After today's rally in Richmond, @BLM757 leader @JaPharii757 spoke to a few Proud Boys, including the leader of their Northern Virginia chapter.
It was certainly unusual for both anyone in the BLM movement and for the Proud Boys alike.
Full video:
I do think it's worth noting that BLM757 is considered a controversial chapter among other BLM organizers, particularly for their willingness to rally with groups like the boogaloos.
I suspect this interaction will be similarly disavowed by some.
On that same note, the conversation was certainly unusual for the Proud Boys, who only a month ago burned a Black Lives Matter banner taken from a church.
A variety of armed groups marched today in Richmond, VA to advocate against gun control and defy local ordinances that ban guns at protests and 20+ round magazines.
"Boogaloo Boy" Mike Dunn brought weapons prohibited signs with bulletholes in them and tossed them to the cops.
Anarcho-capitalist Kal Molinet led a group into Richmond that identified themselves as the "Ron Paul Militia."
In addition to firearms, they carried a framed portrait of libertarian former GOP congressman @RonPaul.
Some Proud Boys attended, and one accused a man wearing a "he/him" patch and carrying a rifle and transgender rights flag of it being a "minor attracted person" flag.
"I hate pedophiles just as much as anyone else," said the armed trans rights activist.
THREAD: Armed "Boogaloo" activists showed up at the state house in Salem, Oregon yesterday amidst calls for armed rallies in all 50 states.
Among the grievances they expressed were the overwhelming show of state force in DC, mandatory COVID restrictions, and gun control.
My freelancer @MaranieRae asked a couple of "boogaloos" dressed in full black-bloc why they weren't wearing the signature Hawaiian shirts associated with the movement.
"Just misplaced them," they said. "Ya, ya, no, for real."
Asked about a solid black flag one was carrying, another boogaloo explained that "this is war. They're not going to listen, we will raise this black flag, put our foot down, and say 'no more.'"
"This is a reaction, it's not inciting anything," another adds.
INTERVIEW: Tonight, I interviewed three "boogaloo boys" and original organizers of the armed rallies taking place Sunday at state capitols.
@henrylocke16, @classcountryboi, and one who wanted to remain fully anonymous will be participating tomorrow, and went on camera.
The group clarified to me that their rally, which had been organized for months, isn't pro-Trump.
"We recognize that Joe Biden is going to to be the next president of the United States," said @henrylocke16. "Fulfill your oath and respect our constitutional rights."
Another of them said he doesn't care who the president is, and doesn't even vote.
His priority is more-so state governments, he says.
"Honestly, I think our beef is more with our states than the fed."