Worshipping God as Mother & Mother as God has been an inherent part of Sanātana Culture.
It has been our unbroken living traditions in which the ideals of universal divinity seamlessly transcend physically as our personal Mother. #Thread
There is no shade like a mother, no resort-like a mother, no security like a mother, no other ever-giving fountain of life!
{Skanda Purana Mo. Ch. 6.103-104}
हस्तस्पर्शो हि मातृणामजलस्य जलांजलि: ।
The touch of a mother's hand is like the handful of water for one in want of it.
सहस्त्रं हि पितुर्माता गौरवेणातिरिच्यते ।
In importance mother excels father a thousand times .
आपदामापन्तीनां हितोऽप्यायाति हेतुताम् ।
मातृजङ्घा हि वत्सस्य स्तम्भीभवति बन्धने ॥
When calamities befall, even a wellwisher becomes a cause of them.
It is the leg of the mother that serves as the pillar for tying the calf.
{Hitopadesha 1.30}
उपाध्यायान् दशाचार्य आचार्याणां शतं पिता ।
सहस्रं तु पितॄन् माता गौरवेणातिरिच्यते ॥ १४५ ॥
In veneration, the Preceptor excels ten Sub-teachers; the Father a hundred preceptors, and the Mother a thousand Fathers.
{Manusmruti 2.145 :}
माता धरित्री जननी
दयार्द्रहृदया शिवा ।
देवी त्रिभुवनश्रेष्ठा
निर्दोषा सर्वदुःखहा॥
माता, धरित्री , जननी , दयार्द्रहृदया, शिवा, देवी , त्रिभुवनश्रेष्ठा, निर्दोषा, सभी दुःखों का नाश करने वाली है!
आस्तां तावदियं प्रसूतिसमये दुर्वारशूलव्यथा
नैरुच्यं तनुशोषणं मलमयी शय्या च सांवत्सरी ।
एकस्यापि न गर्भ-भार-भरण-क्लेशस्य यस्याः क्षमो
दातुं निष्कृतिमुन्नतोऽपि तनयः तस्यैः जनन्यै नमः ।।
{मातृपञ्चकम् - Sri Adi Śaṅkarācārya}
The acute irrepressible pain endured by the mother at the
time of delivery, the distaste towards food and the resulting emaciation of the body during pregnancy, the year-long period after delivery, during which the bed was dirtied by the baby – let all these be. But the suffering that the mother endures in carrying the weight of the
foetus throughout pregnancy, can never be compensated the least by a son, even if he is great and famous.
Salutations to that mother.
I salute my mother who gave me birth; I also salute my other mothers (women) who added knowledge and wisdom to my actions and life to make me a good human being.
II मातृ देवो भव् II
When we study our ancient scripture, we realize that there is profound respect given to mother and women in general. So, read the original scripture to know yourself.
When you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.
सर्वतीर्थमयी माता ~Mother is (the embodiment) of all pilgrimages!🙏
Love is its own fulfilment.
To a devotee there is no desire, not even the desire for his own Liberation. Love justifies itself. His only desire is for the love of his heart’s beloved, the Lord. Love is a reward in itself.
What exactly then is the nature of this renunciation in a devotee?
Thus is being described in the following two sūtras.
Sūtra 8
निरोधस्तु लोकवेदव्यापारन्यासः॥ ८॥
This renunciation, indeed, is in the total giving up of all secular & religious
"Intense dispassion towards ephemeral objects is the first pre-requisite for 'moksha’(liberation). After that, ‘sama’ that which restrains the mind, ‘Dama’ that high controls the senses, ‘titiksha’, forbearance to accept destiny, & renunciation of all motivated actions, should be
ततः श्रुतिस्तन्मननं सतत्त्वध्यानं चिरं नित्यनिरन्तरं मुनेः।
ततोऽविकल्पं परमेत्य विद्वानिहैव निर्वाणसुखं समृच्छति॥ ७०॥
"Thereafter, listening to the ‘mahavakyas’ of Vedanta, reflecting thoroughly on their implied meaning, & uninterrupted meditation
Staying in the gurukulam for 3 years, Śaṅkarā studied his own branch of the Vedas, along with its components like ‘siksha’ & ‘Kalpam’. In his 8th year, after completing studies, he returned
home & spent time in ’svadhyaya’ (self-study), meditation and serving his mother. Meanwhile, his reputation as a phenomenal prodigy began to spreader & wide even among scholars and it also reached the ears of the king, Rajasekhata. The king who was highly refined and scholarly
person, decided to meet Sri Śaṅkarā.
In keeping with the Kshatriya dharma, Rajasekhara went with several offerings and prostrated before Śaṅkarā. They discussed the ‘sastras’. The king was astounded at the intellectual & spiritual acumen of the Child-Yogi.
II ऋग्वेदीय सूर्यसूक्तम् II
Đ Essence of Sūrya in Vedas :
The Vedas worship the Sun, Surya, as the source of light for the entire world. But for the Vedic people, light is not a material force but a power of life, love & intelligence. Nor is the Sun a
distant entity unrelated to us. It has a presence on earth through the power of its rays, which not only pervade our environment but also touch our very hearts. By the Sun the Vedas don’t simply refer to the outer luminary, the central star of our solar system. They mean the
principle of light & consciousness on a universal level, of which the Sun is our local representative.
सर्वद्रव्येषु विद्यैव द्रव्यमाहुरनुत्तमम्।
अहार्यत्वाद् अनर्घत्वाद् अक्षयत्वात् च सर्वदा॥
The Ancient Indian society gave a lot of value for knowledge. The traditional name for India is Bharat, as we know. The meaning of the word is
interesting; ‘bha’ means knowledge and ‘rata’ means passionate. Those who are passionate about knowledge are the people of Bharat.
Meaning of the Sloka :
Knowledge alone is unparalleled among all possessions at all times, people say. It is so because it cannot be stolen, it
cannot be valued and it does not diminish (even when given to others). Our possessions make us feel proud. There are several types of material possessions we see in society – houses, cars, money, political power, high office, physical strength, beauty, knowledge and several other