History side-note moment: I read this 1776 report. I'll leave to others the various errors and whatnot. But it is a singularly bad piece of writing. Like how I wrote as a first year college student, but before my teacher told me to try again.
I keep scrolling expecting to find a sentence that begins "Webster's defines America as...."
But what is actually there is bad enough. For example, what is an immortal banner?
This makes us sound like children.
I'm a pretty hard core anti-communist. Cold warrior! But I'm not sure this pocket history of communist is that helpful.
Oh come on you absurd jerks (earlier in this ersatz college term paper, they'd announced that Teddy Roosevelt was one of these progressives, so Teddy=Mussolini, we are told)
Look, see, I love America's role in WWII, and we really kicked all sort of butts, is it too much to add "with our allies and friends across the world" in here.
Put aside the dubious argument in here, does anyone have any idea which are the "these" that are "indeed" the direct ancestors?
OK, I promised no merits, but this truly is horse manure. By the 18th century, we were a pretty crazy outlier on the slavery front amongst developed places.
I wonder why the movement to abolish slavery appeared in America and not, say, France.
Thanks for this pithy explanation of why republics fails. Class conflicts (COMMIES) and majorities. Great.
Anyway, In Conclusion, Webster's defines bad writing as this document. The End.
Seriously, you can teach history *and* patriotism, and it doesn't have to be like this. This makes the reader less informed, unless they had not heard of any of these ideas beforehand.
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I cannot explain how unusual and dismissive it is for the Fifth Circuit to summarily affirm without even responsive briefing. They might as well have stamped “please go away you silly person” on the top.
I’m sitting here laughing, but also, it’s terrible that the Court is presented with these stupid and shameful cases.
Anyone interested, Gohmert’s appeal has been filed in the Fifth Circuit. Of course, this will fail, it’s dumb, etc. But since it’s in my wheelhouse, I’ll keep track.
No motions yet. I assume they’re going to file some kind of emergency request.
Here’s their motion for an expedited appeal. I don’t really get what they want. They said they need relief before 1/6, but the best this appeal can do is put them back at square one. Anyway, enjoy. drive.google.com/file/d/1YNKDS_…
Trying to distribute 750 vaccines for the entire city of houston through a call center was completely bananas. When I heard about it I assumed they had tens of thousands of doses.
There’s a deadly pandemic. The City is passing out vaccines. Literally hundreds of thousands of people in Houston fall into Texas’s 1b priority (everyone has a BMI > 30). Call center???
I’ve been very positive about Houston leadership during the pandemic. But … let’s not do it this way.
Thread re: why appeals are fun, with a corporate law detour.
When I was a corporate lawyer, the only part of the work I really enjoyed was hanging out with the buyer's or seller's in-house counsel while trying to close the deal. One month I had to learn how UPC codes work 1/
so that I could write a side-agreement to help transfer the codes for a line of retail items to the buyer. I ended up asking the lawyer for all their manuals just so I could bury myself in them.
I also had to help move a machine cross-country once. I got to know the guy who /2
Basically had made the machine. He knew everything about how it worked, how to disassemble, it, etc. Total blast.
Anyway, back to my point - and this is an #appellatetwitter oldie - there's a lot of that work for a generalist appeals lawyer like me. /3
Re: all the debate about architecture. This is the Houston federal courthouse. One of my few real trolls is saying “this is bad” because a totally non-zero number of my friends love it.
By contrast I love the Austin courthouse and am invariably told I am a fool by both the architect snob guys and the classical is the only way guys.
I argued a case in Salt Lake City and also love theirs.