Here's the thing about all these calls for "unity" and "moving on" coming from Republicans in the house -
The people who tried to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT aren't going to "move on". They aren't going to "unify". They are going to keep trying until they succeed in a coup.
Like, forget the fact that I don't particularly want to unify with fascists. The bottom line is that the fascists don't want to unify with me. They want to kill me. That's why they're erecting giant crosses and gallows in front of the capitol.
You don't stop a fascist uprising by making conciliatory noises and suggesting group hugs. You stop a fascist uprising by putting it down, quickly and completely. That means consequences. It means action. It means a resolute refusal to allow them to recruit and organize.
Calls to "move past" the fact that a lynch mob, incited by the lies of the sitting President and his collaborators, rampaged through the Capitol last week are nothing less than calls for surrender to that mob.
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Nope. Not it, not even a little bit.
Insisting on honoring the diet mandated by your beliefs is not weak, it's not fragile, it's not brittle. Refusing to compromise your beliefs under pressure is not being a "snowflake".
Arizona Man is abhorrent. He's a bad person. He committed sedition, and he should face consequences for that. I suspect that he's the worst kind of cultural appropriator, and that he's weaponizing his colonialist "beliefs", and we should absolutely *raze* him for that.
What we should NOT do is throw Jews who keep kosher, Muslims who keep halal, Hindus and Sikhs who are vegetarian under the bus. People have a right to eat according to their beliefs, even when incarcerated, even when they are bad people.
Fun fact:
In the aftermath of the *actual* Kristallnacht, while the atrocities were being reported for what they were in most newspapers, the German Propaganda Ministry was using the Volkischer Beobachter, the State newspaper of the Nazi party, to spread disinformation about it.
The Nazis used their own news sources and their own conduits of information to downplay the violence, to outright lie about it's cause and to mischaracterize what was actually a pogrom directly ordered by Goebbels as 'spontaneous violence' by 'impassioned patriots'.
The Volkishcher Beobachter was purchased by the Thule Society, a far-right nationalist group, in 1918 specifically to be a propaganda paper for the Nazis. Between 1920 and 1930 it was suspended from publication three times for spreading false and hateful information.
I have seen (and received) a lot of advice on here for people who grew up distanced from their Jewishness who want to start practicing/observing that goes like this:
Start with something small, and gradually expand.
It's very practical advice, but I think it's not quite right.
Don't get me wrong, I think that starting a Jewish practice with simple things you know you can maintain is a great idea. Jumping into the deep end of a time consuming, lifestyle altering, intensely complicated practice is setting yourself up for failure.
It's the "gradually expand" part that I think is a little off. I think setting the expectation that the initial small, maintainable practice *must* expand is also setting yourself up for failure. It assumes, from the beginning, that what you want to do when you begin isn't enough
Christmas movie/song tropes that subtly reinforce Christian hegemony and/or supremacy:
* Everyone NEEDS Christmas, without Christmas people would be literally unable to be good/experience generosity of spirit/understand love/know what peace and joy are
* Christmas is totally secular and for everyone, pay no attention to these subtle allusions to Jesus!
* True Believers(tm) are inherently better people than Doubtful Cynics. A Doubtful Cynic can be transformed from a Bad person to a Good person by being shown the True Meaning of Christmas.
If you're going around telling Jews who don't observe exactly like you do that they're the bad guys in the Hanukah story, I want you to go look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself - do you honestly think that Matthatias wouldn't have run you through with a sword too?
There isn't a Jew alive today that the Hasmoneans wouldn't view as "Hellenized". They'd be wrong, about nearly every one of us, but that is absolutely what they would think if they saw any of us, from any community or tradition.
They'd be wrong because there is a difference between abandoning our traditions and beliefs, and allowing our traditions and beliefs to grow and change and adapt as we move through time and space. There is a difference between assimilation and evolution.
The thing about describing countries or people as being completely devoid of religious association by calling them 'secular' is that 'secular' is, itself, a term originating within Christianity, based on Christian texts and connoting a Christian perspective on religion.
Secular is from the Latin 'saeculum', meaning "a generation" or "an age". It used to mean within a period of about 100 years. In the Latin translation of the Christian bible there's a phrase, saecula saeculorum, literally "an age of ages", often translated as "forever and ever".
Christian doctrine holds that God exists outside of time, and sometime in the medieval period Christians started using "secular" to mean within time (of a particular age) and therefore separate from God.