When he isn't threatening elected officials, @Cogensia's CEO writes end-of-year letters with bromides like "In times like these there will be times like these" and "I now believe anything is possible."
The vaccine rollout is a 'train wreck' in Florida -- a state which used Eventbrite to sign up people for shots (and since it's Florida, criminals are setting up fake Eventbrite sites and scamming senior citizens)
"We have almost 200 hospitals, if one hospital isn’t performing we can use other hospitals. And if you’re not performing this function, it does raise questions about the operating efficiency of the hospital."
"We have at least 2 or 3 — anywhere from 250 to 300,000 ballots were dropped mysteriously into the rolls."
"We had, I believe it’s about 4,502 voters who voted but who weren’t on the voter registration list, so it’s 4,502 who voted, but they weren’t on the voter registration roll, which they had to be."