It's been hot takes on LGBTQ. Let's get some Islamic edu on "gender nonconformity" i.e. "identifying as a gender different from what was assigned at birth."
There're 64 genders* today—not just male/female anymore. Anything of such & how's gender established in Islam?
Is gender about anatomy (the genital you were born with) or personal decision?
That's summarily the question this thread seeks to illuminate as per Islamic perspective. It doesn't matter if you're a Muslim or not. So far you're a knowledge-seeker and here for that, be my guest.
Like you're probably confused about the LGBTQ arguments, some persons around are confused about their biological sex and gender. The exact reason they (the few real ones among them - not trans) appear noncomformist.
This problem is called gender dysphoria.
Gender dysphoria is the feeling of unease that occurs in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or genitals (sex-related physical characteristics).
See attachments on gender identity, gender expression & sexual orientation. All.. different things.
Forward. Is there anything different from male/female known to Islam? Yes, there're gender-atypical persons.
1. The ambiguous khunthā (al-khunthā al-mushkil) 2. The congenital mukhannath (al-mukhannath al-khilqī) 3. The non-congenital mukhannath (al-mukhannath ghayr al-khilqī)
1. The Ambiguous Khunthā
An ambiguous khunthā is someone who possesses both male & female organs or one who possesses none thus urinating from an opening in the body.
This problem nonetheless, scholars say the true gender must be ascertained. Why? See attachment.
Mostly, the determinant of gender is the organ by which urine passes. If penis, then the ambiguous khunthā is regarded as a male. If meatus, then the ambiguous khunthā is a female. But if the place of passing urine is anatomically ambiguous... [continued]
If the urine passage is anatomically ambiguous, gender is established by post-puberty secondary features e.g beards, menstruation, breasts and/or related anatomical developments.
Once gender is established, the individual is no more ambiguous. He or she is male or female.
Should all the above methods fail, the ambiguous khunthā – considered “agendered” – remains ambiguous and unpermitted to marry according to the majority of jurists. A minority position thou allows such a person to make a non-retractable gender selection.
2. The congenital mukhannath
Unlike the ambiguous khunthā, the mukhannath is unambiguously male i.e. has no anatomical or developmental ambiguities but uncontrollably has the mannerisms and affectations of females e.g. voice pitch, gait among other feminite attributes.
The naturally mukhannath (not the "my choice" o) is not culpable for anything but must make conscious efforts to change. In fact, there's no license for HIM to take on the avoidable affectations. Unlike voice pitch or gait, the way one dresses or adorns himself is conscious.
The congenital mukhannath is prohibited from adopting female adorement & appearance just as the mutarajjila (a man-immitating womman) is prohibited from doing the opposite.
NB. the Prophet cursed the mukhannathun & their female equivalents and ordered their expulsion from homes.
Concerning the congenital mukhannath, Ibn al-Jawzī writes, explaining the hadith above: It is said that they are from those who possess no sexual desire (ghayr ulī ’l-irba) i.e. for women. This reiterates the only condition such men can be allowed in the midst of women.
Quick one: scholars of Islam are unanimous in upholding Islam’s unqualified prohibition of same-sex acts whatever the situation of, and regardless of the differing views on, congenital and non-congenital mukhannathūn. They are male.
3. The non-congenital mukhannath
The non-congenital mukhannath, unlike those congenitally effeminate, who deliberately chooses to adopt such affectations. Long story short, this set of persons are cursed. Hadith: “God has cursed effeminate men and mannish women.”
This thread explains Gender in Islam, 90% gleaned from a research piece by Mobeen Vaid. Aside from the congenital mukhannath whom some scholars say could consider a medical operation to get rid of one of the sexual organs, LGBTQ+ is haram and accursed act in Islam.
The thread doesn't discuss the miscellany of transgender, homosexuality, same-sex marriage etc as the discussed topic already made that unnecessary. Should there be a need for that in future, however, it shall be offered.
I should do a thread on LGBTQ (gender identity) from the Islamic viewpoint, starting with the categories of gender in Islam. Is there anything other than male and female? How is gender determined and what rules are there? Plus a few more Qs. Anticipate, while I do some research.
How’s gender established - matter of anatomy or identity (what one identifies with)? In the event of congenital issues like gender dysphoria or hermaphroditism, how do we determine gender + attendant issues? The topic of homosexuality won’t come in. It’s clear—haram & cursed act.
Brother, you’re feeding your porous readers their favorite meal. Between yesterday and now, you’ve authored so many threads and tweets just to sully @bukolasaraki. Since “corruption” is the most deceitful thing to package @MBuhari and deride Saraki, I’m taking you up on this.