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Jan 9, 2021 β€’ 171 tweets β€’ 38 min read β€’ Read on X
πŸŒ• The Case for $VTHO πŸŒ•

Look where no one is looking to find the 1000x

There is a Dark Horse

$1,000 on a parabolic rise towards $1,000,000

Through pure fundamentals


Through crypto speculation

Both are explained in the following thread

#VTHO #VeChain #VeFam #VET $VET
Table of Contents:

0⃣ Intro

1⃣ A Broken Ecosystem

2⃣ The Emergence of ToolChain

3⃣ The Source of VET's Value

4⃣ 1000x by way of Crypto Speculations

5⃣ 1000x by way of Fundamentals

6⃣ VTHO as a Currency

7⃣ Mass Adoption
8⃣ The Myth

9⃣ Logical Inconsistency

1⃣0⃣ Hypotheticals

1⃣1⃣ Misperception and the Dark Horse Token

1⃣2⃣ Summary

1⃣3⃣ A Closing Thought

1⃣4⃣ VTHO Giveaway

1 Chapter will be added to this thread every 10 minutes

Beginning 01/10/2021: 0800 CST


Chapter 1

"A Broken Ecosystem"

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam



You must realize the broken state of the current VTHO ecosystem…
VTHO is set to be the Global Currency for the most advanced logistics database in history

Enterprises, by holding the coin VET, can passively produce VTHO, and use that VTHO as the currency to utilize all the features of the blockchain database
At least that was the original, widely promoted strategy for VeChain's VET coin

"Entities will buy tons of VET to produce their own VTHO"

So how would that be applied if it was true today?
Walmart is currently the top user of the blockchain, doing about 200k transactions to the #blockchain a day, which costs 8K dollars
In order to currently hold enough VET to support this, they would need to hold a quarter of all VET in existence, costing them 400 million dollars up front, in order to do $8K of transactions a day

Walmart did not buy a quarter of the 86 Billion VET supply
@VulcanVerse is the top community project on VeChain

A creative team quickly expanding along with their #MineCraft/#Pokemon hybrid game

In order to produce the VTHO needed before they launch, they would need to buy $40,000,000 worth of VET

Beyond impractical for any startup
VTHO is so undervalued

That the original intended ecosystem of Enterprises buying VET can't manifest

VTHO is worth too few transactions compared to the cost of the VET needed to generate it

It has broken VET
But instead of trying to force a broken system

VeChain has pivoted to a business strategy that is increasing adoption rapidly

This pivot was necessary

It has been excellently executed

And will open the gates wider to mass adoption

Chapter 2

"The Emergence of Toolchain"

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam


If enterprises don't want to deal with crypto

You're not going to force them
It's clear, no CEO will lock up immense capital, capital that could be used for business growth, in an extremely volatile high risk asset that returns a miniscule monetary value
However, every CEO wants to utilize a platform that will save money and add transparency, safety, and authenticity to their supply chain and products

So VeChain adapted to enterprise needs in a way that promotes adaption to happen even faster than originally intended
The emergence of Toolchain allows companies to cut out crypto, and pay a stable rate in their local currency

The business can use all the blockchain services
Enterprises pay for a transaction

And on the back end

VeChain uses an equivalent amount of VTHO purchased from the free market to process the transactions

The enterprise never has to touch crypto

But at the same time

Each enterprise is indirectly purchasing and using VTHO
This is indirect market demand for VTHO

Because VTHO is the only form of payment the BlockChain accepts:

VTHO has tangible, functional, value

VTHO is the initial mover from influx of new capital

As VTHO value rises with higher demand

VET becomes an economically viable asset
ToolChain cuts out the growing pains of crypto for industries

VeChain partners have abandoned buying VET to buy VTHO indirectly

Such as all 100+ companies in the "China Animal Health & Food Safety Alliance"

It has become the standard mode of operation for enterprise clients
ToolChain brings increased rates of adoption...

VTHO demand rises

VTHO value rises

VTHO is able to execute more transactions per Token

VET now generates more access to the blockchain

Gradually restoring the original model…

"Purchase VET to utilize the VeChain BlockChain"

Chapter 3

The Source of VET's Value

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

VET having immense value, and being gobbled up by enterprises is not a lie

It will happen

But time matters, and that's not where we're now at

VET has to have value first

Right now, it has zero value
Understand VET, by itself, has no value

It is not ownership of the company like a stock


That's what it is, an asset that produces something else of value

VET's value is dependent on the value of the VTHO it produces

The VTHO produced is what gives VET value
In order for VET to be desirable to enterprises, and thus investors, it must do one thing

It must produce its utility at an Annual Percentage Yield( The value an investment produces in a year, as a percentage of the total holdings) at the level of other high risk assets
Currently 1000 in VET, produces 5 $ in vtho a year, for a .5% APY

For perspective

High risk investment need a minimum 5% APY to be a viable investment

Many Cryptos are Pushing 10% APY
A savings account has no risk and a .6% APY, essentially producing more VTHO then VET when converted

You don't need VET for VTHO

Any asset with an APY can be converted to VTHO
VET only has investment value if it gives at least the 5% APY

And the APY applies a consistent pressure to VET appreciating
VTHO has to 10x in VET value to reach the ecosystem sustaining value of 5% APY

So any statement to say VET will rise on fundamentals

Is to say that VTHO will rise by that tenfold

Chapter 4

"1000x by way of Crypto Speculations"

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

To Speculate on VeChain

To invest because you think it will be a success

Is believing it will reach a 5% APY and VTHO is worth .3 of a VET

VTHO is currently worth .03 of a VET
For VTHO to reach .3 of a VET, it would have to rise from the #364 cryptocurrency to #75
Though overlooked and undervalued

VTHO can appreciate to a price that balances the VeChain ecosystem quickly

Low Market Cap tokens typically have lower volume and move up and down the charts much easier

VET typically has well over 100x more Volume than VTHO
Right now would take 1.5 million dollars to move VET 10% on Binance USDT pair

It would take just 50K dollars to move VTHO 10%

With 1.5 million dollars, VTHO would be nearing a 10x

If this happened, VET would hold a 5% APY, becoming an asset much more worthy of long term holds
VET is currently ranked 22nd among cryptocurrencies with a $1.8 B Market Cap

VeChain has the most crucial partnerships as well as the most use cases

It is the leader in real world implementation of blockchain and is cornering the next generation of global supply chain logistics
If VTHO was not dragging VET down, it should realistically be a top 5 Cryptocurrency

No one can compete with its degree of enterprise adoption

However, its APY is of the lowest in crypto

Making it an undesirable coin to hold

And keeping it from holding pumps and climbing rank
If VTHO is speculated in its own ecosystem to, 10x in VET value, to make VET stable

And then VET, due to partners, technology, and APY, rises to a top 5 crypto (10x)

And the total crypto market cap goes 10x with mainstream adoption

That is a "This Cycle" 1000x

10 x 10 x 10

If the total crypto market cap 10x's

And VET 10x's inside the Market Cap's 10x

And VTHO 10x's inside VET's 10x

The 1000x is feasible

Achieved this cycle purely by catching up to correct market value of the current atmosphere
Crypto speculation is not always logical

Currencies are ranked by hype and promises

And most pumps are tied to riding BTC waves

Typically with no relation to increasing faith in a specific project

Rises can not always be fundamentally justified
The ironic thing is

Of all the coins receiving crazy speculative value

The one that is not

Is the most likely to justify receiving that speculation

A crypto rising 10x from a BTC pump, does not mean they will be able to generate 10x value

Eventually they will fall back down
But VTHO not only can fundamentally justify a 10x BTC wave pump

It can justify a 1000x pump

And achieve that real value, through fundamentals, by the next Bull cycle

It is of the few that if speculated in the current market's spirit

Would surpass that valuation fundamentally

Chapter 5

"1000x by way of Fundamentals"

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

The total supply of VET produces around 37 million VTHO per day

Every transaction on the Blockchain costs VTHO, and Burns 70% of it every transaction

Currently, it takes 1 million transactions a day to burn 37 million VTHO
When we are burning 37 million VTHO, the same as we are producing, supply and demand is equal

If transactions go up 10%

Demand goes up 10% for VTHO

And VTHO increases in price 10%

Then, the amount of VTHO needed per transaction goes down 10% to stabilize the transaction cost
And we are back at the perfect balance of 37/37

So what has happened?

VTHO has gone up in value, and is waiting for the next increase in transactions to go up again

VET meanwhile, has had an increase in APY by way of producing more valuable VTHO
Holders of VET benefit from increased passive income

And demand for vet as an APY asset increases, increasing VET's price

CEO Sunny Lu has stated, the coming upgrade to the blockchain is necessary to onboard a client who is ready to do 1 million transactions a day
Let's say this client, Walmart, and @VulcanVerse combine to meet that 1 million transactions and 37 million a day burn

We are now at the phase of fundamental VTHO growth(Not VET Growth)

We can speculate VTHO's fundamental growth
The transactions have been growing at a steady rate of doubling about every 5 months

The new client triples transactions instantly, so let's go with a doubling rate of every 4 months
(Perfectly achievable with VeChain's overwhelming client pipeline and growth in a brand new emerging market

Especially given the next few years is when most clients onboard)
With fundamental VTHO price now in play

And a doubling of transactions every 4 months

We get the following results if we take the current VTHO price of .0009 as its starting speculation(all prices in USD)
EOY 2021: VTHO .0072 (8x)

At this point:
If VET is still at .03, VTHO begins to fundamentally raise its value

EOY 2022: VTHO .0576 (64) VET .24 (8x)

EOY 2023: VTHO .4608 (512) VET 1.92 (64x)

VTHO 1000x's in 2024 by way of fundamentals
Even if VTHO receives no speculations this bull run, and VET receives a 100x

VTHO can still easily catch up before the next bullrun

Even if VTHO and VET both 100X this bull run

They can realize that real value before the next bullrun

And not dump in the bear market
In this scenario, VTHO will fundamentally 1000x in 3 1/2 years

VET will 100x in 3 1/2 years and hit $1 in 2 1/2 years
The thing to understand is…

This rate of adoption is possible in a global emerging market

Supply chain tracking and authenticating has constant and many interactions with the blockchain

VeChain's service provides a level of trust and authenticity that has never existed before
Its use can save companies millions from losses to counterfeit goods, verify temperature control throughout the entire journey of a product, and give consumers confidence in the origin and safety of the food they purchase
This is an upgrade to the global supply chain

And it does fix a real problem

And VeChain does have first mover status, and all the necessary partners to make that count
In grade school math class, there was an exponential allowance trick the math teacher proposed to us

"Ask your parents, to instead of giving you your normal allowance, ask them to give you a penny and double it every day until the end of the month"
By the end of the month your parents owe you a million dollars a day

This is the power of exponential growth

This growth that is triggered by the Network Effect

The Network Effect is gained by having elite technology and all the right connections

We've seen it in social media
The size of the exponential effect is determined by the industry

No industry has lasted longer, been as wide reaching, and nation building, as the Supply Chain

Chapter 6

VTHO as a Currency

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

Completely void of market acknowledgement, is VTHOs overwhelming possibility to be a top global currency

VTHO better performs as a currency than the top cryptos whose only purpose is a currency

It is superior in technology, speed and ability to survive regulations
VTHO is also far more apt to be used for daily transactions than VET, which is viewed more as a source of income to be locked in nodes
Their are more stories told about what to spend VTHO on, how cool to live off VTHO, what to buy with VTHO, but most state they will hold VET forever, as a mint or producing asset more than a currency

VTHO is already perceived as a borderless, functional currency
When a token is a currency also, its value increases with the size of its circulating ecosystem

Tokens are acquired, transacted, held, transacted… without ever leaving and devaluing the ecosystem

The size of the ecosystem can represent a permanent burning of that many tokens
If a full ecosystem emerges of paying for hotels, food, gas, etc.. in VTHO, not only is that burning VTHO during the transactions, it is increasing the demand by forming a separate circulating ecosystem
If the currency ecosystem has 8 billion VTHO flowing through it...

That's 8 billion that's off the trading market

Escalating the price value for VTHO and VET
When you view VTHO as a currency, you see VTHO never even has to hit the 37 million burn rate to fundamentally appreciate

VTHO burn could fluctuate between 25 and 30 mil VTHO and continuously rise due to the ecosystem expanding
If VTHO had an inflation of 15% year after year due to high VTHO price and a low burn

And if the ecosystem in which VTHO was a currency grew 30%

All VTHO and VET would still appreciate fundamentally 15%, given VTHO had reached the 5% APY minimum threshold
VTHO's use as a currency, and its growing market, supplies extra pressure to VET and VTHO's appreciation, causing VTHO to fundamentally rise even without burning 37 million
If just the Carbon Credit system matures, and VTHO is a part of it as a type of currency, VTHO market cap could potentially pass BTC

Chapter 7

Mass Adoption

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

Adoption is a promise of a hope of a prayer for most start ups and crypto

And they get speculation off the hint of a possibility

Adoption is already a given for VeChain
VeChain has the most, the largest, and critically connected partners, that are highly incentivized to grow the blockchain by encouraging their clients to adopt it

The more companies that join the VeChain blockchain, the more inherent value there is for new clients that join
This correlation is The Network Effect, and leads to exponential growth

Much like social media sites, the more people on a site, the more value and incentive there is for new people to join it

This is what makes first mover status so important in public supply chain blockchain
Having partnerships with countries such as China on a National level, billionaire investors such as Jim Breyer and Tim Draper, and partial owners DNV GL and PWC who already provide services to a majority of Fortune 500 companies, will spark the growth of The Network effect
Check out this thread if you would like to see more of the 1000 clients, 50 use cases, and 100+ fortune level clients that VeChain has in the pipeline

Growth will eventually explode, incentivizing even more and more growth, as adoption goes exponential
Sunny has given many presentations, since 2017, stating enterprises weren't ready for full scaling into blockchain until 2022, 2023, as regulations and use cases are still being defined in the emerging market

We are still early at this stage
Walmart currently is a pioneer of blockchain technology in the supply chain

VeChain has been implemented in a few Chinese Walmart stores and is steadily expanding
Walmart is at around 7 million VTHO burned a day now, and slowly ramping up...

If Walmart decides to utilize this cost saving and value adding technology in there 100s of other stores, and at full scale

They alone could push 1 billion VTHO burned a day
VeChain has over 1000 clients, 100+ of which are major industry players

If each entity does just 0.1% of total Transaction Volume

And a fully Mature Walmart does 10%

VTHO burn would be equivalent of 10 billion
With VeChain's client list, and the transaction volume nature of supply chain, this is very possible within the next several years

In the above scenario


Through PURE FUNDAMENTALS would be $0.27

a 300x

and VET approaching 1$

a 30x
$1k in VTHO now would net you 300k based on pure fundamentals

$1K in VET now would net you 30K based on pure fundamentals

This is in a fundamentals vacuum, without the effects of holders, market liquidity, and a currency economy that could push price even higher
Again, with the number of clients VeChain has in the pipeline

And the scale of their projects

This can be seen as a conservative estimate

Over several years to a decade, these numbers will likely be surpassed
VTHO might be the only crypto that can fundamentally make you a millionaire even if Tether explodes and Bitcoin goes to zero

It is both the safest crypto investment while also having the most upside
Currently, transactions are doubling nearly every 5 months, at this rate, we will fundamentally achieve deflation within 12 months

Which would mean VTHO would have an inflation rate lower than VET, which is still increasing available supply
VTHO could very possibly achieve deflation this year, while most other currencies will be increasing supply and experiencing inflation for years to come
With us getting past the research and technology phase, the regulations phase, the use cases and pilots phase, we are now on the threshold of the mass adoption phase
The CEO of VeChain has just announced a new client onboarding soon, they alone will do 1 million transactions a day and burn the entire supply

And we still have 1000s of more clients to onboard in the coming years
VeChain is a global juggernaut in the making

For thousands of years of humanity, controlling supply chains bore a crown of regional and continental power

Things have changed, but the importance of supply chain has not
Being the first mover in an age of global trade, and being the source of trust for entire nations importing and exporting goods, could easily make VeChain the single largest logistics company in the world

The possibilities, and # of transactions, are unfathomable

Chapter 8

"The Myth"

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

Buy this point in the thread, I can almost guarantee "The Myth" has been mentioned in comments several times

"The Myth" always emerges, in near every VTHO post, a random person will summon it

It came into the world with VTHO, and has been haunting it ever since
When VET announced VTHO, and that VeChain would be a two token system, there were two main marketing points around it

1) You now have a passive income currency coin, which you can use to pay for transactions or sell for profits without having to dent your investment
2) This two token system solves the problem of Ethereum's high transaction costs

The misinterpretation of how point 3 is executed has contaminated the logic concerning VTHO's value ever since
So why and how did this misinterpretation begin?

Let's start with Ethereum's problem, so we understand how VeChain fixes it

Why do transaction costs get too high?

Is it because Ethereum has gone up in price?

It actually isn't

It is based on supply and demand of the network
It's because Ethereum has a relatively low # of transactions per second it can perform

As traffic increases, more people are competing for those transactions, so the price of them goes up

As traffic decreases, the price of transactions goes down
Ethereum price has no effect on transaction cost

The market naturally adjusts the amount of ETH needed for gas depending on current ETH price and fluctuating transaction cost
VeChain naturally adjusts the amount of VTHO needed for gas also, depending on the current price of VTHO, and the stable transaction cost
Example of VTHO/Tx adjustment:

If VTHO is .0008 USD, you will need 30 VTHO for a specific transaction

If VTHO goes to .08, you will need .3 VTHO for that specific transaction

The cost for a transaction is the same

But VTHO is more valuable

Which leads VET's APY to be higher
So why does transaction cost remain stable for VeChain but not Ethereum?

VeChain blockchain has a throughput that exceeds demand

A fixed price can be set, and there is not network congestion causing price rise
Ethereum has high tx costs because of low throughput of 30 transactions per second

VeChain has stable transactions because of the blockchain's high throughput of 10,000 transactions per second

Not because the price of VTHO is suppressed
For VeChain to experience any level of congestion, like Ethereum does, there would need to be 864,000,000 transactions a day

That's 25,000,000,000 VTHO burned per day

Which equates to $.60 VTHO, a 675x increase
VTHO would need to 657x on the fundamentals of transactions for VeChain to experience a small portion of congestion that Ethereum does

Even then, VeChain is improving their BlockChain and speed so the Transactions per Second can be higher over time
We are far away from experiencing Ethereum type transaction price crisis

And will be far in the green if it ever does come to that point
The transaction price crisis is not caused by coin price in Ethereum

So the conspiracy that the solution for the Ethereum Transaction Price crisis, is to constantly suppress VTHO price by voting to Hard Fork an increase the Generation Rate of VTHO, is irrational and irrelevant
It is actually a sabotaging of the ecosystem by introducing unnecessary volatility, risk, and work

VTHO price is intended to rise
Generation rate change isn't for suppressing a rising VTHO price

It is a response to parabolic transaction prices stemming prom network congestion

This is the issue Ethereum Faces
And although VeChain has elite technology to the point they may never face that congestion

Generation Rate is an unpredictable short term response that could optionally be implemented based on a community wide vote in a congestion and Tx Price crisis
But to reach that level of congestion of transactions and network use

VTHO would be over a dollar
By White Paper, the mode of operation is to adjust VTHO per Tx, and that VTHO can go as high as the market determines

It clearly states that the Generation Rate change is an emergency last resort for long term parabolic movement of VTHO where Txs can repeatedly not be stabilized
Sunny Lu, CEO of VeChain, has repeatedly expressed that VeChain will not try to specifically manipulate or suppress the price of VTHO just to keep it low

VTHO is priced at whatever the market determines

And it is in their interest for VTHO to rise
It's stated in the white paper

Repeated by sunny

And is logically tight

Generation rate change is not used to suppress VTHO price

VTHO price is free and has a mechanism

Gen Rate is a reaction to months of network congestion causing high Tx Costs
The myth must end

It's not real

VTHO is the most undervalued cryptocurrency

And the Myth Whisperers of its own community need to stop and watch it grow
It must be a shame, and is an embarrassment to the entire community, that the market has placed the number one enterprise demand token lower than #300 in crypto rankings
VTHO is meant to rise

And its rise gives value to the whole ecosystem

VTHO is not a stable coin

VTHO price does not hurt the price of transactions

It is a passive income instrument, that has yet to be speculated

Chapter 9

"Logical Inconsistency"

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

A common blow to VTHO combines a lack of logical consistency and lack of belief that VeChain will be successful

"If VTHO is speculated high early, there is less VTHO used per Tx, and with not a lot of transactions, VTHO supply increases and causes deflation. So can't speculate"
This is voiding speculation for current fundamentals

Speculation is determining what something will eventually be worth

VTHO will always be worth speculating at .3 of a VET

if you think VeChain will be successful

No matter what the supply is
VTHO WILL reach 5% APY

So to speculate VeChain, you must assume this before anything

That 5% doesn't change

No matter supply

VTHO is VET dependent, not supply dependent

If you speculate VET high or low, you speculate VTHO at .3 of that VET
If Speculating VTHO high makes inflation go up, it should still be speculated to .3 of a VET

It still must be .3 for VeChain to be successful, and thus should always be speculated to .3 of a VET

That's what it's attached to

If VTHO can't hold that speculation....
That is a reason for VET to dump

And why VET has not cracked the top 10 yet


VET highly overvalued


VTHO is vastly undervalue

But one must be true

If you Speculate VET should increase, and apply fundamental pricing to what its valued by, you've broken both of then
But even if VET goes 100x and VTHO go 100x this bullrun and burn rate drops to 1 mil VTHO per day

Based on transaction growth of doubling every 4 months, that 100x will be justified and reached through fundamentals in 26 months, well before the next bullrun
That's not too high of a total inflation, and early inflation rates can always be eaten away later by large inflation rates

Because VTHO is one of the few currencies that can have major deflation also

Chapter 10


$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

Here's something VeFam really likes about saying

"Why own the Gas, when you can own the gas station"

Followed by a smug emoticon…

This sounds good, and there are many metaphors like this

But it is flipped very easily
If I have 1K dollars, building a gas station costs 1K dollars, and distributes gas at 1c a gallon for a .5% APY

You could build a gas station

But what if you know gas is going to be 10x higher in a month?

Cthulhu has warned that he will be destroying 90% of ocean oil rigs
If gas is going to be 10x higher, the wise play would be to use that 1K to buy all the gas from all the existing gas stations at 1c

When gas reaches 10c, you can sell it all, and build 10 gas stations

You would be the Mr. Burns of any mid sized town

Not the Apu
A common plan that many individual investors have had is…

"I will buy 1,000,000 VET, and eventually live off the passive income of VTHO"

After 50 years, they will have collected 7,776,000 VTHO , and lived off it
However, at current ratio, they could buy over 30 million VTHO instead, have it instantly, live off 27 million of it, and use the last 3 million to buy 1,000,000 VET whenever the ratio improves
Many still say, "Well I can convert VTHO to VET to produce even more VTHO, compounding interest, what can be better that that?!"

Let's do some math.

At .5% APY, you will have .5% more VET after a year

5% at 10 years

But if you compound that VET into your stack…
After 10 years..

You will have 5.1% more VET instead of 5%

That's how low the current APY is

But, if you instead bought VTHO directly

If the APY hits just 1% within those 10 years, you've doubled your VET

It would take you 140 years to double your VET with compound interest
If you bought VTHO and APY hit 5%, you'd have 1000% more VET

That turns a 1.6 million strength node into a 16 million Mjolnir Node

It would take 465 years for compound interest to achieve that 10x
Even X-Nodes have been severely weekend by VTHO's low APY

If you had a VeThor X-Node

Sold it for 50K VET

And put that VET in your wallet...

You would produce more VTHO than if you kept the X-Node
For people hesitant to trade outside of VET, in fear it may take off parabolically without them...

Being a VTHO to VET to VTHO trader may one day be the best move for increasing your stack, but only if your are comfortable holding for very long term swings
As VTHO and VET are connected

Once they are ranging within the proper APY threshold

You won't miss out if one takes off, at least in the long run

Check out this VET to VTHO to VET guide for what a potential trading strategy could be


Chapter 11

"Misperception and the Dark Horse Token"

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

For some bizarre reason, the VeChain community refuses to promote their own currency token, except for bragging about selling it, or talking about burn rate without and saying how it will moon VET, even though VTHO is getting burned, the driver of price, and undervalued
Few bring up the glaring issue of VTHO price, fewer acknowledge or address it at all, but plenty of people, not wanting to hear anything negative about VeChain, will actually argue that VTHO shouldn't rise, and stay low… that only VET is important and will rise
Only a few VeFam have stepped up to battle the false narratives
It is bizarre how many people don't want VTHO to rise

Even when presented with quotes from the CEO, emotional need to win a wrong sided argument on twitter triumphs

No other crypto Community with a currency or gas token is constantly wanting to devalue their own gas token...
It makes no sense to devalue what gives your investment value

VTHO must rise

But false narratives and emotional attachment to them have damaged the whole ecosystem

THETA, on the other hand, promotes their currency

As such, they have passed and consistently outperform VeChain
TFuel has received 8x pumps in under a week

Has a market cap of a fifth of theta instead of 1/100th

And provides a support for Theta appreciation

Meanwhile the VeChain community brags about selling their gas/currency token for other projects or dumping it into the maw of VET
If VeFam had the collective IQ to speculate their low liquidity currency token,Β which is easily pumpable, vet would already be in the top 10 and not dump every pump because it has no tangible value
How do you not promote your own currency/gas token?

Just 10 million VET into VTHO would double VTHO price on the highest volume exchange

60 Million VET into VTHO would 10x VTHO

That alone could bring the ecosystem into balance

VET and VTHO could see consistent growth together
Eventually, all will awaken, some by seeing VTHO rise, some by understanding the argument, some by being ridiculed as a dirty dirty Myth Whisperer… but hopefully more of the community will take the reigns of the argument and fix the false narrative
The most loyal, enthusiastic, and *typically the most investment savvy community is sitting on a gem right under their own nose

They still don't even know it though

It is the true Dark Horse token of cryptocurrency

The 1000X

If you get in before them

And they awaken

You win

Chapter 12


$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam


The VeChain ecosystem is currently broken for enterprise VET acquisition, until VTHOs value grows to provide more transactions


ToolChain has made VTHO the initial mover from influx of new capital
The Source of VET's Value:

Any claim for a fundamental rise in VET is a claim that VTHO will exceed that tenfold

1000x by way of Crypto Speculation:

VTHO could hit the 1000x this cycle by 10xing inside of VET, VET 10xing in the crypto ranks, and crypto market cap 10xing
1000x by way of Fundamentals:

At a transaction doubling rate of 4 months, VTHO fundamentally hits a 1000x in 2024

VTHO as a Currency:

VTHO performs as, and is perceived as, a global currency, and it's growth of one would escalate VTHO and VET's market cap
Mass Adoption:

VeChain's first mover status and critical connections make it capable of Network Effect growth, where scaling is exponential, and where value goes parabolic


VTHO is not a Stable Coin
Logical Inconsistency:

You can't speculate an asset, but not speculate what gives it value, or both dump right on your face... eventually


Stop trying to build low income gas stations, flip that gas!!
Misperception and the Dark Horse Token:

Hating your investment's own currency/gas token is a good edgelord play, but not good for the ecosystem or your lambo


Scroll back up, this is the Summary

A Closing thought:

We haven't gotten there yet, hold on

Chapter 13

"A Closing Thought"

$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

I'd like to close with a rather surreal, unprovable, and perhaps to you an absurd statement

"Investing in VTHO is healthier for your Soul than any other crypto"

And not because it is a real world solution or anything...
But because:

VTHO is not a deception

VTHO is not gambling

VTHO is not a ponzi scheme

VTHO is not riding a pump just to dump on someone else

And VTHO is not getting lucky

No one right now is just stumbling into a substantial VTHO investment
It is not shilled by any big influencers

No one is throwing money in VTHO because they just so happened to randomly run across extreme hype

At this point, investing in VTHO requires understanding the arguments and trusting your own reasoning enough to go against a mass mindset
Using your individual capacity to find the realest value in a field of thousands of cryptos, is not luck

If you get in it now, it is because of your own merit as a free thinker

Any profits were earned by means of your capacity and willingness to speculate based on logic
Your subconscious knows the difference

If you become a millionaire based on deception, your subconscious knows it, and every day is part of an extended lie, no matter how elegant. That is an unknowing hell
If you become a millionaire off luck, all can be taken for granted, and you may end up adorning the occurrence or system that granted the windfall with credit for all the blessings and not your own mind and free will. That is an unfulfilling existence
Becoming a millionaire due to a highly calculated and controversial decision leads to gratefulness of one's own judgement, perception, and self trust. Living every day knowing all the blessings of your life were brought about by the insights of your own mind

Chapter 14


$VTHO #VTHO $VET #VET #VeChain #VeFam

This giveaway IS based on luck though

So if you win, you probably won't appreciate it and just spend it all on tacos…

I will give a year's supply of the VTHO that a strength node generates to one random person...

Because it's really not that much...
Staking 30K in a strength node for a full year produces 173,964 VTHO

173,964 VTHO seems like a lot, but it's only 150 bucks from a year of $30,000 locked up...

A .4% APY

Less than a savings account!!

VTHO is undervalued

Retweet the Very First Tweet of the entire thread

(The post before the table of contents)

To be entered into the giveaway

I am looking up how to do it transparently

Driving to pick up my new dog tonight..

:) So don't know if it will be today
Thanks for taking the time to read

I appreciate it
Ok, I figured out a transparent and fair way to do the raffle, in a way impossible to manipulate.

The Kansas City Chiefs play the Cleveland Browns Sunday afternoon

Patrick Mahomes typically passes for 250 - 400 yards

There are about 125 ReTweets right now...
The winner will be the # ReTweet that matches THE REMAINDER of Patrick Mahome's passing yards divided by the # of retweets

So if 125 ReTweets and..

If 251 passing yards:
ReTweet 1 wins

If 305 yards:
ReTweet 55 wins

If 375 yards:
ReTweet 125 wins

If 376 yards
ReTweet 1 wins
I will make a copy of the ReTweets list right before kickoff, do the count and post the winner at the end of the game, and will send out the prize as soon as the winner's address is received

There is no way this can be manipulated
If someone can think of a legit way that this could be manipulated, you win 25000 VTHO, but I'm pretty sure it's impossible, so don't waste too much time
I listed all of the ReTweeters, then the Quoted Retweets, that I can see, in chronological order

For a total of 118 participants

Patrick Mahomes threw for 255 Yards before being helped off the field due to a concussion :(

That makes Retweet #19 the winner

#19 is @IVechain
However, if I would have listed Quoted ReTweets first

Quoted Retweet #19 would have won

Which breaks my whole "No Manipulation Possible" attempt

So @JPK1081, you are eligible for a 25K VTHO consolation prize

As is @VetVechain, for his Mahomes manipulation trickery theory
Winners please send an address for me to send the VTHO to

And thank you to all who retweeted this thread!

It got a far larger conversation going than I imagined it could!!

β€’ β€’ β€’

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More from @AI_Undervalued

Mar 4, 2021
After yesterday's events, $VTHO is worth .11 of a $VET, giving VET an APY of 1.7%

#VET's sole value is its APY, and as "The Enterprise Blockchain", it must offer an elite level APY

Below are the current "APY Coins" that #VeChain must compete with

Cardano ➑️4.2%
Polkadot ➑️13%
Algorand ➑️14%
Ethereum2.0➑️ 8%
Solana ➑️16%
Cosmos ➑️10%
Tezos ➑️5.5%
NEM ➑️4.8%
EOS ➑️1.8%
Tron ➑️2.6%
AAVE ➑️4.6%
Sushi ➑️7.6%
Band ➑️12%
Elrond ➑️29%
Fantom ➑️21%
Waves ➑️4.3%
Icon ➑️11%
Thor ➑️82%
Ontology ➑️5.8%
Matic ➑️22%
1Inch ➑️35%
Harmoney ➑️10%
LTO ➑️6.6%

VET ➑️1.7%
VET is currently the worst performer

Yet VET has the most enterprise demand, partners, and fundamental use case

There is no way it will stay the worst, it WILL rise

So how do you profit off this rise?
Read 7 tweets
Feb 18, 2021
The key to "Ultimate Moon" is a steadily expanding $VTHO ecosystem

Forget burning...

The percentage the ecosystem grows past inflation, reflects how high we'll climb

Because #VTHO is minted at a constant rate, every year the % inflation naturally decreases

$VET #VET #VeChain
While VTHO is minted at a constant rate...

The VeChain ecosystem and VTHO use grows exponentially

If the VTHO ecosystem doubles every 4-6 months, and inflation (with zero burning) doubles every 3 years, then 6, 12, 24, 48 etc

VTHO can balloon in value without burning anything
It's basically Bitcoin at 1 Cent

Until now, there was no VTHO ecosystem

Up til a month ago, VTHO was primarily MINTED then SOLD

It was mostly considered direct to market free cash
Read 17 tweets
Nov 24, 2020
@steffawn_ @MoonShotCaller @Crypt0_kenny @UVtho I will eventually hold VET, but we're a long ways from that

The goal is to keep Tx cost low, not VTHO, VET is meant to appreciate due to VTHO becoming more valuable

Tx cost is kept low by adjusting the amount of VTHO per Tx
@steffawn_ @MoonShotCaller @Crypt0_kenny @UVtho If Tx is 30 VTH0, and VTHO does 100x, Tx cost is .3 VTHO, which is the same cost

This is how it has been happening and how it's outlined in the White Paper

Small adjustments allows us to keep pushing the 37 mil burn mark without a massive dump or volatility of a Gen Rate change
@steffawn_ @MoonShotCaller @Crypt0_kenny @UVtho In the White Paper, Gen Rate change is a last resort if over an extended period of time changing Tx cost doesn't stabilize the network

Gen Rate change requires a hard fork of the blockchain and a community wide vote

Holders will likely not vote to instantly devalue their VTHO
Read 4 tweets

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