My social media intention with this administration:
Call out the gender bullshit—which will be ramping up exponentially now.
Trying to artfully critique the increased shift in power from individual & state to collective & fed.
Resisting the urge to mock Kamala being fake af.
The problem with mocking Kamala and Biden is that, like Trump, there will be too many people doing it, it'll soon be worn out and too well-trodden, and become purely a tribal signal—therefore stifling personally, and interpersonally detrimental.
Shift in power from local to global is difficult because of how complex the issues are. I will therefore be forced to root myself in first principles.
As it is with Wokeness: we need to work out the roots and the fruits, as the evident tree is secondary to those.
Washington State is requiring all school materials to be evaluated for bias. The score card puts “different genders/gender identities” first in many categories. Yet, in “Multicultural Representation” it states “no one belief system is positioned above others.”
Elsewhere, gender identity is defined as “a deeply felt internal sense of being female, or male, or both, or neither—regardless of their gender assigned at birth.”
In other words, a belief system.
This belief system is set above others in that sports and locker rooms “should correspond to a student’s gender identity”—insofar as a female does not wish to be naked around a male, or forced to compete physically against a male, the male’s belief trumps the female’s concerns.
The real coup is being run by those who are consolidating power and tightening down on freedom (of speech, assembly).
Not a chaotic crowd with a variety of intentions & behaviors who participated in illegal activity for a day—they are a distraction.
The latter should be prosecuted, disavowed, ridiculed if you like—the former (the real threat, who are working to eliminate dissent) must be resisted, even and especially by those who hate the outgoing president.
I’ve been called out for not calling out the rioters, due to my work on the Evergreen protest.
The Evergreen protest lead to a restructuring of the college into a bureaucratic hegemony, which suppressed speech by restricting & controlling the means, & prosecuting offensiveness.
Critical Race Theory is not “race sensitivity training.” It is a set of ideas that cause everyone to make race the most important factor of human experience.
It creates a racial caste system and then redistributes moral authority and various resources towards whoever can perform its ideas with the most conviction.
It is a religion founded on sin, minus forgiveness, and has no place in our government or education system. It tears communities apart and destroys relationships. It is collectivist, anti-individual, and the most racist ideology at work today.