25494 of the URLs end with Mozi.m, relating to the Mozi Botnet - securityintelligence.com/posts/botnet-a…. To detect this, we can look for the regex pattern .*Mozi\.m$
A further 4636 of the URLs end with Mozi.a, related to the above. We can detect this using regex pattern .*Mozi\.a$
Finally, there are 10 URLs which contain Mozi within them in different patterns to above. It is therefore worthwhile searching for any case of Mozi within a URL (This will be greedier than the above, but still worthwhile checking)
Next up, there are 5716 URLs ending /i and 196 URLs ending in /.i To find these, search for the regex pattern .*\/(i|\.i)$
4752 of the URL's are ending with bin.sh. To find these, search for the regex pattern .*\/bin\.sh$
458 of the URL's are ending with .arm followed by a digit. To find these, search for the regex pattern .*\.arm\d+$
99 of the URLs are ending with .arm. To find these, search for the regex pattern .*\.arm$
165 of the URL's are ending with .mips. To find these, search for the regex pattern .*\.mips$
145 of the URL's are ending with.mpsl. To find these, search for the regex pattern .*\.mpsl$
870 of the URLs contain the pattern wp-
34 of the URLs contain the pattern wordpress
To look for these 904 URLs relating to wordpress, we can use this regex pattern to find URLs matching this in our logs - .*(wp-|wordpress).*.
For alerting purposes, it is worth looking for the string - (http|https):\/\/.*(wp-|wordpress).*\.(exe|bin|zip|jpg|vbs|bat|rar|ps1|doc|docm|xls|xlsm|pptm|rtf|hta|dll|ws|wsf|sct) As this will show a user visiting a file at a wordpress site.
Using the above methods, we can look for / detect 42379 out of the 53109 URLs reported in the past month (79.796%)
I have a lot of people asking me ‘Will SOAR / Automation in general replace SOC/Cybersecurity Analyst jobs in X number of years’
My opinion - Simple answer, no.
Long answer, it is already (and will in all SOCs in the future) replace simple tasks such as copy pasting info
From tools into ticketing platforms, sorting mailboxes, running scans on IOCs and things such as this. (Which in a lot of cases are currently classed as Tier/Level 1 analysts tasks)
It will not replace expert knowledge, such as in-depth analysis skills, remediating difficult
Problems (Incident Response), threat Intel investigations / reporting, risk mitigation etc etc. The list goes on of tasks and skills which SOAR/Automation will not replace any time soon.
So don’t be worried - SOAR/Automation should be thought of as an assistant for us all
Intel Owl (Threat intel data about a specific file IOC from a single API at scale) - github.com/intelowlprojec…
Cyber Chef (Web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser.) - gchq.github.io/CyberChef/
TheHive (Scalable Incident Response Platform designed to make life easier for SOCs, CSIRTs, and CERTs, featuring integration with MISP.) - thehive-project.org
CertSpotter (Alerts you when a SSL/TLS certificate is issued for one of your domains.) - github.com/SSLMate/certsp…