A presentation I did for our PhD students today on productivity during a pandemic...
I wanted it to be highly interactive.
In academia it is never enough – someone always has more pubs, works more hours, gets more awards, more ... You can’t chase that person – you won’t win bc there will always be someone else to chase. This can make it hard to talk about struggles.
Key is to reconnect to intrinsic motivation – what motivates you internally – & set reasonable goals that help you reach your own end goals (not someone else’s).
Motivation, stress, pressure, imposter syndrome, high unachievable expectations, worries about the future, worries about your family, isolation, uncertainty…
Icons stand for (clockwise:from person stretching): be flexible, let yourself feel, use left brain, be realistic, use rewards, go outside, prioritize, do fun things, breathe, think abt big picture/ideal future, eat bao, take control over what you can, self-compassion, music/arts
On the idea of rewards @prof_mirya does this - she assigns points to her goals and then rewards for diff levels of points. @Sakiera_Hudson tried this last semester and it looks like it could be a really good reward/bribe system.
Or why are you doing research, teaching - or whatever it is you do. What are your big huge visions for your potential impacts on the world?
To figure out your plan, work backwards from your ideal 5 year self. What do you need to do to get there?
My 5 year plan worksheet. Write you big goal for each year then the activities (research, pubs, grants, training) that help you meet that goal
Then turn that into monthly goals/objectives
projects may span many months - break it down to what needs to get done each month
then set weekly goals, then daily goals - what will you get done today?
use fun pens, a bullet journal, a cute planner - whatever makes it feel a bit special and fun
when you set your goals, it can help to delineate what you NEED to do that day versus what would be nice. This can be super helpful now given the worldwide upheaval and that your plans may get thwarted.
@CNortonDane has sold me on timeboxing which (to me) means you actually plot out the time to do things.
this is an example of my timeboxing - everything in purple is a timebox, everything in blue is a meeting, I try to timebox my mornings for work related to my personal goals and then afternoons are for meetings and to do things for other people (doesn’t always work though)
Of note, I have sound notifications for texts & emails turned off on my phone & laptop. I also have an extensive set of email filters to help me work mostly undisturbed. I don’t always have willpower to totally turn off email during projects needing focus-though sometimes I do.
I strongly recommend getting an accountability group together - people who you trust and with whom you don’t feel competitive. Ours is on slack, which I really like personally. It’s turned into a really lovely, supportive place and I truly feel accountable to them.
@CNortonDane tried to convince me to do this every morning and it cracks me up to think of a bunch of random researchers standing up and holding each other accountable each am. But we do do this in our accountability group - virtually - and that works well.
It can be really hard right now to feel like that manuscript or thesis is really meaningful in the scheme of things. Connecting to your bigger goal of what impact you hote you and wor work will have is important for keeping you more motivated.
set your goals, adjust them as necessary, completely bust them if they are unrealistic or not helpful to getting you where you need to go, negotiate deadlines and timelines, and reschedule if needed.
Some other practical tips
Goals that have personal meaning are important!
the pomodoro technique. This can really help get you focused - you just have to work for 25 mins. That is all. Then another 25, then another. This can help with tasks you dread - just do it for 25 mins.
A student today asked how to figure out how long things take you. For me, everything takes me at least twice as long during the pandemic. I used to be super efficient and am less so now.
The pomodoro technique can give you little deadlines that can help constrain projects to specific time periods so they don’t spread out. It can also help you track how long things take you so you can set more reasonable timelines later.
Flow - flow is important. Flow is that deep, intense, concentration that makes time just fly by.
Point on this slide is to make sure you are making time for things in the top left quadrant - that is likely where things related to your own goals reside, and yet they often get pushed aside for the urgent things.
Timeboxing can help with this - box out your time and then box out time to respond to urgent things.
I then talked about self-complexity as it is an important buffer - especially now. You can read more about that here:
I have now, for the very first time, interviewed possible graduate students for Northwestern's Clinical Psych MA program. I have some thoughts on what made a successful interview, and what didn't work super well for a psych masters-level interview (a 🧵).
First, I want to urge mentors and undergrad psych programs to do some prep with your students who are applying to psych grad schools. Psych programs are super competitive and some students are EXTREMELY well-prepared for the application and interview process. Some are not.
We need to ensure that students are well-mentored so that they can shine and be evaluated on their own merits - not on the lack of mentorship/departmental prep.
Three years ago today I was in a zoom meeting and started to feel feverish. I didn't have a thermometer so had to use a kitchen one (so pointy!) and found I had a 103 fever. Symptoms consistent with COVID but couldn't see my MD bc healthcare in NYC was overwhelmed (and scary).
This began a very terrifying 2 weeks of living alone in NYC during the beginning of a pandemic, having COVID, and not being able to leave my apt or see anyone bc I was contagious. My mom was terrified and had to witness this from the other side of the country.
One of my 2 cats got ill and passed away shortly after I recovered. My K99 started in Sept 2020 and a few months later, I lost partial vision in one eye and had to have emergency eyeball surgery. Some symptoms of COVID still linger 3 years later.
Teaching statements are generally 1-2 pages and require a great deal of thought.
Need to demonstrate you know fundamentals of:
✏️ engaging students
✏️ assessing students
✏️ organizing/managing a course
Need to also stand out in a sea of teaching statements to increase chances of an interview.
Two years ago I went through Columbia's academic job market bootcamp. It was many weeks long and we prepped our materials and got feedback on them. Here is some of what we learned: A🧵 #AcademicTwitter#AcademicChatter#AcademicJobs
First: CVs
CVs differ from resumes in purpose, audience, scope, content, structure, length and formatting. CVs document your career history - they tell the story of your work. Structure and length vary and may vary by fields.
Formatting may vary by fields too, but it is important to have a consistent format with defined sections, and some white space.
This is a presentation I did for our postdocs on applying for Ks. Given that they were already getting information on types of Ks, the forms, etc. I focused on my experiences. I also used questions from participants attending a K panel organized by @DrHaeny to focus this talk.
Warning: “At the end the person who invited me said, “Oh, I thought at first this was going to be a really depressing talk.” LOL. I tried to share my actual journey - not some glossy version of it. #AcademicTwitter#AcademicChatter
First I talked through my timeline. I started working on my K obscenely early. While I was waiting for my F32 to be funded, I took a class on NIH grant writing that required us to have a different section done each week to share and get feedback on.
Yesterday I learned that my RAs didn't know how to change the color themes in excel - so they were stuck using the boring old DEFAULT excel colors. What a travesty! What are they teaching kids in school these days - cursive??? #AcademicTwitter#AcademicChatter
I thought I'd share here how to change the colors so your @Microsoft stuff can be prettier.
See that boringly colored graph? We are going to change that to be way prettier. First go to page layout. You then have two options - colors and themes.