means are to be used to achieve these goals?
1) Constitutional Militia called up in virtue of the 2nd Amendment by any mayor, chief of police, sheriff, county official, state official, or volunteer militia authorized by such. 2) Citizens arrest 3) Martial law
4) Armed conflicts only when and where necessary 5) Recruitment of police, military, national guard units, to rise up to defend the people and join in the revolution to take the country back from the deep state and swamp.
In the above tweets, under the term of arrest, we intended to indicate also judges of state or federal courts, or of the supreme court. The whole swamp and deep state needs to be cleaned out from top to bottom and bottom to top.
#NarrativeWarfare is the concept whereby by asserting a claim you attempt to obtain something from the other party. #Marxist version asserts false claims. #Christian should assert true claims. Here is how to take the offensive on social media >> 1/x 🧵
If they talk about gun violence, talk about #Democrat#Violence, because 99% of mass shooters are registered Democrats in the USA ... and all Antifa and BLM are Democrat voters
If they talk about slave reparations, talk about Catholic reparations for stealing our lands in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, etc...
It was a pure delight, watching the leader of the Neo-Nazi Mossad Operation which feigns being ally of Ukraine, get suspended after dozens of his trolling scumrades boosted his tweet that got him suspended! -- Delicious
FYI -- this group whose name is the Atomic Symbol for Sodium joined to the abbreviation F.O. declared "war" on our Order in March, in the massive social media faux pax equivalent to the Muscovite State invading Ukraine and expecting to win in 3 days...
Since then we got 17 of their accounts suspended, 1 removed, filed 3 criminal complaints, and more than 500+ criminal notices in two continents and several dozen nations against them. The Ukr Security has begun rounding them up.
What was right about the Crusades, and what lessons for today can we draw from their example? 🧵
The Crusades happened because of a Divine Intervention of Jesus Christ, who appeared in the Holy Sepulcher to a Catholic Priest Pilgrim, Father Peter L'Ermite in the spring of 1094, and told him to liberate Jerusalem from the godless heathens.
Peter went to Simeon II, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem insisting something be done to liberate the Churches of the City from the infidels. The Patriarch replied there was nothing he could do, but gave him a letter to Pope Urban II, with whom he had corresponded.
On Feb. 23, 532 A. D., the Catholic Emperor Justinian I inaugurated her construction. She was consecrated by the Catholic Patriarch of Constantinople on Dec. 27, 537. -- 10,000 Catholics worked more than 5 years on her construction.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Greek Rite was celebrated in the Hagia Sophia in communion with the Apostolic see from 537 to 1453, with only a few interruptions ...
Today, May 29, 2023, we commemorate the 570th anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 A. D., to the Ottoman hordes, when the City was betrayed by the Greek Patriarch who allowed the Sultan's forces into the city
The causes of this tragedy were many:
1) the greed of the Greek Nobility who from the 11th century onwards drover the common man off the land, preventing large families, which were the source of manpower for the Imperial Army. 1/x
2) the apostasy of the Greek Imperial Govt. from the Gospel of Christ on Marriage; which was followed and de facto endorsed by the Greek Church, depriving families of unity and the blessing of their Savior 2/x
SOS Chretiens has partnered with the French Ministry of Defense and exists to legitimized the regime in Syria. It's long game goal is not entirely humanitarian. It's sources of funding are linked with Masonic organizations.
One of their managers is an extreme Putin admirer… -- They collaborate closely with the Syrian Regime and collaborate with neo-Nazi organization in Italy
One of their principle activities is supporting Militia loyal to the Syrian regime and gathering intel for the Russian Federation. -- They appear to be a joint operation of French and Russian Intel.