1/5 Anglican missionaries have long leveraged "divide and rule" tribalism to create friction where harmony formerly existed and the greatest tribal difference available for creating "dischord to order" globally, is skin colour. Enter "white supremacy" @GeorgeMonbiot @HCI_London
2/5 The Anglican mission and the spread of white supremacy are two wings of the same vulture, picking away at the very fabric of non white living vibrant indigenous civilisations.
"[W]e need to interrogate the relationship of White supremacy and Christian identity. @JohnSentamu
3/5 "What this investigation will help us see is that the theology of Christian supremacy gave birth to the ideology of White supremacy, and that White supremacy grew from a dangerous ideology to an accepted position inherited by Whites.. @Koenraad_Elst @Charles_HRH@PrincesTrust
4/5 "The systems and structures of White supremacy have been intimately joined with Christian supremacy, such that undoing White supremacy will also require relinquishing the ideologies and theologies of Christian supremacy."
The Sin of White Supremacy, Jeannine Hill Fletcher.
1/5 The Inauguration was deeply troubling on many counts but most of all was the casual acceptance of the Christian framework and value system within which the ceremony was set. The appearance of diversity .. @dharmadispatch@__Interfaith__@IFNetUK@OpIndia_com@sankrant
2/5 .. of appearance concealing the absence of diversity of identity trumpeted a milestone on the journey to make the US a Christian country.
There is the classic Macaulay quote, which clearly underlined his colonialist intentions, .. @SundayGuardian
.. 3/5 which would eventually become the bedrock of all British colonial strategy - "We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class ...