. A focused and enduring New Moon in Capricorn rises on January 12th bringing with it a period of deep reflection, adaptability and resolution. This is a moment for you to take a deep breath and try to come to an understanding of who you are after all of the craziness of 2020.
This is a very contemplative new moon that is actually asking you to pause and reflect on things rather than initiate new beginnings as is usually the case. For Capricorn, the sign of work, there is always this idea that pausing is slowing down or ineffectual,
but in this case it is extremely important. By pausing and not pushing too hard, you are giving yourself room to resolve any long running problems from 2020 to clear the way for 2021. Think of this as an opportunity to release whatever mental or emotional blocks..
that you may have constructed as a coping mechanism to deal with the immense challenges of the past year. Importantly, the New Moon in Capricorn also helps to illuminate what goals are achievable and give you confidence to pursue them. There is a potent energy..
around starting new commitments that require the work and dedication this sign is so famous for. This could be a new job, relationship, schooling, personal project or entrepreneurial idea, but this lunation will provide you with the endurance and will to get moving.
Interestingly, this can also be related to re-starting something, picking up where you left off, either in 2020 or even before. This could be a project or long term goal that was important to you, or could mean you returning to an old job that you had burned out of or even..
a relationship that had fizzled.
This lunation also asks you to try your best to uncomplicate things -- a response to the often complicated realities of 2020. You may feel that you took on more than you can manage in 2020, and now, as we move into a New Year, it is crucial..
that you let go of these added responsibilities.
You shouldn’t have to compensate for others any longer. As Capricorn is also associated with finances and security, this moon should help you to alleviate stresses you have over money or material needs. Know that this positive..
energy will stay with you throughout Capricorn Season and 2021 overall is shaping up to be a consequential year for you financially.🌟🌟💖🙏🏻
Ty My Love💖Judith Kusel~”This is a time, when you need to understand that the highest path and the highest way to navigate through all of this, is WITHIN yourself, and thus not OUTSIDE of yourself. I have said this before and I am repeating this: The only way you will be able..
to not move into fear mode, and not be pulled into the quagmire, is to raise yourself up from deep within you, with the assistance of the Divine Source and all the cosmic help which is available in expanded and intensive form now.
Indeed, the greatest of all challenges for souls,
will be now to step totally into their true mastery, and thus firmly anchored in the Divine and their own Divinity, and the immense Power of Love, Light and Wisdom, and not allow themselves to be swayed nor moved off course.
Ashtar~”So you are birthing a new civilization, a divine order out of all this chaos on this planet. There is always a divine plan in place. Your divinity far exceeds this lower third dimensional realm and what is going on here. Your divinity is to uplift to the fifth dimension..
as children of the light living in peace, with compassion and love in their hearts and navigating from their hearts as well.
I Lord Ashtar along with the entire Angelic kingdom want to remind you : you have to feel this, you have to see it, push past it and want better,
you have to pick the higher timelines and not only for you but the higher timelines for all the collective as well and you’re well on your way to the fifth dimension. Full post eraoflight.com/2021/01/12/ash…
FromSaul~”Truly, you have NO idea of how deeply loved you all are – every conscious entity without exception. That is extremely difficult for you to even conceive of comprehending while you are in human form, due to the severe limitations that being in form imposes on you,
which is all part of the collective choice to experience the unreality of separation!
So, go within, invite and allow Love to embrace you, and feel your doubts and uncertainties diminish and dissolve.
It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you.
The reason that mostly you do not or cannot is because, having chosen to experience separation from God, there is a deep underlying sense that you have offended your Creator, Love, and that you are unworthy to be in the divine Presence and feel the all-embracing Love that..
“Coming few hours All Media*will be taken down! They go first, Project Odin
activated by Starlink internet..White hat Quantum internet🌟
Look at script of GI Joe 2 for scenarios
“Bay of Pigs” .. nothing more Trump can do for disclosure to masses. We are THERE💥
Pleiadians~”This is the time for you to choose differently, because you can. You are to move beyond your old patterns of holding onto fear, worry, struggle and suffering. As you are collectively joined by an invisible thread of God consciousness within your Hearts you are able..
to open into a state receivership for yourself through connecting to your Heart. You are destined to stay on course simply by holding a steady ongoing commitment to yourselves. This is achieved through choosing to journey within your Heart in moments and to allow a natural..
unravelling to take place within you as you re-align to Home. In a single space of time a sacred multidimensional wave of light will be released across the planet. This is destiny for Earth, what we refer to as the Homecoming wave, which is to be released from the sacred realms..
My fav Judith😉💖😂”We are entering a crucial time when we need to raise the consciousness of the collective ten thousand times, so that we will not repeat the collective dramas of Atlantis and self-destruct, but rather rise into our true soul and thus Unity and Oneness.
More than this, this raising needs to come through the open heart center, as the balance is restored between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. If imbalance remains in any form and way, we cannot transcend what has been before, for we now need to operate from the seat
core of all Truths: The Power of Unconditional love, where judgement ceases to be, as does duality, polarity and thus separation.
So many now long for the ultimate sacred union, for that ultimate state of Oneness and Unity between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine –