The hustler-dynasty debate is about oppressors vs oppressed. It is not about rich vs poor and no amount of diversionary scaremongering will make it so. A thread. 1/14
For 47 yrs a small clique of colonial nyapara has ring-fenced the state and accumulated more power and wealth than colonialists ever did. KCA sent Jomo Kenyatta to London to deliver a petition on land injustice. He bequeathed his family more land than any settler ever owned.
For decades, we have told this oligarchy that economic disenfranchisement of the majority is a time bomb, but as Upton Sinclair noted years ago, it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it.
First, get your dates right. It was in the 50s. Second, objective of airlift was to educate successors for whites. It benefited 104 individuals, creme de la creme, the post independence who is who. The airlift was the foundation of the neocolonialism project. Here they are:
As per project information memorandum (IM) dated 2016, the Government estimated cost of Nbi-Nku-Mau Summit at US$550m as shown. The contracted cost is reported at Sh180b ($1.7b) at current exchange rate. 1/13
The contracted cost of the 215km is reported at Sh180b ($1.7b), an eye popping Sh837m ($8m) per km, believe it or not, way more than the SGR ($6m/km). Dualling the 21km Athi River- Machakos Junction cost Sh5.3b, or Sh252m ($2.5m) per km.
This rate is similar to the per km cost of the $550m estimate in the project IM. Engineers and QSs need to educate us on why it is costing 3 times + as much to upgrade a similar road, more so when long stretches of the road are on flat open uninhabited terrain.
What is an externality? An externality is an uncompensated benefit or cost that an activity confers or imposes on society. We refer to benefits as positive externalities and costs as negative externalities.…