Calling for unity under the threats of more violence!
Several elected and high-profile republicans have spread the message on social media or in interviews, democrats need to call for unity, if they don’t there will be more violence!
2. This is supposed to be a call for unity? This is supposed to convey a call for peace? How can peace be achieved through fear and threats? It is nothing more than a threat from bullies.
3. Unashamed that their past actions have led to terrorists’ attacks, they are insidiously calling for more! Trying to cower democrats into not taking actions against them and trump! Threatening and still egging on their base whipping them into another frenzy for other attacks.
4. None of them have shown any remorse for the events of January 6th, have taken no responsibility quite the contrary they have shifted the blame to democrats or their new favorite fall guy “Antifa”.
5. Are the threats of more violence somehow supposed to persuade us that peace is possible? What happens if we give in to threats, do their bidding? Democracy dies that’s what. The United State as a beacon of freedom loses its status and is forever labeled as a failed state.
6. These threats are akin to a ransom demand, do as we say, or you will die. We should not take these threats lightly, certainly not after what happened last week, but neither should we buckle under the pressure, give in to these traitors so that they may get away with murder.
I never knew I cared about politics
Until a madman was elected
I never knew I was an activist
Until a black man was murdered
I never knew I was a Patriot
Until traitors attacked the Capitol
I never thought about immigration
Until I saw children in cages
I never thought about war
Until I heard of bounties on our troops
I never spoke about protests
Until I saw mothers gassed
I never knew about voter suppression
Until my rights were threatened
I never knew about government policies
Until they started destroying them
I never knew what the flag stood for
Until one man knelt before it
1. Apparently, trump followers feel disenfranchised, they feel misunderstood, they feel they have no voice and are not being heard.
Really? They feel disenfranchised and unheard?
2. Remind me again how long POC have been fighting for justice? for equality?
Remind me again whose voting rights have been systematically suppressed?
Remind me again who has faced systemic discrimination in America?
3. Trump voters have no idea, no clue, no inkling about what being disenfranchised is or its impact on your life. They have no concept of inequality or injustice. They are blinded to their own privileges and have no clue as to what being privileged even means.
1) Listening to the likes of Tucker Carlson, Lindsey Graham, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz and many other traitors in our government warning us of the dangers of further division would be laughable...
2) if those comments, weren’t made in the wake of a failed coup that left 5 dead. A coup attempt where people brought guns, bombs and screamed hang Mike Pence.
3) They want to convince us that impeaching trump again would only serve to divide the country further, to enrage trump and his supporters, to create more chaos and invite more destruction…
Did those in power understand the pain of millions of people facing eviction, standing hours on hand at food banks, losing jobs, going hungry when they planned their coup? When they passed their ridiculous 600$ benefits?
Did those, whining today, understood the pain that gave rise to the BLM movement? The years of being treated as second class citizens. The major push to have their votes casts aside by a senate pushing white supremacy.
Did they understand the pain of crying children and bereft parents when they implemented their zero-tolerance policies, ripping babes from the arms of their mothers and putting them in cages?
I woke up this morning still angry and furious and my rage has not abated
How can you be surprised at a plan to kill the vice President? Wasn’t there a similar plan to kill a governor? What did you do then? Were you outraged? No, plenty of you laughed and brushed it off.
Even today you are trying to diminish the magnitude of what happened on January 6th, the guns, the bombs, the deaths, the failed coup and the failed assignation, you are still saying they were ill-informed, the instigators didn’t realize, let’s move forward!
Forward be damned, let’s move backward! Let’s unearth every member of this plot, let’s uncover every willing participant, every slimy instigator, every single traitor and give them the treatment traitors deserve!
It’s time for consequences, there are no more excuses, no more waiting, no more sympathy, we are done!
You want calm and unity? Start by telling the truth to your constituents!
For five years, you’ve stood by condoning loudly or silently the insanities perpetrated by trump and his supporters and on January 6th, 2021, the fruits of your inactions too longer ignored spewed their rotten stench and innards all over the face of the United States of America.
You made excuses for religious bans, children in cages, useless walls, harassment, incompetence, authoritarianism, treason, selling out troops, every single action that would have sent you through the roof had they been done by a democrat, you defended and applauded.