7/But this time is different, because now the fears are connected to Black-White relations, which is by far the most enduringly divisive and bitter issue in American politics -- the only thing we've ever fought a civil war over.
8/Republicans' sense of overwhelming threat comes from the idea that Hispanic and Asian immigrants, and their children, will result in a permanent demographic minority that will result in a huge fall in social status for White people and a victory for progressive policies.
9/The Right's overwhelming sense of threat ALSO comes from the fear that they've lost all cultural power in America. They fear that they've lost the corporations, the universities, the media, the government, the schools...everything.
10/For a while, the Right had lost cultural power but retained POLITICAL power, thanks to the Senate and the Electoral College, which allow minority rule up to a point.
But now, with Biden's victory and Dems' control of the Senate, even that is over.
11/Of course, right-wing media has fanned the flames of this threatened feeling, for clicks and views and ad dollars. As a result, the Right has whipped itself into an absolute frenzy of terrified rage.
13/The idea of "we've got the guns" -- the fantasy of an armed Right versus a loud but utterly disarmed Left -- naturally encourages the Right toward greater acts of violence, since they feel that's the one area where they still have the upper hand.
14/This fantasy of an apocalyptic race war is laid out in The Turner Diaries.
18/In fact, protesting with guns in red and purple states -- Ohio, Michigan, etc. -- might hasten the progress of gun control laws, as it did in California in the 1960s.
19/The second change the Left needs is psychological. They have to realize that they're not the rebels anymore. It's not the 1970s. They're the institution, and they need to punish the rebels who try to overthrow the country.
20/So what forces might eventually end the Cold Civil War?
One is racial depolarization. The GOP made inroads with nonwhite voters in 2020; if they can extend those gains, the fear of demographic "drowning" will fade.
21/As for the GOP, they need more leaders like @SenTomCotton to crack down on the coup-ists, with a racially and ideologically neutral law-and-order stance.
23/@Peter_Turchin predicts a peak of unrest sometime in the early 2020s. Dunno if I buy that, but it would be better than another civil war, by a long shot!
2/The typical American has surprisingly little wealth compared to the typical resident of many other developed countries.
This is a fact that is not widely known or appreciated.
3/Now, some people argue that stuff like Social Security or social insurance programs should be included in wealth. But I chose to focus on private wealth because I think having assets you can sell whenever you want is important to people.
2/Soon (thanks to President Biden) we will solve the bottlenecks with distribution. At that point, production will become the limiting factor. We've only allocated 15 million first doses so far. Our population is 331 million.
2/Over the past month, I've been writing some "techno-optimist" posts, predicting an acceleration in tech-driven productivity growth in the next decade. Some others have been similarly optimistic.