प्वालः । pvaal Profile picture
ॐ। संस्कृतेन संस्कृताय गृहीतं व्याघ्रपुच्छम्। { “भोगा न भुक्ता वयमेव भुक्ताः” }
7 subscribers
Feb 6, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
Mark Singleton, one of the folks quoted by these Cultural appropriators has started walking his claims back

He now DENIES any Indian copying of Danish/Swedish physical exercises

He blames western religious / political ideologues for mis-representation of his ideas

😂🤣 The preface to the Serbian edition of “Yoga Body” has mea culpas strewn all over

1. Continuity of ancient & modern Indian Asana practice ✅
2. Krishnamacharya did NOT copy from Bukh ✅
3. Yoga not connected to gymnastics / army exercises ✅


Jul 21, 2023 18 tweets 9 min read
@talekaayi वर्यः raises an interesting question re: claimed provenance of कवन=water in MW

All dictionaries give कबन्धम् as उदकम् while कवन seems rare

So what gives?

To figure out, here’s a glimpse of how Indologists approached Sanskrit dictionary building

TLDR: कवनम्=उदकम्😀 As shown in Wheat & Witzel

early Indologists were sympathetic to & relied heavily on traditional पण्डिताः for their pioneering works

William Jones is a prime example

As colonialism proceeded, the approach morphed from ‘understanding’ to ‘control’ https://t.co/1YqSTujzOEindica.today/long-reads/whe…
Apr 17, 2023 22 tweets 10 min read
Indological Honour Roll 🙏🏼

Paippalada samhita -> “little pepper AtharvaVeda”

Krishna-dvaipayana -> “Krishna of the dark island”

Jambu-dweepa -> “rose apple island”

Kakardave -> “for defecating”

Why ! You can also be an Indologist ! Its easy

Please send in your selections To kick off the new list

१ Ramakrishna “Superlative Swan” Image
Dec 14, 2022 25 tweets 10 min read
११ Beautiful Brilliant Spoken Samskritam

A thread ⬇️ pvaalsamskritam.com/2022/12/14/%e0… What does naturally spoken Samskritam sound like ? What should we aspire to ?

१ Shri K S Maheshwaran provides a wonderful example of technical argumentation in Samskritam

The language used is nuanced & brilliant, yet understandable to संस्कृतम् students
Dec 13, 2022 20 tweets 6 min read
१० Ashtadhyayi.com

A thread ⬇️ pvaalsamskritam.com/2022/12/13/%e0… The single greatest resource for all Samskrita students

ashtadhyayi.com is the one resource that you cannot live without.

Amazing in scope, brilliant in depth and a source of credible information
Dec 12, 2022 38 tweets 11 min read
८ विभक्तिः

A thread ⬇️ pvaalsamskritam.com/2022/12/12/%e0… The importance of learning विभक्तिः !

Why do we need to mug up the dreaded Vibhakti tables ? Why रामः रामौ रामाः ?

Vibhaktis are absolutely brilliant - here is why !

जंगल शाम अस्त्र घने रावण सोमवार में मारा को को एक ने राम से
Dec 12, 2022 27 tweets 6 min read
८ What is Sandhi?

A thread ⬇️ pvaalsamskritam.com/2022/12/12/%e0… How do I read these long, incomprehensible sentences in संस्कृतम् ?

Do you freeze when faced with a Samskritam sentence like this?

ओङ्कारपञ्जरशुकीमुपनिषदुद्यानकेलिकलकण्ठीम् ।

आगमविपिनमयूरीमार्यामन्तर्विभावये गौरीम् ॥

दयमानदीर्घनयनां देशिकरूपेणदर्शिताभ्युदयाम् ।
Dec 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
८ What is Sandhi?

A thread ⬇️ pvaalsamskritam.com/2022/12/12/%e0… How do I read these long, incomprehensible sentences in संस्कृतम् ?

Do you freeze when faced with a Samskritam sentence like this?

ओङ्कारपञ्जरशुकीमुपनिषदुद्यानकेलिकलकण्ठीम् ।

आगमविपिनमयूरीमार्यामन्तर्विभावये गौरीम् ॥

दयमानदीर्घनयनां देशिकरूपेणदर्शिताभ्युदयाम् ।
Sep 26, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
#४६ Indologists speaking Sanscreet! 😄

How many Sanscreet supremacists in the western academe shouting about Indology & AIT actually speak it?

While trying to stop hindoo extremists from ‘spoken sanskrit’ how do they fare?

Reversing the gaze on Western Sanscreet Experts
👇🏼 #४७ ‘Foreign’ words in Rig Veda

Westerner Indologists claim a lot of “foreign words” are in the Vedas - hence AIT/AMT

Geneticists also blindly tend to toe the linguistics line

Let us evaluate one of the claimed words कपर्दिन् - a name attributed to Shiva

Does it fly?
Sep 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
सम्प्रति will end this topic with these thoughts

१ Effort certainly gets a B. We are not closed-minded bigots 😃

२ When you do Sanskrit, do as how the tradition expects you to do. Stop whining. No short cuts ‘cuz we r white’

३ Standards will be maintained. Tradition respected ३ If you claim expertise in Sanskrit, esp. as a Prof; there is a duty to ask for proof. You better show it

४ If you are rude & culturally disrespectful, expect action on the other cheek. शठे शाठ्यं समाचरेत्

५ If you throw in ideology/politics/identity crap, expect a response
Sep 16, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
#INDOLOGISTS Speaking Sanscreet 🗣

Indian accent is typically made fun of in Western popular culture

Lets reverse the gaze

Any non-native English/French Prof. is expected to have near-native language skill-levels

Can Indologists speak CORRECT Sanskrit with उच्चारणशुद्धिः? संस्कृतम् emphasizes उच्चारणशुद्धिः -right pronunciation

Wrong pronunciation changes the meaning!

An entire science- शिक्षा - teaches Phonetics/Phonology

Right enunciation is a basic requirement from anyone claiming expertise in Sanskrit

Check out the Sanscreet gate-keepers! ImageImage
Aug 24, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
An instructive vignette showcasing academic & ideological bias inherent in western ‘studies’ of eastern culture

Heres a PhD 😄 asking for etymology of “घण्टा” inscribed on an old Javanese bell

घण्टा as a word is used for bell in Ramayana & has an attested Sanskrit etymology This galactic brain asks ‘what is the origin of the Sanskrit word घण्टा’

On seeing that Sanskrit घण्टा has a clear etymology, says

‘No, I would like PIE since Sanskrit is from PIE

Or BMAC/Dravidian or Prakrit’

Anything OTHER than Sanskrit itself which has attested etymology
Aug 2, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Re: Ashtadhyayi & Panini referencing coinage in India in the context of language / grammar usage

“India as Known to Panini” by V S Agrawala has extensive notes on the attested sophistication in financial currency pre-500 BCE Multiple gold & silver coinage are referred to in both Ashtadhyayi related texts & even earlier

निष्क। सुवर्ण।माषक।कार्षपण
Jul 26, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Responding to @dxrsam_0 ‘s Indological apologia, here is a list of founders of Indology & their religious beliefs/affiliations

The original context👇🏼

‘Is Protestant theological origin a fatal flaw vis-a-vis Indology’?

What explains their structural opposition to Hinduism?
Image Adolf Holtzmann Sr - Theology. Never been to India

Rudolf Roth - Theology. Never been to India

Albrecht Weber - Conversion. Never been to India Image
Jul 24, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
#संस्कृतम् - Incredible flexibility of the देवभाषा।

Pancharatram is a Mahabharata based play by Bhasa involving Pandavas & Kauravas

The first stanza goes thus

द्रोणः पृथिव्यर्जुनभीमदूतो
यः कर्णधारः शकुनीस्वरस्य
दुर्योधनो भीष्मयुधिष्ठिरः स
पायाद् विराडुत्तरगौऽभिमन्युः। For those who find it difficult to read Samskritam with Sandhi, the terms in the invocatory verse are

द्रोण - पृथिवी - अर्जुन - भीम - दूत - य - कर्ण - धार - शकुनी - ईश्वर - दुर्योधन - भीष्म - युधिष्ठिर - स - पायाद् - विराड् - उत्तरग - अभिमन्यु
Jul 24, 2022 15 tweets 8 min read
This thread by @dxrsam_0 is a good one to highlight Indological shenanigans in ‘historicizing’ पुराणम् & इतिहासः - thereby stripping out all that is sacred

Indology wants to destroy something explicitly designed for मोक्षप्राप्तिः & convert it to a sterile academic quibble The traditional भारतीय view on पुराण/इतिहास is quite clear

Unlike western epics, इतिहासः are explicitly designed to embody Dharma & helping one move towards Moksha

Vedas are प्रभुसम्मित while Puranas are SuhrdSammita (instructions of a friend) & Kavyas are KantaSammita
May 18, 2022 10 tweets 8 min read
An excellent illustration of how today’s educated Indians are cut off from our own roots via lack of exposure to own cultural knowledge & access to संस्कृतम् !

विश्लेषणं करिष्यामः।

Rajatharangini records wide-spread destruction of Viharas

Dollop of sarcasm😀 Where might be the potential sources of such a claim?

E.g: Marxist historian D N Jha claims this ‘historical fact’ in Against the Grain

Referred by Ajaz Ashraf in Scroll.in warning us re: how school children can learn about ‘Religious Violence in Ancient India”
Apr 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
शृङ्खलार्थं QT करोमि।

महोदय, given varying interpretations of “science”, may be meaningful if you describe why you think Linguistics is ‘science’ (or not)

Re: महर्षिः पाणिनिः characterized as ->पाणिनिं सूत्रकारं च within व्याकरणशास्त्रम्।

‘scientist’ would be a modern claim! Language ‘relationships’ certainly exist

Vertical evolutions & horizontal mixing definitely occur

Language ‘family’ notion while OK, risks concept over-extension into ‘in & out’ groups in real world!

cf “Dravidian vs Aryan” driven by linguistic notion of water-tight families
Apr 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
कुशाग्रपतङ्गयोर्मध्ये संलापः। प्रथमसोपानम्।😂
Apr 17, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Debate is getting into kicchdi territory now 😀

To bring focus & semblance of rigour

१ Debate is NOT about the academic topic of linguistics per se

२ Not also on whether ‘language families’ exist

Debate is on LINGUISTICS basis of current cultural / civilizational claims Debate is whether an “invading culture” speaking a “foreign language” came in,enslaved natives & wiped out all earlier linguistic evidence (toponyms etc) over a huge swathe of land causing a FUNDAMENTAL cultural schism that continues till today in modern India

Aryan Vs Dravidian
Jan 24, 2022 22 tweets 11 min read
Of Men, Mice & Languages!

Inspired by the thread below, I am pleased to share the fruits of my labour!😀

Presenting my AMT - Aryan Mouse Theory*!

आर्यमिश्रान् विज्ञापयामि अस्मिन् विषये।

While this may seem in jest, the data👇🏼shown is all valid

[*channeling my inner Witzel} As the screenshot shows, the word for Mouse is remarkably conserved across multiple languages

German - Maus
Dutch - Muis
Swedish - Musen
Russian - myš’
Czech - Myš
Polish - Mysz
Bulgarian - miškata
Slovenian - Miška

Samskritam मूषिकः । Mushika | Mushaka