Real ones do, you know the ones implemented by strong governments where their dickhead citizens don't find any excuse to circumvent the laws, and/or get punished for doing so.
We will refrain from passing comment/judgement on this one.
A few more hot takes
Two more who didn't read the article
Poxy scientists and their poxy science (of course Angela didn't read the article either or she'd have spotted there is a member of SAGE mentioned 😛)
Why hasn’t the penny dropped yet that they are in a very small minority of people who think they way they do. It’s sad to witness their constant dejection.
Another day, another Daily Fail article, another round of rabid #teacherbashing by the #usforthem mob. There is one person doing their very best to stand up for teachers in this thread but they are fighting a losing battle. (thread)
Mmmm interesting (slightly technical) thread. So this HART group which @joanna_brady highlighted, decided to do a whois lookup (which gives you info on who registered the domain). Hidden behind the registrar (which is normal). However the DNS info is interesting...
It’s almost as if there’s a pandemic and some teachers are off and schools are struggling under the weight of attendance which is way up on March’ lockdown.