The latest Covid Cares Act update from City doesn't seem to recognize extra time allowed by new act. Particularly, cash meant for East Oakland's wi-fi is still going back to general fund, through the OFD, and supposedly to be drawn out at some future point to complete the project
Some expenses here are worth noting: 120k for advertising. As we know, some of this went for billboards to taunt ESO residents about wi fi they may never get. Then the outside project management getting 270k, while they basically blew completion of more than half the project
Assuming CARES expenditure report is accurate--and that's a big assumption--City only spent about 20 million of the 36 million fund on intended grants, finding ways to recycle about 15 mil back into GPF so as to not lose the $$. Brings up question of wth it just wasn't a grant.
New Council members Treva Reid and Carroll Fife were just counted in their first Council roll call, 1/12/2021 #oakmtg
In opening remarks, newly appointed Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas observes the Capitol assault of last week, also clarifies that despite vaguely described misinformation, the EMP is not on the agenda, rather only alternatives for shelter during a camp eviction #oakmtg
Bas already marking a distinct style from preceding Presidents as she explained the map of the agenda, and says that she observes rule that no CM can speak longer than 10 minutes on any item, and will ask Clerk to run the 2 minute clock for Council comments.
Light coverage of the ad hoc committee on Militarized Equipment. Specifically now creating a use policy for the Bearcat and other Armored Vehicles
Several community members don't actually want a Bearcat, at all. The OPD did not have a cogent policy for Bearcat or Armored Suburban last year when the Council denied their request to use grants to buy a new one, Council asked them to come up with one with Police Commission
A local encounter with the Bearcat from this Summer, not to far from where I live.
12/1/2020 Council Meeting Thread starts here #oakmtg
D5 CM Noel Gallo is reading an official honor for Mike Lee, a homeless advocate and homeless person who passed away in August…
Speaker calls in to ask Council to delay action on the Kaiser Auditorium item that would, among other things, give Kaiser corp naming rights and control of a marquee on the civic auditorium, until the new Council is seated #oakmtg
Today, OPD will ask for authorization to accept a 325k "Port Security Grant" from DHS that requires City to match 108k to accept. Its for a new patrol boat. OPD already has 2-3 boats, a tactical Catamaran and [possibly 2?] standard patrol boat from Almar, pictured below #oakmtg
OPD says it needs a new boat because its "other" Almar vessel lacks shallow water capability. Last year, OPD got same grant for new engines for its catamaran, a boat OPD acquired in 2011 but don't mention now. At that time, OPD boasted of its cabin & shallow water capacity ,too
The 2006 Almar purchase was for two 29 ft Almars if this 2009 report is accurate. If the City still has two Almar's and one Cat, then it currently has three boats.
A thread on what's of note at tomorrow's City Council meeting, either the last or second to the last for the year and for the old Council. There's one more scheduled 12/15, but it might just be a placeholder. #oakmtg
The City will report on how its expenditure of CARES Act $. Like an 80s comedy, City must spend the $ by end of year or lose unspent $. A sidenote, CARES funded City WIFI isn't going well, probably owing to fact it was rushed together to pad Equity Budget
Gallo barely hanging on to to the margin with 2.2k additional votes since yesterday. Total as of today 17k votes. Keep in mind, the RCV number % is higher because of the way that's calculated vs this. I can't imagine there's more than 1k votes left to count, but could be enough
As I said, the RCV percentages are calculated differently, and so Gallo actually has a bit more padding in what's suggested in the Registrar site's numbers. With a running average of 10-12% blank Council ballots, also an open question about how many votes are left
The calculations are all being made with a very logical assumption that LM's votes would go to Raya in an RCV runoff. But if Gallo never gets below 50%, we'll actually never know that.