The media is failing in its duty to report on the extreme right-wing rhetoric which is calling for Pres Trump to declare a national emergency and invoke the Insurrection Act. A call is being made across soc media platforms & coordinated with planners of rallies in DC for Trump.
Lt. Gen. Mcinerney has relentlessly called for insurrection by falsely claiming members of the media, judiciary, and gov't have committed treason by not overturning the "rigged" 2020 election. Even the My Pillow guy has been on to make the case as well as Gen Flynn.
WorldViewTelevision, a non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization (@IRS is this kind of "political" reporting allowed under U.S. non-profit laws?) has given insurrectionists a platform to spread their dangerous lies for weeks. Thread below of how viewers are being radicalized.
On 11/28 - Michael Flynn is introduced by Mcinerney in his first interview since he was pardoned by Trump to discuss how the country has to "correct" what happened over the next couple of weeks than I really hate to even think about what will happen in our country going forward."
On 12/26 The My Pillow guy and funder of Trump's legal defense to overturn the 2020 election and the numerous bus tours and rallies in DC for Trump since November - was invited on WVW-TV to proclaim there won't be a "civil war" once the "truth" is revealed by the courts.
Important to note that My Pillow guy Mike Lindell says on 12/26 - "this is it...we cannot let them steal it... God put Donald Trump in office for 8 years."
The more you read about it the more this movement feels like a religious crusade.
Lt. Gen. Mcinerney makes the most incendiary claims. On 11/20 he states Trump should declare an "a national emergency" and "use the Insurrection Act." He also says that "It's important when he declares a national emergency he must suspend habeas corpus."
Mcinerney declaring that President Trump should suspend habeas corpus is shocking but here the moderator tells the audience that the reason why doing it is so urgent is because it's a patriot telling us to do it.
On 1/6 after the riots the moderator insists the audience take Mcinerney seriously because he's a retired 3-star general who was in charge of the Nukes and here he is now trying to stop what is clearly a Communist coup and cyber warfare attack from enemies foreign and domestic.
After the insurrection at the Capitol on 1/6 Mcinerney states: we cannot let them win. I think the President is going to have to make a decision here. Hopefully identify these people [who stole the election from him] and start making arrests.
On 1/6 moderator is concerned the "President is taking too long." Millions of Americans came to DC "because their President asked them to. He needs to step up and do something because it's going to be the average Patriot American that's left swinging in the wind.
They even ADMIT that they need to have Trump "take action" now because "I'm pretty sure your name, my name, Mary Fanning, Allen Jones, Gen Mcinerney, I'm pretty sure we've been marked" and some of us are starting to think we'll be left "swinging in the wind" if he just leaves.
I've done another thread on how Gen. Mcinerney was in the White House with Q-conspiracist Ann Vandersteel a few days after the takeover of the Capitol telling a group of people that Pence is a traitor and that Trump must take action.
Of course, another thread ties together Mike Lindell, Gen Flynn, and Women for America First who Lindell funded so that they could tour the country for President Trump after the election and sponsor the rallies that led to Jan. 6th.
Read Claire O. Finkelstein and Richard Painter's article today about this group's desire to have Trump Invoke Martial Law to Reverse the 2020 Election which would be sedition. But what about their actions to stir up a "civil war"? Is that not sedition?
It seems the media is missing what is happening on platforms outside the mainstream and thus not reporting on the powerful voices stirring up violence, hate, bigotry, racism and division in recent months. This needs to change.
Law enforcement also needs to be monitoring social media pages more diligently and we have to stop allowing hate groups and fringe conspiracy theorists to build such large platforms online.
Let's put a thread together of folks who have stated that President Trump invited them to DC on January 6th, shall we?
First up is Amy Kremer who started the Tea Party and was head of Women for Trump during the election and then started Women for America First to organize a national bus tour for Trump to contest the election results and plan all of the DC rallies including Jan 6th.
Amy Kremer states on bus tour for Trump 1/5:
"Pres. Trump hasn't asked much from us. He's asked for our vote and he's asked for us to come to Washington, DC on Jan 6 to stand with him...The President has asked us to come and we will be there."
Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network is hosted by @GoDaddy. They are a 501(c)3 charitable religious organization that is hosting some of the most seditious livestream interviews with Mcinerney, Flynn, Lindell to keep Trump in power. Please use form 2report:…
Lt. Gen McInerney appears on Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network on 1/13/21 telling their audience that "World War III has started. WWIII is a hybrid war that is started that is a mixture of biological, cyber warfare and other means..." among other Q conspiracies and lies.
Lt. Gen McInerney on Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network on 1/1 telling their audience that "the Pres must notify the Congress that [WW3 has started] he has no choice this is an outright attack on the U.S.... this fraudulent election was unconstitutional. This cannot stand."
How has the @FBI not arrested conspiracy theorist Ann Vandersteel? Her post below (still up on YouTube) clearly shows a violent insurrection that she attended. She makes another dire warning - see thread.
Is this the Next American Revolution?
Ann Vandersteel filmed the insurrection in real time July 6th. She also spoke at the rally earlier that day.
Here Ann Vandersteel states that "we were summoned, we were asked by President Trump to come to Washington, DC and if we couldn't make it we were asked to go to our capitol and demand a free and fair election."
Time to go down the Rabbit Hole with Women for America First and Mike Lyndell - the "My Pillow Guy"
who supported all of their rallies in DC and elsewhere.
Lyndell paid for all of Women for America First's marches and rallies for Trump since November, and he's paid for Trump's legal operation to overturn the 2020 election results. Does this direct connection to the Trump campaign not violate WFAF's status as a 501(c)4 org?
Mike Lyndell often boasts about how his connection to Trump has made him a very rich man. He first met Trump in August 2016 and from that moment on he was "all in." He served as Minnesota co-chair for Trump’s re-election campaign in 2020.
Several StopTheSteal Members had a Defend Democracy Rally on 11/15. The scariest, most hate-filled speech is from Drew Hernandez who screams "JEW-S-A" and "we will not go without a fight, we will not go down without bloodshed. If they want a second Civil War then they got one."
Drew Hernandez attended the violent protest at the Capitol on 1/6 and shot these clips which remain available on his Instagram page. All of his platforms are up on @Twitter@Jack@TwitterSupport@YouTube@Facebook@Instagram and he's building his platform across all.
@TuckerCarlson invited Drew Hernandez on his show to share his video clips from INSIDE the Capitol on @FoxNews after the riots on 1/6 giving this bigoted, racist, insurrectionist a national platform.
So, how has the press not made the connection between the Trump administration and Women for America First who organized all 3 marches on Washington - including January 6th?
Kylie Kremer and her mother Amy Kremer (remember Amy started the Tea Party and campaigned for Ted Cruz when he first ran for office?) They run Women for America First (and Women for Trump). NONE of their twitter or YouTube sites have been closed even tho they orchestrated Jan 6.
Here is Kylie Jane Kremer discussing plans for the January 6th Trump March to "stop the steal". She states that the White House will be the backdrop for it and that Trump is aware retweeting her post "the CAVALRY is coming, Mr. President."