Muriel Vieux - 🇺🇸 🇭🇹 #TheAmericanHaitianPoet Profile picture
#TheAmericanHaitianPoet Helping haitian families one case at a time #RaisingNate Do not follow if you expect 100% agreement.
3 subscribers
Oct 19, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8 🧵I never imagined

I never imagined I'd be listening to a candidate for the office of President of the United States, screaming nay screeching the word "fat pig" at his own supporters but here we are. 2/8
But then I never imagined a former president would stoop so low as to be calling the sitting president and vice president "dumb and low IQ".
Or his supporters cheering such language.
The things I've witnessed in the past 10 years or so from Donald Trump are disturbing, but..
Sep 11, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ 10🧵Why is it so close?

Because Americans have had it so easy for so long, they cannot imagine their wold being turned upside down.
They cannot fathom concieve that yes the US can and will be an authoritarian state if the right wins. 2/10
Or rather, they do not believe authoritarian dictatorship is as bad as people say because they've seen movies, news, or been on vacation to those kind of countries.
They think they know what they're in for.
Mar 10, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read

The situation today in Haiti is worse than after the earthquake and I shall tell you why. 2/10
After the earthquake, Haitians could help each other out, restaurants made free food, bakeries free bread, water stations distributed water freely, aid could come in airports, ports were open, hospitals took in anyone for free. This is not the situation today.
Feb 20, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 1/ 7 You let them die.

They told you that the elderly would die, along with the immune-compromised, the obese, the diabetics, and you chose to let them die.

They told you, the children would die if gun laws were not made and enforced, you said let them die. 2/7
They told you, women, mothers, sisters, daughters, would die for lack of abortion care, you said let them die.

They told you, a child’s body was not meant to carry a child they could die; you said let them die.
Sep 30, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵So you voted republican because:

You were tired of this "woke lib" agenda and wanted real freedoms and stuff. Because trump is the second coming of jesus or whatever... and this is what you are getting: 2/12
Massive cuts to Social Security and medicare
Thing is... most recipients of those? White conservatives... that means you numbskulls.
Jul 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵I got a question for trumpers, maga and republican voters... what the hell have you become?

Orders to push children into dangerous waters and razor wires? (Texas).
Orders to obtain medical records of people going out of state for care? (19 states) 2/
Laws forcing women to carry dead fetuses until their due date
Laws forcing doctors to wait until women are on the brink of death until treating them?
Laws sticking "inspectors" to inspect children's genitals in school?
Jul 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Colored People vs People of Color

Quite a few people are pretending not to know the difference between the expression Colored People and People of Color, they are hypocrites and liars and most of all they are racists.
To pretend not to know the history of the term and it's usage is another level of racism for the republican party.
To pretend it was a slip of the tongue is an insult, if it slipped to your tongue it's because it was in your effing mind.
Jul 1, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Just stop

Stop debating the arguments on republican terms. Stop feeding the misconceptions by failing to point out the real crux of the debates (culture wars): 2/10 Abortion

It is not about viability or exceptions it is about body autonomy and interfering with medical advice.
Almost no one has a 3rd or even 2nd trimester abortion without serious cause.
99% of abortions occur in 1st trimester.
Nov 18, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read

How a Nation became a reality show.

Your social media feed reflects what you put into it, what you like and interact with... you create your own feed click by click... We do the same with our government vote-by-vote. 2/13
Some will undoubtedly point to gerrymandering as a major culprit in the results of our elections... to which I reply... BS.
Because gerrymandered or not districts do not vote in our elections, Americans do.
Nov 18, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
People told me not to follow small accounts I followed @TheRealElsie1 who had 3 followers and a private account... and found a soul sister
I followed @JenBadger5 and found a kindred spirit I met @VeganJohnW an angel in disguise and @RogerArajembo who tells me funny stories and anecdotes... I met @adavaco an artist who talks to me in Spanish and @oldbob_kelly a quiet and silent supporter and friend
Oct 17, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
🧵You have questions about racism?


The question of questions came up in my last thread, so I'll try to give some feedback on this one.

Just because you have questions :
Doesn't mean we have answers
Doesn't mean we have TO answer 2/13

You have noticed (or will) that certain questions on threads or posts about racism on a Black person's account, will often be faced with swift backlash and sometimes even anger.
And you are baffled as to why right?
Oct 15, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵Why you don't know you're racist

You have Black friends, colleagues, you are married to one, you never say the N-word, you don't think you are superior... and yet somehow you'll do or say something you find innocent and people will call you racist...
Why is that you ask? 2/ 11
Because there is overt racism and inbred racism.
Believe it or not the second one is way more dangerous than the first one.
Overt racism is easy to spot and easy to point out...
But the other kind? Not so much
Even Black people don't always spot it.
Sep 10, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read

Why is racism so hard to eradicate?
Why do people think they are not racist?

I ponder these questions every time I see someone get upset and mad for being called racist, as they say something racist while claiming to be allies...
Why? 2/11
It's their earnest anger that baffles me... why can't they see their racism?
And then it hit me...
It's because they associate racism with hate
But most don't really hate us... it's worse
May 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵Inbred racism

Have you ever asked someone what James or Jennifer meant?

How about if they (white adults) finished high school?

How about a business person (yes white) "how can you afford all this?" 2/
Is this your real hair?

Did you write this? (with the shocked or surprised inflection)

Have you ever asked a white woman with 3 or more kids if they all had the same father?

Ever called the cops because a white person was walking about with a dark skinned child?
May 30, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
🧵Rescuing Democracy in the US.

As I have said before, democracy is not failing in the US, it has already failed, and right now we are on a rescue mission.
So how do we do that? 1 - Remove corporate donors to campaigns and politicians
2- Ban trading by politicians
3- reinforce the separation of church and state
May 29, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read

What do you think is going to happen if Republicans win the house and senate?
Have you really thought about it?
I know lots of you talk about Gilead and stuff...
But you do not know what you are in for...
#DemVoice1 #ResistanceUnited #OurBlueVoice 2/15
A country where parents can be investigated for letting their child choose a pronoun is not far from a country where that family would disappear in the middle of the night
May 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵Let's not make children uncomfortable
Let's not teach them history, or that children come in different packages, no no that will traumatize them.
Let them instead plunge their hands into the blood of their classmates and cover themselves to play dead. 2/7
Let's teach them how to hide, how to play dead, how to call 911, how not to talk loudly as not to be discovered by the madmen intent on killing them.
That won't make them uncomfortable.
May 28, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵White men and the missing label
I'm a 55-year-old black single mother on the brink of homelessness. I have absolutely nothing in common with white men, but I understand their misplaced grievances. 2/8
It's a ridiculous thing really, but they were missing a label and then the remnants of the KKK under new leadership gave them a label European Heritage...
With subtitles like White replacement theory and reverse racism... and they jumped for joy
May 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
While 19 Police officers are in the HALLWAY outside her class this child calls 911 multiple times!
Children died because law officers feared for their lives...
fuck that shit Image Image
May 11, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/16 - Major Rant
Joe Biden didn't divide america
The libs didn't divide america
Wokism didn't divide america
Democrats didn't divide america
YOU, republican voters and all non voters
Didived America and I'll tell you how
#DemVoice1 #ResistanceUnited #OurBlueVoice 2/16
Because you didn't like trans or gays so you voted in people who didn't like trans or gays and promised to "make them go away".
Nevermind that they just want to live their lives and it doesn't affect you... but you know hate trumps livable wages
May 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵toughts on missing childhood
A few people have been wondering about certain things in my poems... and some of my threads or comments about my childhood
Here are a few thoughts about my early life 2/7
When you are a child you do not feel a certain type of trauma, neglect is not the same as physical or verbal abuse... it's subtle... you know you're different but it's not something you can pinpoint...