If you learn better by listening and also via auditory teaching, a great resource for learning Anvaya would be the Gita classes by Dr. Padmakumar. Here he focuses on you learning grammar in a more natural fashion via learning the Gita
After reading this twice, I am truly at a loss, vainly trying to parse the incoherent ramblings of this so-called संस्कृतानुरागी।
Part rant, part rage and all polemic, this ‘English Professor’ turned researcher of ‘kutiyattam-the exotic keralan sanscrit théâtre’, seems horror stricken at the prospect of संस्कृतम् not only showing signs of life, but decidedly kicking from the grave....
.. contrary to all the solemn assurances given by the Burra Sahibs!
Le sanscrit n'est pas mort - the horror, the horror!
For a beginner, Lakaras can be utterly confusing. Ask me!
Unless you are a lucky beginner, you go through months of ‘लकार’ confusion till it all slowly clears up. Then you wonder-‘what was that all about’?
But it needn’t be so..
To help सहपाठीs possibly avoid this needless confusion, I am sharing snippets from Neelesh Bodas Varya’s wonderful lecture on Lakaras:
I strongly recommend listening to the entire lecture multiple times!
But for those who want to sample it, here goes...
Verb usage in Samskritam come under what is known as Lakara Prayoga. There are 10 Lakaras-each used to convey a different ‘Tense” (काल) or a “Sentiment’ (भाव)
काल - Present, Future (2 types), Past (3 types)
भाव - Order, Request, Wish