Raffensperger knew of many problems w/Dominion equipment from GA lawsuits.
Judge: Implementation of systems places voters at an “imminent risk of deprivation of their fundamental right to cast an effective vote,” which the judge defined as a “vote that is accurately counted.”
Why was there a signature audit of Cobb County (a red county) but steadfast refusal to perform a signature audit of Fulton County?
1) Congress is incentivized to see Pence's role as passive.
But Constitutional scholars differ and/or acknowledge that varying interpretations exist.
Note: I am NOT predicting what Pence will do. I will just be highlighting some ambiguities.
(Apologies - will be long thread)
2) Edward Foley is head of Election Law Dept at Ohio U.
He is Left & originator of Blue Shift theory
What follows are quotes from his "war-game" paper published in the Loyola University Chicago Law Journal - Preparing for a Disputed Presidential Election lawecommons.luc.edu/cgi/viewconten…
3) "As part of an effort to prepare for the risk of a disputed presidential election in 2020, it is imperative to consider how the embarrassingly deficient procedures might operate if they were actually called into play."
“I think several senators from Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona also wrote letters sent to the Vice President, [telling him] we want the vice president to at least delay it 10 to 12 days.”
Jan 20th is date that matters Constitutionally:
"Terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January"
Pence can, and in my view, should defer.
Allows Audit to proceed. Takes ECA away.
Gives states time to revisit, clarify. With new evidence.
3) …In the morning, new numbers show Trump’s lead starting to slip, and by noon, it is below 20,000. Impatient, Trump holds an impromptu press conference and announces:"
4) "So begins the saga over the disputed result of the 2020 presidential election.”
Although familiar, the passage isn’t taken from a recent article describing the Nov. 3, 2020, presidential election. Rather, it comes from a 55-page paper, published on Aug 31, 2019 by Ed Foley.
5) Foley’s paper, more of a Democrat war-game analysis, takes readers on a complicated electoral journey that may well prove to accurately foreshadow events through Jan. 20.
Foley has provided a complicated—but thus far surprisingly accurate—electoral roadmap to be used by Dems.
This issue was repeatedly highlighted bu Judge Totenberg:
Dominion’s system “does not produce a voter-verifiable paper ballot or a paper ballot marked with the voter’s choices in a format readable by the voter because the votes are tabulated solely from the unreadable QR code.”
Judge also found that Dominion's QR codes are NOT encrypted:
“Evidence plainly contradicts any contention that the QR codes or digital signatures are encrypted,”
This was “ultimately conceded by Mr. Cobb and expressly acknowledged later by Dr. Coomer during his testimony.”
Judge Totenberg said there was “demonstrable evidence” that the implementation of Dominion’s systems by Georgia placed voters at an “imminent risk of deprivation of their fundamental right to cast an effective vote,” which she defined as a “vote that is accurately counted.”
“The idea that the Vice President has sole authority to determine whether or not to count electoral votes submitted by a state, or which of competing submissions to count, is inconsistent with a proper understanding of the Constitution.”
Foley, a lawyer/professor/WAPO contributor, is known for his Blue Shift theory
"election day results can initially indicate a Republican is ahead, but adding provisional ballots and absentee ballots into the count can eventually show a Democratic victory" papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf…
1) Trump signed omnibus bill w/redlined "suggestions" 2) Congress "promises" to vote (post-Trump signing) on increase from $600 to $2,000 3) Congress "promises" to repeal or amend Section 230 4) Congress "promises" to look into voter fraud
Some are saying Trump has not yet signed. Not what I'm seeing: