Yes, unfortunately, the people who need to read and learn about it the most, are the ones who are most reluctant to do. I've written about the cognitive processes that contribute to this problem:
Trump faces potential indictment/incarceration for criminality. He's desperate, and feels his only chance to avoid criminal liability is to do everything possible, including breaking more laws, to avoid accountability for previous criminality. He has nothing to lose at this point
The incentives are aligned with Trump acting recklessly, criminally, and treasonously......2/
This isn't the first time the incentive structure is misaligned with a president's conduct. There are parallels to the OLC memo that insulates a president from indictment:
"Our political system presuppose a baseline level of adherence to the rule of law....essentially the system is built on a fragile, consumer confidence-like faith/belief in the people-conferred power of a constitutionally-based democratic system (even Nixon turned over tapes)." 1/
2. If/when indictments come, Trump will claim it's a "witch hunt" conspiracy by the Left to preemptively attempt to remove him from the field b/c Democrats are afraid of him, and can't beat him fairly...or even by cheating twice in row....2/
...and, similar to nearly every instance since 2015, any Republican who stands on principle/defends the rule of law will be characterized as a traitor to the cult/base who's *in on the game* to return the country back to a pre-Trump deep state run swamp. 3/