So this is why an investigation is happening after biographical pages for the president and vice president were changed on Monday. If true, this would removed both Trump and Pence. Nancy is missing. Where is Chuck?
1. The Trump Card is being played.
Election Fraud would be a serious felony under normal circumstances, but under an active state of war it would be considered an act of treason. Think back Re: Kavanaugh conf. hearings.
2. What are the requirements for a civilian to be tried for treason?
We have been in a state of war since 2001. Pelosi and all other members of Congress are NO LONGER members of Congress, they’ve forfeited their rights and offices by committing an act of TREASON.
3. They are no longer members of lawful Congress, thanks to section 3 of 14th Amendment. They are now considered enemies of the Republic who have aided a foreign power in stealing an election. When you have committed an act of treason, you have forfeit your rights as an American.
1 How Trump took over Fed? A back door was installed in the Fed back in 1934, so the elites could easily and secretly steal money from it. What is the back door? It is the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF). The fund, which would come under the control of Treasury Secretary
2 The ESF, came under the control of Treasury Secretary in today's Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signing and is designed to aid distressed industries.…
3 Donald Trump just signed the CARES Act. Title IV of the law is called the Economic Stabilization & Assistance to Severely Distressed Sectors of the United States Economy.…
1) U.S., Mexican, and Canadian governments signed an updated United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (“USMCA”) in Mexico City. The Digital Trade Agreement is the foundation for all the US trade deals, Japan and China. Deals soon to come from India, UK, Russia, and others.
2) The FINANCIAL SERVICES chapter which is chapter 17 BTW!
Chapter Q? Can't make this up.
This will be groundbreaking for trade including cross border payments and financial services. No names used but "require a Party to permit a cross-border financial service supplier" 17.5
3) Article 17.7 New Financial Services
"Each Party shall permit a financial institution of another Party to supply a new financial service that the Party would permit its own financial institutions, in like circumstances, to supply without adopting a law or modifying..."