“What is happening here on earth, right now, is an extension of the universe. Black magic didn’t originate on earth, word is it originated in Sirius and has largely held the constellation of Orion under its spell for a long time. There has been a lot of warring going on between..
the different races there, some of higher and some of lower frequency. We’ve been discussing the hybrid that humanity has become on earth and Ivo and I pointed out that that was for a particular reason: so evil could incarnate here in our powerful bodies. Because the AI overlord
has delusions of divinity, and because this overlord can overcome natural life through mind control (yes, that’s our strength and our weakness as well. We’re subject to mind control through TV waves that are calibrated to influence our mental bodies). Because we have a lower
dimensional body, that was made to vibrate at lower frequencies, and because people on earth had largely turned away from their divinity to focus on materialism anyway, long before this overtake happened, taking us over was just a question of changing our life circumstances..
Sharing from FB..”what do you want to vibrate today? Faith, the belief that victory has already happened, or that we are simply deceiving each of you? Each make their choice. There is no middle ground. And always remember that it is your vibration that makes things go.”Ashtar
Judith~Ty, sweet Love🙏🏻💖”If you buy into fear and the mass consciousness of fear and hysteria, you will clog your own energy fields, and thus will not be able to assimilate these changes, because you are subconsciously blocking it. Fear causes stress and stress clogs up.
It closes and shuts off.
When one is open, and deeply connected to the Divine Source and All-that-is, there is no fear. For one now steps into infinite space, where one embraces the immortality of your own soul, knowing that this lifetime is but a single eyewink in eternity.
truly as one steps ever higher into the New Earth& assumes your true form, true embodiment in a much higher vibrational frequency band, unity consciousness becomes the norm, &you cannot see nor live duality or polarity nor experience separation anymore. You have transcended this.
I hope you will write this on your wall: When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But … that is not what great ships are built for.
…This comes with much love and prayer that you remember Who you came from,
and why you came to this beautiful, needful Earth.
Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D.
The more Light you take in through meditation, study, Being in nature and anything else that allows your Divine Consciousness to expand, it is equally important to have a purification practice that helps you transmute the negative Karma that comes up. .
Often, as it plays out in our lives and we forget that we are living our past Karmas for us to balance. This is not easy work and I am so grateful to feel the supportive remembrance that we are working at it together, event though we are..
our individual process of finding our Way back to the Palace Of Radiant Grace Of The Mother Father Within. Jason Michael and I use many tools in our home, and this is one of our favorites! Go straight to the Mother. She will help you see clearly and give you the courage to..