2. But now I find that doctors and lawyers are commenting adversely on the promulgation of a state of emergency due to COVID-19. Also, on the management of the pandemic. And so I feel I have a right to comment.
3. My view is that emergency powers are not necessary in dealing with the pandemic. The Government has ample power and Malaysians have obeyed whatever orders or directives issued by the Government in dealing with COVID-19. They raise no objection.
We are not like liberal western countries where the people openly disobeyed Government directives claiming that their rights and freedoms have been ignored.
4. But the Proclamation of a State of Emergency removes the last vestige of democratic rights of the people. It is worthwhile to note: –
5. This is enunciated in article 11 of the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance 2021 which reads:-
6. Clearly with the Proclamation of a State of Emergency the Parliament elected by the people has lost its role in the governance of this country. The Prime Minister now has full authority to rule the country on his own.
7. The excuse for this seizure of power is said to be the massive increase in the COVID-19 pandemic.
8. What is there that the PM with his absolute power can do to solve this health crisis?
One has to remember that its was his decision to seize power in Sabah that was followed with the 4 digit increase in the number of new cases. Before that the new cases had dwindled to single digit.
9. The best brains in the world are finding it difficult to stem the numbers of new cases. Can the Prime Minister with his power to jail people for up to 10 years and impose a fine of five million Ringgit reduce the number of cases.
10. We appreciate the work of the Director – General of Health for his management of the pandemic. But now the numbers are very big.
11. The problems are not the same. The frontline workers who dealt with the first phase have now to deal with thousands more cases daily. Still the COVID19 numbers are increasing. Positive cases cannot be admitted, increasing their exposure to members of their families & others.
12. The workers, foreign and local, are posing massive problems as they stay in crowded rooms and cannot maintain social spacing when working.
13. Total lockdown cannot be imposed as the economy would be affected and poor people cannot earn money to buy food even.
14. The problem caused by the pandemic are very many and do not lead to easy solutions. Can the enhanced power of the Prime Minister tackle these problems?
15. What kind of advise can he give to the King that will reduce the numbers of those getting infected, those having to be hospitalised, those who will die.
16. But the declaration of emergency has given the Government tremendous powers.
17. Everything that is done is in the name of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. They cannot be questioned. Nor can they be brought before Parliament as all sittings have been cancelled.
18. Effectively the rule of law has been abolished. We are assured that the intention is good. But when absolute authority is given, breaches and abuses will happen.
1. I have been named among the top 20 most dangerous extremists on earth, by a United States’ based website.
2. The Counter Extremism Project website cites; “A controversial figure, Mahathir often criticized (sic) the West, LGBT people, and Jewish people”.
3. It goes on to say; “Mahathir is not directly responsible for specific acts of violence. However, his controversial opinions have led to international condemnation as it was alleged Mahathir supported extremist violence against the West”.
1. Saya telah diberitahu mengenai tuduhan Azmin bahawa saya yang merancang penubuhan Perikatan Nasional (PN).
2. Saya telah berkali-kali terangkan bahawa ini tidak benar sama sekali kerana PN itu dianggotai oleh kleptokrat dan ditunjangi oleh UMNO secara en-bloc.
3. Jika saya merancangnya mengapa perlu saya tolak apabila ia menjadi kenyataan dan jika saya terima sudah pasti saya kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri (PM) seperti yang diakui sendiri oleh Azmin.
1. Ramai yang percaya bahawa sebabnya Anwar tidak dapat jadi Perdana Menteri ialah kerana saya menghalang.
2. Benar dahulu saya berpendapat bahawa kerana sebab tertentu dia hilang kelayakan untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Tetapi apabila Najib menjadi kleptokrat, saya sanggup bekerjasama dengan Anwar untuk jatuhkan Najib.
Saya tidak menentang cadangan Pakatan Harapan (PH) bahawa Anwar akan mengganti saya apabila saya letak jawatan. Tetapi belum pun sampai masanya konco-konco Anwar mendesak supaya saya letak jawatan.
1. Khalid Julong meninggal pada 18 November 2020. Dengan pemergiannya maka tamatlah satugenerasi pejuang Melayu.
2. Kami berkenalan dan berdamping dalam arena politik apabila tamat sahaja perang Dunia Kedua. Kami berada dalam Saberkas, sekumpulan anak Melayu yang memiliki kesedaran akan bangsanya.
3. British merancang untuk rampas negeri-negeri Melayu untuk dijadikan tanah jajahan mereka. Malayan Union akan tamatkan kewujudan orang Melayu dengan Tanah Melayu mereka.
THE 2021 BUDGET 1. For 2½ hours I sat down in my seat at the Dewan Rakyat listening to the Minister of Finance’s budget speech.
2. It was amazing. It was the biggest ever. For operation and development the Government will spend 322.5 billion altogether.
3. I am not a financier. These big figures are mind-boggling. It seems that the Government will be putting money in the pocket of everyone, rich and poor, employed and unemployed.
1. Saya difaham pihak Kerajaan masih berusaha untuk isytihar darurat di negara tercinta ini.
2. Mengikut hujah mereka kononnya negara berada dalam keadaan krisis, dengan 10,000 anggota polis diserang COVID-19, satu juta orang asing sudah melanda negara ini dan kononnya jika darurat tidak diisytihar sebelum Isnin, 2 November, pasar saham akan jatuh merudum.
3. Ya, benar COVID-19 sudah meningkat sehingga lebih dari Satu Ribu Dua Ratus pada beberapa hari. Tetapi ini disebabkan Kerajaan Pusat sengaja rebut kuasa di Sabah.